Social:Champions of Arnor
This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Leader | Delgar |
Successor | Galdoor |
Officers | Forandir, Waylon, Farlo, Valimaar, Klonodor, Dalkin, Koriian, Gwyndimere, Friggmi, Saphera, Maytar |
Kinship Rank | 10 |
Date Founded | June 16, 2007 |
Kinship Type | Mixed |
Primary Language | English |
Number of Members | 115+ |
Motto | Magic and steel but HONOR above all! |
Seal | ![]() |
Champions of Arnor
Kinship Lore
"Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come. In this place will I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world."
- Elendil

Arnor, the Northern Kingdom, was founded at the end of the Second Age (S.A. 3320) by Elendil following the Downfall of Númenor. The capital was Annuminas.
In 861 of the Third Age, Arnor was divided into 3 separate kingdoms: Arthedain in the north-west, Cardolan in the south, and Rhudaur in the north-east. As the Witch-king attacked from Angmar around the Misty Mountains east of Arnor, many of the old lords of Arnor were pushed out. The Lords of Arnor settled throughout the other realms but vowed to take back their old kingdom. Many years later, the descendants of the old kingdom began gathering the lost lords of Arnor to prepare for the assault against Angmar.
The Champions of Arnor have taken up the calling of their forefathers.
A. Recruitment
- The Champions of Arnor are a mixed kinship. As of now, we accept all levels and all classes. Ideally, we look to recruit players above level 20 to avoid recruiting trial users.
- All recruiting will be done by spreading the word through the appropriate chat channels. Recruitment drives may be implemented to attract attention to potential recruits.
B. Promotions
- Members are promoted to Officer under considerations of merit by the reigning Officers. Extenuating circumstances such as frequent contributions to the kinship may be viewed by the Leader and his Officers for consideration towards promotion.
- All recruits will be subject to a three week trial period before they are evaluated for promotion to Member.
- All other promotions involving extenuating circumstances, namely promotion of alts, will be done at the discretion of the Leader and his Officers.
C. Role of Leader and Officers
- The Leader has the power to call meetings to discuss matters relating to the future of the kinship. It is imperative that all members attend.
- Officers are expected to provide counsel to the Leader in regards to the direction and handling of the kinship. It is the duty of Officers to make recommendations and formulate ideas to the Leader as to make improvements and strength the kinship. The Leader is the final say in matters of debate and may invoke his veto power to strike down any ideas that he feels are not in the best interest of the kinship.
D. Expectations
- Providing a biography for your character is looked highly upon. Champions of Arnor take pride in being a kinship that fosters characters that are very dimensional. We strongly feel that delving into the history, personality and attributes of your character enhances the gaming experience.
- All members are asked to be registered and active in discussions on the official COA message board.
- Members whose inactivity exceeds 30 days without contacting a kinship member to declare their status will be demoted to Recruit. Officers who are inactive for 30 days will be demoted to Member.
E. Name Policy
- As of December 10, 2007, in hopes of to maintain true to the lore Tolkien created, the Champions of Arnor will only recruit members with Tolkien-style names. Members prior to this date are exempt from this rule. Seeing that numerous members role-play as part of their gaming experience, "AOL screen name" style names (IE - hotgurlx, ilikemuffins) tend to make this experience difficult. In other words, you 'enter Middle-earth' upon logging in; I'm quite sure Tolkien would not name a character Happypants. Delgar wrote about our new name policy in the passage below:
Hello everyone. I just wanted to touch base on the name issue that we have. Some names that are not Tolkien style could be explained in a bio of the character. As long as it's a good explanation. Those that entered before Dec. 10 are okay but those after must be approved by Valimaar, Klonodor or Delgar. If approved they must provide a bio that explains their name and why they are called "Blackwolf or Stareagle". Officers, please consider the player's name along with their abilities that they bring into the kinship. If anyone has problems with coming up with names visit [].
E. Disciplinary Action
- We're all easy going and we're all here to have fun. Accordingly, we currently have no set rules yet on disciplinary action. Since the founding of Champions of Arnor, we have been very fortunate and privileged to have recruited members that are mature. Should a problem arise, the Officers will handle it in a way they deem appropriate.
