Quest Talk:The Tasks at Hand

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Minimum Level

There must be a minimum level to this quest. LotroCompanion states level 20 but I just got this on my level 16 toon. I would guess level 15 because I completed some tasks at level 12 or 13 but because of cap didn't do that until now at level 16. Should be confirmed. — Zimoon 23:21, 4 December 2021 (UTC)

A quest usually has a set level attached to them; that is their 'Quest Level' (unless it's scalable, of course). The minimum level for such a quest to open/bestow/become available from an NPC, to a player, is when the player's level is 5 below the level of the quest. The most common/frequently-referred-to example of this is (or at least was?) the Vol 2 Book 1 'pre-Moria' quest chain to obtain your LI(s): these quests are level 50, which means they can be done from (player-)level 45 at the earliest — they're not available before that point!
So yes; if this particular quest has a stated quest level of 20, then it will become available to a player at a minimum player level of 15, not before. But do note that the level of the quest is still 20, however. :)
Hope this is what you were looking for!
--Stargazer (talk) 23:09, 5 December 2021 (UTC)
Ahem, yes I think so. But to a random reader (including me I guess) level=20 states that is the minimum level. That is e.g. what class-quests show. And they are definitely not available at LEVEL-minus-5. But fair enough. Class-quests are kind of special and this one is not. I will not argue about it any more. — Zimoon 01:01, 6 December 2021 (UTC)