Quest:Before the Heart of Darkness

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Before the Heart of Darkness
Level 129
Type Solo
Starts with Mithrandir
Starts at Thuringwath
Start Region Morgul Vale
Map Ref [69.1S, 7.0E]
Ends with Mithrandir
Ends at Thuringwath
End Region Morgul Vale
Map Ref [69.6S, 10.2E]
Quest Chain Imlad Morgul: Thuringwath
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Many are the shadows that loom upon Thuringwath, and I have not the strength to banish them.

'I must rest for a short while, but you should search for the lost Rangers of Ithilien. I fear it may already be too late for them, but if any hope remains, you must seize it.

'Do not wait for me, <name>. Even now, evil does not rest in Thuringwath.'


As Mithrandir begins his study of Thuringwath, you begin your search for the lost Rangers of Ithilien.

Objective 1

  • Search for signs of Nidhlas and his men in Thuringwath

Nidhlas and his men might be found somewhere in Thuringwath.

Mithrandir has asked you to continue ahead in search of Nidhlas and his men.

You notice footprints on the old roadway through Thuringwath

Objective 2

  • Follow the footprints

The footprints continue along the old roadway through Thuringwath.

You discovered footprints on the old roadway through Thuringwath. You should follow them.

The footprints lead to the foundations of a great, deathly fane...

Objective 3

  • Search Aufaltor for signs of Nidhlas and his men

Aufaltor can be found in Thuringwath.

You have followed the footprints to the base of a great fane. You should search the fane for Nidhlas and his men.

You have discovered a number of slain Rangers in the depths of Aufaltor

Objective 4

  • Examine the slain Rangers in Aufaltor

Slain Rangers can be found deep within Aufaltor.

You have discovered a number of slain Rangers within Aufaltor. You should examine them.

These Rangers have been bled, but a sickening heap of flesh catches your eye

Objective 5

  • Examine the heap of flesh

You should examine the heap of discarded flesh.

You discovered the Rangers slain from bloodletting, but a heap of flesh has caught your eye. You should examine it.

This flesh has been flensed from a Man, but the body is nowhere to be found

Objective 6

Mithrandir can be found in Thuringwath.

You found a grisly scene at Aufaltor. You should return to Mithrandir.

Mithrandir stands transfixed before a great watching-stone in the form of a balrog

Objective 7

  • Talk to Mithrandir

Mithrandir can be found near Aufaltor in Thuringwath.

You have found Mithrandir standing before a great watching-stone in Thuringwath. You should tell Mithrandir what you have found.

Mithrandir: 'Ah, tell me, what did you find?'
You tell Mithrandir what you discovered within Aufaltor. You tell him of the slain Rangers and the flensed flesh left to moulder among its tombs, and that you remain uncertain if Nidhlas escaped the fate that befell his men.
'I do not think he was so fortunate, <name>. I have seen enough of Thuringwath to know that the Living do not long endure it.
'Curious. I sense a presence within this watching-stone, but it refuses my summons.
'We shall see about that.'