F. Role-playing and Conduct
- If you enjoy including role-playing as part of your gaming experience, we encourage it. If not, no worries. Promotion ceremonies, for instance, now have a tradition of incorporating role-play elements into the event. We did not ask that you obligatorily partake in role-playing during these events, but respect those that do.
- As a member of COA, you are both a character inside the game and a person outside the game. The message board can be used to get to know as much or as little about the person you are outside the game. We fully understand privacy concerns.
- Be careful of your behavior when communicating through chat channels. If you're using kin chat to communuicate with one person for an extended amount of time, please take the conversation into a private tell. The kin chat should be for multiple individuals within the kin to chat. Refrain from picking fights over OOC. Remember that as a member of this kin you serve as an ambassador to other players. Your conduct reflects the conduct of our kin. Simply put, do not make an ass of this kin by being disrespectful publically. Be mindful of your words.
- We have several Housing Containers within our kinship house. Items put into these chests range in value. Thus, we use an honor code. As of right now, members are free to take items that they need at their discretion. However, we highly encouraged members to replace the item with something of comparable worth. If a member is found to be abusing this honor code, their access to the Housing Containers will simply be taken away.
- As stating previously, COA is an easy going kinship. We all like to joke around and have fun. Because of this, it is expected that Klonodor will goof on you. It is also important and expected that you poke fun at the ages of certain members. Sorry, the youthful twenty-one year old Klonodor wrote most of this charter and had to include that little snippet at the expense of his kin buddies. We're all family here (that's scary thought); who does more ball-busting to each other than families? However, it should be mentioned that if you find the conduct of a member to be inappropriate, please contact Delgar or an Officer. Just maybe not Klonodor -- his conduct is questionable as is, seeing that he cannot maintain a level of seriousness while authoring this governing document of our kinship. All seriousness just went out the window. I'm sure Delgar will change this entry later. :)
G. Amending the Charter
- Members who wish to make amendments to the charter must contact an Officer and articulate their concerns. From there an Officer will forward these concerns to the Leader for consideration. As the kinship evolves and expands, so shall this charter.
H. Conclusion
- Concluding, take these words to heart: a successful kinship is one where every member contributes. Always ask what is in the best interest of the kinship. Hold true to our motto: Magic and steel but HONOR above all!
When Delgar's family was pushed from their ancestral homes in Arnor by the Witch King, they settled in the Dalelands. For many years Delgar's family has worked as armorsmiths until it was time for Delgar to honor his family and take up the oath that was given so long ago. His son's, Talorcan and Dalkin, followed him when he was sent on a mission that took him to Archet. During the battle of Archet, Delgar realized that it would take more than a strong armor and courage to defeat this danger that threatens from the North. He soon met Waylon, a loremaster and historian, who was also from an ancient line of Arnor. Together the two began looking for other lost lords of the ancient realm and created The Champions of Arnor. They would be the ones that would stand against the evil of the Witch King. During their search they came across many strong and devoted people, who agreed to help in their quest for the freedom of the old lands.
Magic and Steel but HONOR above all!!
Delgar Wolfstone
50 Captain of Dale
Officers and Members
- Forandir, Officer
Elf Hunter of Lorien
Forandir was born in SA 3151 to Gildor Lissesul and Merenwen Meneldur, a week before Elendil was born. In 3320, he helped Elendil establish Arnor and its sister kingdom Gondor. In 3429, he aided Gondor as a scout when Sauron attacked and took Minas Ithil. He also assisted in the assault on Barad-Dur, where Anarion was killed. Joined with his father in 3441 when the Last Alliance assaulted Mount Doom where Isildur took the one ring for his own.
- Waylon, Officer
Man Lore-master
- Klonodor Elohim, Officer
Man Champion of Gondor
Born in 2933 of the Third Age, Klonodor is a descendent of the ancient lords who ruled the kingdom of Arnor. A native of Gondor, the youthful Dúnedain champion is a member of the Champions of Arnor, seeking to unite all who are born into the royal lineage against the tyranny of the Witch-king of Angmar. His hobbies include weapon crafting, long blood lust walks through Eriador and driving blunted objects into the skulls of orc-kind. Though known for a keen wit, a dry sense of humor, his fondness of Elven women, you will find Klonodor's loyalty and compassion to be second to none. Though under the mask of being jovial and friendly, it is a common belief amongst his kin that he conceals deep rooted sorrow, though never speaking of it, only to shrug it off and force a smile. Those who knew him best often find him alone atop a high mountain peak, gazing off into the distance, muttering the wisdom of Elendil.
