Quest:Half a Harvest

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Half a Harvest
Level 83
Type Solo
Starts with Half-orcs
Starts at Sutcrofts
Ends with Gísil
Ends at Mead Hall of Garsfeld
End Region Sutcrofts
Map Ref [54.9S, 61.7W]
Quest Group Sutcrofts
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

You have discovered the main camp of Half-orcs near Garsfeld. You are certain that Gísil would be pleased if many were slain.


Half-orcs have been besieging Garsfeld for weeks, and the townsfolk are beginning to lose hope.

Objective 1

Half-orcs can be found in the camps to the north-east of Garsfeld.

You should thin out the encroaching forces in the hopes of encouraging the townsfolk of Garsfeld.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Gísil at the Mead Hall of Garsfeld

Gísil can be found in the Mead Hall of Garsfeld, south-west of the half-orc camp.

You should bring news of your victories to Gísil.

Gísil: 'They received what they deserved, <name>. Rohan will hold strong, no matter the foe.
'Thank you for your aid.'