Quest:Chapter 10.3: Buried Secrets

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Chapter 10.3: Buried Secrets
Level 139
Type Solo
Starts with Durin
Starts at Deep Beneath Gundabad
Ends with Statue of Mótsog
Ends at Deep Beneath Gundabad
Quest Group The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves: Chapter 10
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'My breath is stolen away by the sight of this cavern, and by the knowledge that none have traversed these steps for an age. The stair snakes along the wall, descending out of sight; how far below Gundabad will we find its lowest step?

'Tread carefully, <name>. I will meet you at the bottom of the stairs... for surely there must be an end to them. Is it not so?'


Durin believes that none have travelled these secret stairs for an age, but he will not allow that to dissuade him from seeking whatever may lie at the bottom.

Objective 1

  • Descend the secret stairs far below Gundabad and explore the deepest caverns

The secret stairs have not been travelled for an age, descending far below Gundabad.

What lies beyond their lowest step?

Durin: 'Even these stairs have an end, <name>. But look there: a path leads to a chamber of some kind.'
You enter a long-forgotten chamber deep below Gundabad

Objective 2

  • Talk to Durin in the long-forgotten chamber

Durin stands in the long-forgotten chamber deep below Gundabad.

Durin looks around the chamber with wide eyes
Prince Durin: 'What is this place?'
Durin stares in disbelief at the statue on the opposite side of the chamber.
'That is a statue of Mótsog the Traitor, who led the Greymauls against Durin the Deathless in the First Age! He was slain at the conclusion of his rebellion... why would he be given the dignity of a tomb?'
Durin fumes, his eyes flashing angrily and his fists clenched.
'What is the meaning of this?'

Objective 3

  • Examine the statue of Mótsog

A statue of Mótsog stands in the long-forgotten chamber.

STATUE: "The grey stone of the statue is so lifelike that you find it somewhat unnerving."
This statue of Mótsog is very detailed: someone crafted it with care

Objective 4

  • Talk to Durin in the long-forgotten chamber

Durin stands in the long-forgotten chamber beneath Gundabad.

Prince Durin: 'I cannot believe that a traitor such as Mótsog would be given the dignity of a tomb beneath the Mountain-home, <name>. One of his followers must have built this place in secret after Durin's judgement. Did they spirit his body here? Does it lie behind one of these walls, enjoying the undeserved rest of a traitorous worm?
'I am disgusted. Such a place should not be. I thought we would find some secret to opposing Hrímil Frost-heart? There is no such secret here. Let us meet outside this shameful crypt and decide what next can be done.'

Objective 5

  • Meet up with Durin at the bottom of the stairs outside

Durin has asked you to meet him on the stairs outside the long-forgotten chamber.

A cool breeze blows past you, and Durin cries out in surprise

Objective 6

  • Return to Durin and learn what has disturbed him

Something about the air feels different. But what?

Prince Durin: 'What was that? Something changed,<name>! What enchantment is this!'
Statue of Mótsog:
The statue of Mótsog has changed. Where once it was worked in grey stone, now the statue is given the colour it might have had in life. So too is there another change: the statue is now shorn of any beard.
Despite its lifelike colour, the statue remains unmoving and bereft of life.