Special Items Trader (Dâr Dugoth)

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Special Items Trader
Faction Creep
Location Dâr Dugoth
Map ref [61.4N, 80.3W]
Race Uruk
Type Trader


The Special Items Trader in Dâr Dugoth barters Commendations for "brands", inventory items that can be used to make a character temporarily immune to most crowd-control effects. All of them require a certain rank to use plus the cooldown of the various brands improves with the higher rank versions. The final version will also give a short immunity to most crowd control effects. The name of the Brand matches the Rank name needed to use it.

He also barters the "Corruptor Services" item, which brings up the Corruptor UI window when used. This can be useful when you want to change your equipped traits anywhere.


Item to Receive Rank Items to Trade
 Akúlhun's Brand of the Tyrant 0 2,000 Commendations
 Corruptor Services 5 1,000 Commendations
 Slaughter the Free-folk 0 5 Commendations
 Schematic: Ballista 0 2,000 Commendations
 Schematic: Catapult 0 2,000 Commendations
 Schematic: Battering Ram 0 2,000 Commendations