Quest:The Tale of Ashenfell

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The Tale of Ashenfell
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Adamanda North-took
Starts at The Yondershire
Start Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [26.2S, 77.2W]
Ends with Rosalinda North-took
Ends at Long Cleeve
End Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [26.9S, 78.9W]
Quest Group Yondershire
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I have been going about this all the wrong way. Riding a horse was only a part of Bullroarer Took's legacy. He did so much more for our people than just ride a big horse.

'That lynx might not end up as my steed, but we cannot have her attacking the locals. I think if we keep people away from her den, that will go a long way towards stopping her aggression. I am going to go fetch some things we will need. In the meantime, I need you to track Ashenfell to her den. Yes, I named her. Do you like it?

'Anyhow! I shall meet you there!'


Adamanda North-took has a new Grand Plan - she needs helps making sure both the townsfolk and the lynx are safe from each other.

Objective 1

  • Search for Ashenfell's den

Ashenfell's paw prints can be found in the hills east of Nobottle.

Diamond has asked you to track the lynx, Ashenfell, back to her den.

The tracks lead up the hill!

Objective 2

  • Search for Ashenfell's den

Ashenfell's paw prints can be found in the hills east of Nobottle.

Diamond has asked you to track the lynx, Ashenfell, back to her den.

You found her den!

Objective 3

  • Speak to Adamanda

Diamond is near Ashenfell's den, outside of Nobottle.

Diamond is waiting to speak with you.

Adamanda North-took: 'You made it! How did I beat you here? Maybe I do not need a steed after all! They could call me Diamond Swiftfooted!'
She giggles softly.
'Oh very well, I had a slight idea where Ashenfell might be hunkered down. As I suspected, she has made her den near enough to a local road that it could be dangerous for the fine Hobbits of Yondershire. Oh, and folk who are visiting too, I suppose.
'We are going to plant these flags I brought up from the local golf course to keep everyone safe. They are used when creatures like avanc get too close to one of the holes and let the players know to steer clear. Everyone will know to give this area a wide berth and Ashenfell can tend to her kittens in peace.

Objective 4

  • Place warning flags (0/6)

Ashenfell's den is east of Nobottle.

Diamond has asked you to place flags about the lynx's den to warn folk away from the site.

Objective 5

  • Talk to Adamanda

Diamond is near Ashenfell's den, outside of Nobottle.

Diamond is waiting to speak with you.

Adamanda North-took: 'We did it! Now we just need to let the townsfolk know what we have done. Will you help spread the word? I will meet you afterwards in Nobottle.

Objective 6

  • Spread the word about the den (0/6)

Townsfolk can be found in and around Nobottle.

Adamanda has asked you to help get the word out about the lynx's den.

Finola Whortleberry: You talk to Finola about the lynx.
Finola Whortleberry says, "Oh dear, oh dear! A lynx? I will let others know."
Redge Angleweir: You talk to Redge about the lynx.
Redge Angleweir says, "Oh dear, oh dear! A lynx? I will let others know."
Salga Greengrass: You talk to the Bounder about the lynx.
Salga Greengrass says, "I was heading that way later! Thank you for letting me know."
Bersta Haystrew: You talk to Bersta about the lynx
Bersta Haystrew says, "A lynx? Well bless me, I will not go anywhere near her den!"
Arno Diggle: You talk to the tavern keep about the lynx.
Arno Diggle says, "You do not have to tell me twice! I will steer clear."
Bloda Hopblossom: You talk to the brew master about the lynx.
Bloda Hopblossom says, "Plenty of room for all. My thanks for letting me know."

Objective 7

  • Return to Adamanda

Diamond is in Nobottle.

Diamond is waiting to speak with you.

Adamanda North-took: 'How did you do? Ah, you told seven? Splendid! I told 20. That is, I told five and told them each to tell four others.
'Almost everyone was so appreciative of what we have done. Protecting both the town and the den might be almost as good as riding the lynx into town! Almost.
'We have one final person to tell, and that would be my mother. Say! Why don't I leave that one up to you?'

Objective 8

Rosalinda can be found in Long Cleeve.

You should alert Rosalinda North-took to the presence of the lynx's den and inform her of the precautions you and Adamanda have taken to protect the village.

Rosalinda North-took: 'A den, is it? That certainly explains why the creature has suddenly gone even more feral than they usually are.
'Very well, I will let any who come to speak with me know of danger. The two of you did a good thing today, my new friend.'