Chicken Play Guide
This guide is copied from the Lorebook 9 June 2013 -- prior to the Lorebook being removed from service.
Originally by LOTRO user: Lorr
Spoiler Warning
This is a general spoiler warning for the following guide. This guide contains highly detailed information about the Chicken Session quest line and deeds. If you do not wish to be spoiled, I suggest reading only up to the Chicken Skills section. Every section beyond is built around each quest/session, revealing everything about how to accomplish the particular quest/session. If you are having difficulty on a specific quest, use the Table of Contents to jump directly to that specific quest so you don't accidentally get spoiled about other quests if you don't want to.
Chicken Session Basic Information
The reason many of you have sought out this guide, is to acquire the fabled
What is Chicken Session
- Chicken Session is a way to play as a level 1 chicken in the world of Middle Earth.
- You will be adventuring in the same regions as regular players, but cannot communicate with them while you are a chicken
- It revolves around a detailed and fun quest line to all ends of Middle Earth
- The only way to get one of the coolest cloaks in the game (allows you to cluck like a chicken and throw feathers around)
- With determination, the way to get the very difficult, time consuming, and coveted title "Crosser of Roads"
Chicken Skills
A list of the skills that are available to you while you are a chicken. Click the link to see the detailed entry for each skill.
- Nothing can escape your searching gaze. So long as it is a worm.
- Duration: 5s
- Cost: 5 Power
- Base Cooldown: 30s
- A burst of speed can make the difference between freedom and flattened.
- +50% Run Speed
- Duration: 30s
- Cost: Power
- Base Cooldown: 2m
- Middle-earth is a dangerous place. Sometimes it is good to be dead.
- Cost: Power
- Base Cooldown: 2m
- You're not sure what, but something isn't right.
- +49 Stealth Detection
- Duration: 1m
Cost: Power - Base Cooldown: 2m
- Sometimes survival comes down to not being hit. Actually, most times.
- Adds an additional 25% to your evasion against ranged attacks.
- Duration: 30s
- +50% Evade Chance
- Duration: 30s
- Cost: Power
- Base Cooldown: 2m
- Remember, you are a LVL 1 Chicken. That means that basically EVERY enemy in middle earth could practically kill you with a look, let alone by physically attacking you.
- Keep your distance from your escorts and other players that are fighting enemies. Any enemy that does AOE damage, could potentially cause enough damage to kill you if you get too close.
- While you are a chicken, you are a creature of middle earth. Thus, you can not talk with other players (Elf, Dwarf, Human, Hobbit). You can, however, talk with other chicken players if there are any currently questing.
- Dying during a chicken session will NOT affect any survivor deeds you are working on, hence you can still get the "Undying" title if you die as a chicken.
- You are not in an instanced version of middle earth. You are in the regular game world, just a lvl 1 chicken that can't talk to anyone. You can see other players, and other players can see you. However, all you can see of other players is their name (no rank, title, or kin). Also, players will see you as ~<name> (replace name with your regular characters name). For example, if Frodo played chicken session, his chicken name to regular players would be ~Frodo.
- If you crash (game, computer, network, etc..) you might be able to return to where you were. As long as you get back into the game before your character dies or your session time runs out, you might be able to log back in as the chicken where you crashed. So, if you crash, don't give up just yet. Log back in to the character you were using to run the Chicken Session and see if you can continue.
- Above all, have fun. You'd be surprised how much fun it is to just enter session play and follow random players all around Bree and the rest of Middle Earth. If only you could hear what they say at times.
Custom Chat Channel
- Recommend joining a custom chicken channel once you enter session play.
- For those that don't know, custom channels can be used across the entire server. They are not bound to the region you are currently located in. This allows you to communicate with any other chicken session players that are currently out and about in middle earth, provided they have also joined the same custom channel.
- To join a custom channel type "/joinchannel <channel name>"
- The easiest name to remember and use I feel would of course be chicken, so type "/joinchannel chicken"
- Remember, you will have to rejoin this channel every time you enter session play.
- Also recommend joining the custom chicken channel while on your main characters. This channel can be used to coordinate runs and alert other players of the route you will be running shortly. It can also be used for chicken session discussion and help without cluttering up the often overused custom glff, gooc, and gtrade channels. Lastly, it will be a fun way for the chicken session players to mingle, as most avid chicken session players are a small but fun group of players.
UI Layout
- Because the UI reverts to default every time you enter session play, you should set up the UI the way you like and save it. Then, every time you enter session play after that, you can just load your layout quickly.
- command to save current layout - "/ui layout save <name>" (easiest name to remember is probably just chicken)
- command to load saved layout - "/ui layout load <name>" (use whatever name you saved the layout as, ie chicken)
- With the addition of plugins to LOTRO, there are 2 that can be of monumental help to chickens. Once configured, you will only need to load these plugins each time you enter session play, you will not have to set them up each time. There are other plugins that may be used to accomplish the same task and may be substituted. These are simply the ones that were chosen for this guide.
