Quest:The Harlond: Black Hearts

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The Harlond: Black Hearts
Level 100
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Harlond
Start Region Lossarnach
Map Ref [72.4S, 20.3W]
Quest Group Eastern Gondor: Lossarnach
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

You have caught sight of Morgul Defilers within Harlond. If left unchecked, their poisons and fires could do great harm to those within Lossarnach.


Morgul Defilers in Harlond should be dealt with to protect Lossarnach from their poisonous devilry.

Objective 1

Morgul Defilers can be found in Harlond, in the northmost part of Lossarnach.

You should defeat the Morgukl Defilers in Harlond to protect Lossarnach from their poisonous devilry.

Defeated Morgul Defiler (5/5)

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated the Morgul Defilers at Harlond.

You defeated the Morgul Defilers in Harlond, saving Lossarnach from scorched earth and polluted waters.