Quest:Chapter 3.6: Survivors

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Chapter 3.6: Survivors
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Durin
Starts at Annâk-khurfu (War Room)
Start Region Elderslade
Ends with Durin
Ends at Annâk-khurfu (War Room)
End Region Elderslade
Quest Group The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 3
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I have just received word that more dwarves have arrived to swell my army's ranks! Go downstairs to greet them, <name>. All are welcome if it is in their hearts to hate Orcs, and I understand that these dwarves hate Orcs more than most!'


More dwarves have come to Elderslade for the assault on Gundabad, and Durin is eager to welcome the new arrivals.

Objective 1

Durin has asked you to greet the arriving dwarves on the lower level of Annâk-khurfu.

Some familiar dwarves have arrived at Annâk-khurfu

Objective 2

  • Talk to Bósi on the lower level of Annâk-khurfu

Dwarves of the Iron Garrison have come to Elderslade to join the great force preparing for the assault on Gundabad.

Bósi: 'I am not surprised to see you here, <name>, but it warms my heart all the same. I was at the Lonely Mountain when Durin sent word to his father that he intended to reclaim Gundabad from the Orcs, but I wanted no part of it. I feared to join him. No, not out of cowardice!'
Bósi frowns unhappily.
'I was tasked to secure Khazad-dûm, <name>, but the Iron Garrison failed and my cousin Brogur was slain, along with many other good dwarves. How could I hold my head high after that? I feared my presence at Gundabad would bring nothing but ill fortune.
'And yet... King Thorin deemed otherwise, and commanded me to join his son. So I am here. May things go otherwise in Gundabad than they did in Moria.'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Bori on the lower level of Annâk-khurfu

Dwarves of the Iron Garrison have come to Elderslade to join the great force preparing for the assault on Gundabad.

Bori: 'My father has had a difficult time since the Iron Garrison was defeated in Moria, <name>. I have told him repeatedly not to despair, but he pays me little heed. Did I despair at my imprisonment in Mirkwood, when the sorcerer Gorothúl held me captive within the dungeons of Dol Guldur?'
Bori gives you a wry smile.
'You are right: I did! But it turned out all right in the end, did it not? You saved my skin, and now both Gorothúl and his ally Mazog are slain. My point is this: do not close the book when things seem most drear, for it may be you are not at the end at all, but only the middle! The failure of the Iron Garrison is a tough defeat, but it may be the reclamation of Moria still lies ahead of us, and perhaps Gundabad will be the first step on that road.
'It is good to see you again, <name>.'

Objective 4

  • Talk to Bróin on the lower level of Annâk-khurfu

Dwarves of the Iron Garrison have come to Elderslade to join the great force preparing for the assault on Gundabad.

Bróin: 'Hello, <name>. I am here.
'My father Brogur would have come to fight alongside Prince Durin, if he could. I am here in his stead, for he will never again leave Khazad-dûm.
'I wish things were different.'

Objective 5

  • Talk to Durin on the upper level of Annâk-khurfu

Durin is on the upper level of Annâk-khurfu.

Durin: 'The leaders of the Iron Garrison will be a strong addition to the Gabil'akkâ as we begin our assault on Gundabad, but...
'Can I ask you a question, <name>? Do they seem in good spirits, despite the failure of the Iron Garrison to hold Moria? Do they still possess the courage I saw on their faces when they departed the Iron Hills on their expedition? Perhaps you can appraise them and learn if they possess the stomach for this endeavour.
'I will await the results of your observation.'

Objective 6

  • Appraise Bósi on the upper level of Annâk-khurfu

Concerned about the dwarves of the Iron Garrison, Durin wants you to appraise Bósi's mood and skills.

Bósi has followed you to the upper level of Annâk-khurfu.

You appraise Bósi.

Objective 7

  • Talk to Bósi on the upper level of Annâk-khurfu

Bósi is on the upper level of Annâk-khurfu.

Bósi: 'Durin has gathered a mighty force with which to reclaim Gundabad. Will it be enough?'
Bósi, Leader of the Iron Garrison
Diplomacy: 75
Sagecraft: 85
Hardiness: 60
Resolve: 20
'It will have to be enough, <name>. It simply must.'

Objective 8

  • Appraise Bori on the upper level of Annâk-khurfu

Concerned about the dwarves of the Iron Garrison, Durin wants you to appraise Bori's mood and skills.

Bori has followed you to the upper level of Annâk-khurfu.

You appraise Bori.

Objective 9

  • Talk to Bori on the upper level of Annâk-khurfu

Bori is on the upper level of Annâk-khurfu.

Bori: 'The Orcs of Gundabad will surely quake before this great army of dwarves!'
Bori, Survivor of Dol Guldur
Axe-wielding: 75
Memory: 90
Hardiness: 75
Resolve: 90
'Have you seen my cousin Bróin? I do not think he followed us upstairs.'

Objective 10

  • Find Bróin somewhere outside, just north of Annâk-khurfu

Bróin did not follow his cousin upstairs. Where did he go?

Bori believes Bróin might be outside, just north of Annâk-khurfu.

Bróin stands alone, gazing into the distance.

Objective 11

  • Appraise Bróin outside Annâk-khurfu

Concerned about the dwarves of the Iron Garrison, Durin wants you to appraise Bróin's mood and skills.

Bróin did not follow his cousin upstairs, and now he stands by himself outside Annâk-khurfu.

You appraise Bróin.

Objective 12

  • Talk to Bróin just outside Annâk-khurfu

Bróin is just north of Annâk-khurfu.

Bróin: 'I do not know what to do, my friend. I am consumed by a great sense of... I do not know how best to describe it.'
Bróin, Mazog's Executioner
Axe-wielding: 95
Survival: 85
Hardiness: 65
Resolve: 15
'I do not think I am ready for another war, <name>. Yes: I say "another". Make no mistake: the Iron Garrison was at war in the depths of Moria, and it was a war we lost. Not only is that foothold gone, but so too are many of the brave warriors with which it was claimed in the first place. I mourn my father most of all, but Brogur was not the first good dwarf to perish within Moria, nor the last, though he may have been the bravest. He was bolder by far than his son, that much is certain!
'Will I regain my courage before we pass through the gates of Gundabad? I survived my encounter with the Watcher in the Water within the Drowned Treasury, after all, and then I was alone, with only the dead for company. No, I was not entirely alone, for it was there I found Zigilburk, with which I kept the beast at bay. But the mithril axe is sealed away, never again to be wielded by anyone. It seemed the right choice then... but what if my courage was sealed away in the darkness with Zigilburk? Will I never find it again?
'Please, my friend, I beg you will tell no one of these worries. I bind you to secrecy on this matter. Will you do this? Will you agree not to tell Prince Durin of my mood or my fears? Please, <name>.'

Objective 13

  • Agree not to tell anyone of Bróin's worries
You agree with Bróin.
Bróin smiles nervously, and raises his axe in a pleased salute

Objective 14

  • Talk to Durin on the upper level of Annâk-khurfu

Durin is on the upper level of Annâk-khurfu.

Durin: 'So the leaders of the Iron Garrison are prepared to fight again?'
You tell Durin that Bósi's son Bori is particularly eager to see victory in Gundabad.
'I am pleased to hear it, for I too am ready to reclaim the Mountain-home! Indeed, all Longbeards will rejoice to see it done! These new arrivals know a thing or two about war, and this is what I know: it will spell trouble for the Orcs!'