The mysterious ranger is known by many names to many different peoples of Middle-earth. Known as Elohim (meaning "of the gods") to the Rohan, a title bestowed to him by Rohirrim nobles. To the Elves, he is Andrith. He is multilingual, speaking many tongues of Middle-earth and speaks the Elven languages fluently. Klonodor rides a blonde sorrel horse named Severin and usually wields two blades, one of them being the powerful Naurearnor ("flame of Arnor") crafted by Valimaar Entwhistle, and a bow.
He is the son of Aginfare the Sage and Faolon of Lindon, an Elf who chose a mortal life. His father was a Dúnedain ranger and fought and died bravely along side Arathorn II, father of Aragorn. He was raised in Gondor by his mother and rarely saw his father before his death. Like his father, he has sworn to uphold the oath of the Dúnedain rangers in the defense of Gondor and has fought alongside his Chieftain Aragorn in campaigns all across Middle-earth. Mirroring the courage of Aragorn in battle, he awaits the day when the two great kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor are reunited under their rightful king.
- Sierracyn Goldthorn
Man Burglar of Rohan
A woman of Rohan, Sierracyn was born in 2999 of the Third Age and spent most of her early life in relative peace, living along the river Isen with her mother and father. Twenty years later, Saruman's forces from Isengard attacked her home, leaving her to flee for her life along with her mother. Her last memory of home was looking back as she rode off to see her house completely engulfed in flames. While making her escape, her father, a simple farmhand, stayed behind to defend the Fords of Isen and aid Grimbold's Rohirrim. Sadly, the good man that was her father fell in battle by the blade of evil men from Dunland and Uruk-hai bearing the White Hand of Saruman in what came to be known as The First Battle of the Fords of Isen. As she fled to Edoras along with her mother, she was assailed by a lone Warg-rider. She fought valiantly given her inexperience, but could not defend her mother from the wrath of the warg. As her mother passed, she was convinced of her inevitable doom.
However, as luck would have it, the warg and the rider were stuck by the blade of a Dunedain ranger named Klonodor, who was en route to Bree from his home in Minas Tirith. Displaced by the war, Sierracyn found herself the unlikely apprentice of the noble ranger. Klonodor allowed her to travel with him on his road to Bree and the two took an immediate liking to each other, though their relationship did not reach beyond that of master and student. Lord Klonodor instructed her in the ways of the dagger and sword and told her many stories of his journeys and war. Klonodor spoke passionately about Arnor and his cause of reuniting their scattered descendants against the Witch-king. Overwhelmed by the greatness of this Arnor that Klonodor spoke of, Sierracyn, though without any known link to the kingdom, became convinced of Klonodor's cause. Some time prior to reaching Bree, the young Sierracyn approached Klonodor and pledged her blades to him. Klonodor gladly accepted in the name of Arnor. The orphan had found a home. She is a cunning fighter, tenacious to the end, and willing to die for that which she loves: the greatness that was once Arnor, her teacher and her kin.
- Farlo Shadowfoot, Officer
Hobbit Burglar
- Galdoor, Officer
Elf Hunter of Gondolin
Unacknowledged son of Arveleg I and Taelorae.
Arveleg I was the second of the Arnor Kings and he was wounded during the siege of Rivendell by Angmar in 1385 T.A. He fell in love with the elf maiden Taelorae who was nursing him back to health. When healthy, he remembered his duty and retruned broken hearted to Arnor and his queen, never learning that Taelorae later gave birth to Dalgoor.
Taelorae wed Kylaes, before Dalgoor was born. Dalgoor has chosen his Elvish heritage, but has joined the Champions of Arnor in honor of his Human kin.
- Valimaar Entwhistle,Officer
Man Captain
Valimaar is a descendant of Arnorian High King Arantar, Great Great Grandson of Isildur. All of Valimaar’s forefathers have served the Kings of Arnor and their descendents down through the years and Valimaar serves the current Chieftain of the Dunedain, Aragorn II.
