Quest:Hunting a Thief

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Hunting a Thief
Level 133
Type Solo
Starts with Múta
Starts at Gabil-memâg
Start Region Deepscrave
Map Ref [49.9S, 119.4W]
Ends with Náin the Slakeless
Ends at Aslíf
End Region Deepscrave
Map Ref [50.2S, 117.2W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Deepscrave
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'We'll need to question the thief, and that means keeping him alive. From my observations, the Orc is a bit of a coward, preferring to flee rather than fight.

'How about this: retrieve whatever is left of our supplies in Durshulot, on the middle tier to the east. The ensuing ruckus will flush the Orc out and allow me to corner him. We can meet back here once you're done.

'If things go badly, or if I misjudged the Orc's cowardice, I'll have your back. Good luck.'


Múta has tracked down the thief, but there may be more to the situation than meets the eye.

Objective 1

  • Retrieve stolen supplies (0/6)

In hopes of flushing out the thief, Múta has asked you to retrieve the remaining supplies at Durshulot.

Durshulot sits on the middle tier, east of Gabil-memâg.

Retrieved stolen supplies (6/6)

Objective 2

You have retrieved the stolen supplies.

You should return to Múta at Gabil-memâg, west of Durshulot.

Upon seeing you, the Orc begins to ramble

Objective 3

Múta has captured the Orc thief.

You should talk to him.

Shúkurz: 'I- I didn't want to steal from you folks; I had to, on the Quartermaster's orders! Between the raiding hobgoblins and how this war's going, we haven't got enough supplies. And... I admit, I stole some of your supplies for myself too.
'Just- just don't kill me! I've got information on some dwarf smiths we've got as prisoners.'

Objective 4

  • Talk to Múta

The Orc seems to be done rambling.

You should talk to Múta and figure out what to do with him.

Múta: 'Some amount of truth does exist within the Orc's words- four smiths disappeared recently on their way to Gundabad, but we lost their trail. We eventually assumed they had perished.
'Regardless of whether it's the whole truth, the Orc is a prisoner now and should be treated as such. I'll bring him back to Aslíf. No doubt Lord Náin will want to speak to you afterwards.'

Objective 5

Múta will return to Aslíf on the upper tier with the Orc as a prisoner.

Náin will be interested to hear what you have to say about what happened.

Náin: 'I do not trust this Orc. Have we considered that the missing smiths may be beyond saving- that they were never prisoners to begin with?
'It would be foolish to believe everything the Orc says, but Féli wants to interrogate him together.'