Quest:Chapter 7.3: Skulls of Shakhajât

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Chapter 7.3: Skulls of Shakhajât
Level 134
Type Solo
Starts with Bósi
Starts at Shakhajât
Start Region Pit of Stonejaws
Map Ref [40.9S, 113.7W]
Ends with Bori
Ends at Shakhajât
End Region Pit of Stonejaws
Map Ref [40.9S, 113.7W]
Quest Group The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 7
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'If we are to advance from Máttugard, we will need to do something about the city the Orcs have established here. Shakhajât, it is called, and long has it stood among the broken teeth of the Pit of Stonejaws. It was here that Bolg mustered the force that met its end before the gates of the Lonely Mountain in the Battle of Five Armies, but I do not know what it is like within its walls today.

'We need to draw the attention of its defenders so some of us can get inside and cause some trouble! Who volunteers? Imák? Bróin? Will the two of you blast a great signal upon horns of battle, drawing forth the hobgoblins that reside within the city?'


The Dwarves of the Iron Garrison plan to combat the denizens of Shakhajât in the Pit of Stonejaws.

Objective 1

Bósi has asked Imák and Bróin to draw the defenders of Shakhajât out into the open.

Imák: 'If you need a distraction, I am your dwarf. I can make enough noise the defenders of Shakhajât will think five armies approach, and all of them dwarves!'
Imák is pleased with the plan, and will do his part
Bróin: 'I suppose I can cause a distraction... if I must. Yes, I can... I can do it.'
You can tell that Bróin is uncomfortable with the plan

Objective 2

Bósi is outside Shakhajât. Given Bróin's discomfort with the plan, perhaps you should volunteer in his stead?

Bósi: 'What's that, <name>? You wish to draw the eyes of the defenders away on your own? We do not need three teams to do this.
'Very well, you and Imák will fashion a suitable distraction, and the rest of us will sneak into Shakhajât as a group. Climb either the left or right slope that extends around the fortress and find one of the discarded horns of battle with which to draw hobgoblin attention.'
Bróin gives you a relieved smile

Objective 3

  • Use a horn of battle on one of the slopes to either side of the fortress to draw forth and defeat hobgoblin defenders of Shakhajât

Bósi has agreed that you can carry out Bróin's part of the plan: climbing either the left or right slope around the fortress and using a discarded horn of battle to draw forth some of the hobgoblins from Shakhajât.

Strakhbuk roars a challenge and rushes to battle!
You have caused a sufficient distraction for the dwarves to enter Shakhajât

Objective 4

  • Meet up with Bróin inside Shakhajât

Now that you have carried out your part of the plan, you should join the dwarves inside Shakhajât.

Bróin greets you warmly

Objective 5

  • Talk to Bróin inside Shakhajât

Bróin is inside Shakhajât and desires to speak with you.

Bróin: 'Our fellowship is not the only one to have infiltrated Shakhajât, <name>. Other dwarves have arrived, including a dwarf-woman of no small ferocity! I watched her engage in combat with a hobgobin and as I beheld her prowess my own fears evaporated! Will you make sure she fares well enough in the courtyard ahead?'
You assure Bróin you will find her, but if she is as fierce as he says, you are certain she will be fine.
'Aye, she was most striking... and struck her foes with abandon, too! Impress her by slaying the hobgoblins, our shared foes, and making the Pit of Stonejaws safer for all of us!'

Objective 6

  • Talk to the dwarf-woman Bróin saw within Shakhajât
  • Defeat hobgoblins in the Pit of Stonejaws (0/8)

Bróin has seen a dwarf-woman fighting in the fortress and wants you to check on her while you combat the forces inside Shakhajât.

Fastrith Hawkfeast: 'Hearty greetings to you, <name>! Can you imagine my brother Eskil in such a place? I can... but not for long. It is better that I am here!'
You tell Fastrith that she has an admirer in Shakhajât, and he sent you to check on her.
'An admirer? Well now! I trust that he's no Orc of hobgoblin? A fine dwarf, you say? Better and better! But this is no place for such idle talk. I will meet you outside the city once your business here is concluded, <name>.'

Objective 7

  • Talk to Fastrith Hawkfeast outside Shakhajàt

The dwarves have made their presence known to Bósi's satisfaction and are now ready to meet up outside Shakhajât.

Fastrith Hawkfeast: 'I am glad to see you made it back outside, <name>, as did these others!'
You ask Fastrith why she ventured inside Shakhajât, and whether she needs your help escaping her contract with Stáli, as did her brother. She laughs in response.
'No, my droll friend! My master Stáli did not send me here. His instructions were simple: "Find me the Zabad'ibîn," he said. I reckoned they would be more likely found in dangerous places than in peaceful ones. A search of the chief-stead seemed in order. I found no gemstones, but there were plenty of Orc-skulls against which I tested the sharpness of my axe. Would that I had replaced my brother in his apprenticeship before this! Such fighting really gets the blood flowing, doesn't it?
'Perhaps Stáli will eventually teach me the ways of sculpture, but until then I think I will adopt axe-handling as my trade!'
Bori laughs abruptly, drawing your attention

Objective 8

  • Talk to Bori outside Shakhajât

Bori is waiting to meet up with you outside Shakhajât.

Bori: 'Did I hear her correctly? She is apprenticed to Stáli the Hewer, the sculptor from Erebor?
'That is a curious coincidence, is it not?'