Valimaar was born in Bree, June 7, TA 2962, while his father, Valimoor, was serving with Aragorn in Rohan. When Aragorn went on to serve in Gondor he released Valimoor from personal service and he returned to his family to prepare Valimaar and his brothers for the upcoming struggle against Angmar.
Valimaar and his younger brother Marder have pledged their loyalty to the current and future Kings of Arnor.
- Hinandrith
Elf Lore-master of Lindon
- Dalkin Wolfstone, Officer
Man Minstrel of Dale
- Dimitar Wolfstone, Officer
Man Burglar
- Kieron, Officer
Elf Hunter -- Retired
- Oggborn
Man Guardian
- Savic,Officer
Man Burglar -- Retired
- Friggmi,Officer
Dwarf Guardian of the Lonely Mountain
- Gielhreth
Man Lore-master
- Koriian Darknoble,Officer
Elf Hunter
- Savaric,Officer
Man Champion
- Redrider,Officer
Dwarf Guardian
- Othalian
Man Lore-master
Othalian was born in TA 2957. Son of Amoras, a weaponsmith and farmer from Lossarnach, and Cyniwen, a shephard's daughter, he grew up in a small village in the Eastfold, somewhere between Aldburg and the Snowbourn. A mostly quiet life, Othalian spent years listening to the stories of his father's home land and learning in the crafts of his parents. They became a fairly renowned family of herders and iron weapon makers, supplying food and craft to all the lands of Rohan, as well as some outerlands of Gondor. His father Amoras told him stories of long past, about the glory of Arnor, the separation of the kingdoms, the wonders of Isildur and Gondor, among others. Othalian came to think of both kingdoms as his own, and they resonated equally in his heart.
April of 2974 brought about the Coalition of Four Brothers. Eamir, Iobyrt, Symond, & Forthye, all sons of Cilian (a local hero of the farmlands), formed a pact to protect the lands of the Rohirrim from the growing threat of orcs, though it was not known whether this threat was merely perceived or looming on the horizon. As the others left for other lands, Symond stayed to guard the village, watching over it from his house set up upon a small hill to the east. Othalian barely knew him, but held him in high regard as a great man with unflappable principles.
Hard times struck the village in 2991, an era those that were involved refer to as the Gloaming of the Snowbourne. As it was the closest fresh water river to the village, it was heavily relied upon for their livelihood. In the autumn of 2991 however, strange things began happening that still have no real reason for occurring. Crops mysteriously turned wrong colors and died and the herds became erratic and uncooperative. A particularly nasty boar began to terrorize the village, attacking people and property. Eventually Othalian was able to subdue the beast, but not before suffering a huge gash at the hands of its tusk just above his left eye. Lucky to be able to see, he went into a deep period of silence, meditating on the beasts of the wild, hoping to know them better to prevent something like this from happening again.
TA 3003 brought about what is commonly referred to as the Raid of Four Brothers. The orcs, in preparation for their attack at the behest of Sauron, learned of the brothers as they scouted Gondor and the Rohirrim. In a nighttime attack, four separate orc raids were led on the protectors, laying waste to anything and everything in their path. Othalian, barely able to make it out alive, survived where his family could not. Only seven others in the village were still alive after the raid, and life became solomn and rather joyless. Othalian himself had lost all interest in the livestock, and only maintained the iron working business because the people of Rohan depended on them. He was seldom seen smiling, and even less seen outside of the confines of a forge or a library.
The Order of Arms came to his ears in early December of 3012. A messenger of the king, as sent by Grima, forbade Othalian and all other armsmen and armourers in the Rohirrim from forging any new weapons of clothing for battle, citing an “overflowing stockroom and lack of enemies with which to fight.” Appalled that his king would actually make such a decree, Othalian left his home in March for Edoras to speak with him. He quickly learned, however, that things were not as they seemed from the outside. Very little in the way of progress was to be made, and Theodan himself seemed to be much older and frail than Othalian had expected. The proceedings were fruitless, and he stood on the steps of Edoras as a broken man.
For two months, Othalian lurked around the halls and stables of the capital, trying to instill a change in his kingdom from the underground. This, unfortunately, was to no avail, as those who would take the time to listen to him were not the types to take actions. So with a heavy heart and a determined mind, Othalian left Rohan in search of those who would aid him in protecting the lands he loved, and restoring the honor and valor of them. With Gondor a lost cause, as he knew of the degeneration of the kingdom under the Steward, Othalian left for Eradior, the former kingdom of Arnor, to find those that may remember the stories and heroes as he does, and rally them to arms.
