Quest:Zidir-nesad: The Jewel of Maral

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Zidir-nesad: The Jewel of Maral
Level 138
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Clovengap
Ends with Rísti Graver
Ends at Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
End Region Máttugard
Map Ref [46.3S, 114.1W]
Quest Group Gundabad
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Rísti Graver, the greatest foreman of the Ironfold, has learned the location of the sacred Jewel of Maral. While the jewel has been found, it will take a skilled hero to recover it and return it to the throne! You should seek out Rísti Graver as soon as you are able.


The sacred Jewel of Maral has been found.

Objective 1

Rísti Graver can be found at the Steepset in Máttugard.

You should talk to Rísti Graver.

Rísti Graver: 'The sacred jewel of Maral had been recovered by Vílur Strayfoot in Clovengap, but Vílur got himself captured before he could return to safe places with it! I ask you to assist in the safe returns of both Vílur Strayfoot and the Jewel of Maral.'

Objective 2

Vílur Strayfoot can be found somewhere in Clovengap.

You should find Vílur Strayfoot.

Vílur has been captured and needs rescuing!

Objective 3

  • Aid Vílur Strayfoot
  • Escort Vílur Strayfoot to safety

Vílur Strayfoot can be found in Clovengap.

You should escort Vílur Strayfoot to safety.

Vílur Strayfoot: 'I was ambushed, again! Thank you for finding me! Let us hastily retreat and then I will tell you of the jewel I found!'
Vílur Strayfoot says, "We are safe here. Let us rest a moment."

Objective 4

  • Talk to Vílur Strayfoot

Vílur Strayfoot can be found in Clovengap.

You should talk to Vílur Strayfoot now that he is safe again.

Vílur Strayfoot: 'Thank you again for the rescue! Ah yes, the jewel I was telling you about... Oh, I see. You are already aware of it! I do not have it upon my person, however. I did have it in my possession but had to quickly hide it when I spotted my captors encircling me. Do not worry, I remember where I left it! I will draw you a map. Just give me a moment...'
Vílur Strayfoot hands you a crude map with just enough information upon it to find where he hid the jewel.
'Here you are... Now that I am free of danger I will be able to make it to the nearest outpost on my own. Good luck and thanks again!'
Vílur has given you a map to the Jewel of Maral

Objective 5

The Jewel of Maral can be found in Clovengap.

You should collect the Jewel of Maral.

Objective 6

  • Add the Jewel of Maral to the Throne of Zidir-nesad

The Throne of Zidir-nesad can be found at the Steepset in Máttugard.

You should add the Jewel of Maral to the Throne of Zidir-nesad under Rísti Graver's supervision.

Added the Jewel of Maral to the Throne of Zidir-nesad

Objective 7

  • Talk to Rísti Graver

Rísti Graver can be found at Steepset in Máttugard.

You should talk to Rísti Graver.

Rísti Graver: 'You have found the Jewel of Maral, and more importantly you were able to bring it safely back here, which must be more difficult than it appears, for Vílur Strayfoot was not able to accomplish that himself!
'The Jewel of Maral symbolizes passion, and for the dwarves I know it is a passion of the earth, and of stone, and of the deep places in which treasure can be found. So too is it the passion that drives us to do our very best in all things, and to strive against deadly threats that, once overcome, will delight the listener with tales of the triumph against them! Many such tales have come from the reclamation of Gundabad, and more such are sure to be on the way!
'Thank you again, my friend.'