Quest:Roving Murderers Afield

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Roving Murderers Afield
Level 93
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Marton Farmlands
Start Region Westfold
Map Ref [55.9S, 84.5W]
Quest Group Westfold
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

You have a strong sense that whoever rode down these innocent people is still nearby. This massacre is fresh, and the murderers cannot be far.


You have a strong sense that whoever rode down these innocent people is still nearby. This massacre is fresh, and the murderers cannot be far.

Objective 1

  • Examine the remains of the horse


The attackers of the refugees can be summoned by examining the remains of the poor beast that led the cart.

You should defeat the attackers of these travelling refugees.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated the Orc assailant who massacred the fleeing Rohirrim upon the road as they made their escape from the Stonedeans.

You have defeated the Orc assailant who massacred the fleeing Rohirrim upon the road as they made their escape from the Stonedeans.