- Arothe
Elf Hunter
Arothe was born somewhere in the city of Gondolin and escaped with his mother out of there since then he has meet with Beleg Strongbow and talked with Hurin himself. He spent most of his early life time as a historian and enjoyed learning the world and can talk about anything related to lore for hours even though he is not a loremaster. He came to Middle Earth with his brother and mother though when they got there his brother and mother were the first to die to the Witch-King himself and he barely escaped with his life. Now he has plegded to rid Middle-Earth of anyone or thing related to Morgoth or Sauron. He also prefers to be alone but will join or help anyone if it has something to do with his lifelong quest or if he needs the help. His mother is related to Cirion the shipwright himself. His father is related to Beren One Hand.
- Sapphirra Storm
Hobbit Hunter of the Fallohides
Sapphirra was born and raised in Hobbiton, living with her parents in a small, humble hobbit hole. She loved visiting Frodo and Bilbo Baggins in Bag End as a child. When Bilbo and Frodo left, she decided to be an adventurer like them. Soon after, she picked up the bow and instantly decided that she would be a hunter. The bow slips into her hands with ease, and though she sometimes uses swords, she prefers ranged combat.
Sapphirra unexpectedly left the Shire to find adventure in the rest of Eriador, but returns to the Shire occasionally. Though she spends most of her time there, Bree will never be her real home; however she has grown used to being around people taller than her.
Some of Sapphirra's hobbies include prospecting, sight-seeing, helping locals with their problems, and talking with her Kinship and friends. She also enjoys the occasional ale, and once drank 31 in a row, which were made by a good friend of hers.
Sapphirra prides herself in being a skilled runner, and has entered the Misty Mountains and Angmar solo, running away from all the enemies that attacked her. She can make it pretty far just by running away.
- Torol
Dwarf Guardian
- Elvellonwen Asalder
Elf Hunter
- Heleth
Man Captain
- Astil
Elf Lore-master
- Hanred Dragonking
Man Guardian of Dale
- Cadeyrn Vertigern
Man Lore-master
- Fritjof
Hobbit Burglar
- Cadwalader
Man Guardian
- Drachenfel
Man Minstrel
- Adaliarain Storm
Elf Champion
- Maytar Storm
Elf Minstrel
- Dalemarr
Man Guardian
- Dalerond
Elf Lore-master
- Feannaro
Man Burglar
- Numbfingers
Hobbit Burglar
- Marder
Man Minstrel
- Annehydrous
Man Champion
- Celeboor
Elf Lore-master
- Nimthriel
Elf Minstrel
- Daristaeus
Man Lore-master
- Arthen
Man Champion
- Feron
Man Hunter of Bree
- Sarcamenel
Man Hunter
- Oredoc
Hobbit Minstrel
- Caltar
Man Champion
- Hyacintha
Hobbit Minstrel
- Damslad
Elf Minstrel
- Gwyndimere Gottback
Hobbit Minstrel
- Darrfell
Elf Champion
- Arowynne
Elf Hunter
- Sly
Man Captain
- Herschel
Man Captain of Dale
- Pappaw
Man Hunter of Rohan
- Eamund
Man Champion
- Alcore
Man Captain
- Legone
Elf Hunter
- Greatleon
Man Guardian
- Obar
Dwarf Champion
- Keno
Elf Hunter
- Stonethryth
Man Lore-master
- Zaidence
Man Guardian
- Decon
Man Hunter
- Loyisildor
Elf Hunter
- Malkin
Man Burglar
- Saphera
Man Burglar
- [1] Official COA Photo Album
- [2] The Official COA Message Board
- [3] MyLOTRO: Champions of Arnor
- [4] MEHQ - LOTRO - Dynamic Map
- [5] Lord of the Rings Online Database
- [6] A History and Complete Chronology of Númenor
- [7] The Lord of the Rings Online Forums
- [8] The Encyclopedia of Arda
- [9] The Thain's Book: The North-kingdom of Arnor
- [10] Wikipedia: Arnor