- Palantir by Digital_Utopia at LOTRO Interface
- Allows you to place and customize a health/power bar overlay near the center of the screen
- Overlay can be set to only display when in combat (more easily/quickly identify when you need to hit Possum Impersonation)
- TonicBars by NuclearTonic at LOTRO Interface
- Allows you to place unlimited quickslot bars of custom size (ie 1 quickslot) anywhere on the screen
- Allows you to hide the bar/quickslot until in combat (place multiple copies of Possum Impersonation skill around the center of the screen and only show when you are in combat and would need to use it)
/stuck command
- This command is used simply by typing "/stuck" into the chat window
When used while in session play, you will be ported back to your starting position at Sandson's Farm.- When used while in session play, you will be ported to the nearest rez circle.
- This change invalidates some of the instructions/guides below that use the /stuck command until they are updated
- This command has a 1 hour cooldown.
- Remember to note the time when you use it as there is no way to see the cooldown timer, you will just have to track the time since last use yourself.
Nest teleporting
- There are 3 known sets of teleporting chicken nests (2 nests per set)
- These act as 2-way teleports between the set.
- They can only be used during the final quest of Free Range (no skipping the long and dangerous run to Rivendell on the Flying the Coop quest).
- See the Free Range Guide section for location and connection of the nests.
Multiple runs
- Chicken Session will take many runs. And I'm not referring to the multiple quests. You will more than likely fail a run at some point and have to redo the quest. Even if you make it all the way to Free Range without a problem, it is still highly likely you will not complete it on your first try.
- If you fail a quest due to dying or running out of time, you will be returned to your regular character at Sandson's Farm. You will then have to re-attempt whichever quest you failed from the begining. If you fail Free Range after 7 1/2 hours and just before the last stone, you will have to redo the entire run from scratch.
- Quest advancement, deeds, and map information is NOT saved between sessions. If you have a quest to talk to several creatures and you talk to all but one, then quit or fail the session, the quest will be reset. Each time you re-enter session play, your map is reset. This is true even if it's a redo of a failed quest.
- UI layout and quickslot bars/skills are not saved between sessions unless you use the /ui layout save/load command mentioned above each time you enter session play
- Destiny earned from deeds (during the Free Range quest) can be earned every time you enter session play for Free Range. Deed completion is reset every time you either quit, fail, or complete Free Range. This is a viable way to earn destiny for those players that have no intention of ever entering a PVMP area or playing a monster character.
Breaks to alleviate frustration
- Take breaks often. Both between and possibly even during some of the longer runs.
- If you get far on a quest and fail, you may not pay as close attention during your next run because of frustration and possibly anger. This could lead you into a downward spiral of frustration and anger if you start failing more and more on the same run. The best thing you can do if you fail a run is take a break, either from chicken session or LOTRO all together.
- Learn from your mistakes, be more careful next time, and take another break if you mess up again.
- It may take many runs over a long period of time to fully complete Chicken Session Play, but well worth it in the end.
Escort coordination
- Because you can't talk with other players while you are a chicken, there are some things to consider if you will be wanting an escort at any point during your session.
- The easiest way to communicate is through Ventrilo or TeamSpeak. This will allow you to remain focused on keeping your chicken out of harms way while communicating.
- You could also set up another messenger or chat program to communicate. You must be careful though, so you don't get killed while chatting on the other program. It is highly advised not to Alt-Tab when playing in full screen, as this may cause undesirable effects (lag, crash, death, etc).
- The last, and most difficult, way to communicate with an escort is through pre-coordinated in-game movements. Before you enter the session, you coordinate that specific movements indicate simple ideas or thoughts. For example, jumping while facing a certain direction could indicate you see an enemy that may harm you while 'Twitching' forward (by tapping forward a few times quickly) could indicate you want the escort to move ahead and make sure the area is clear of enemies. This type of communication comes in handy if you don't have a pre-coordinated escort and get into a difficult area where there are other players that may be willing to try and help you.
- If you are being escorted though an area with many enemies (Bitter Stair or Annúminas) you should always keep an eye out for respawns.
- Don't rely solely on your escort. They may easily overlook a low level (but deadly to a level 1 chicken) enemy.
Hints/Tips for the regular players that happen across chicken session players
- If you see a chicken that isn't named Chicken, don't start spamming you've found some incredible Rare Named Chicken (there are a few named chickens in Middle Earth). It's likely just a session player questing (or causing mischief).
- Please remember, chickens are level 1. By helping you may unintentionally kill the chicken if you are not careful. If you are going to attempt to help the chicken, try to kill enemies slightly away from the chicken and do your best not to drag enemies near the chicken. Most high level enemies AOE can kill a chicken in one shot.
- If you happen to be around the Annúminas, Ost Forod, or Bitter Stair area and see a chicken following you, don't just stop and stare if you can help it. Respawns are killers. Many times there have been chickens cautiously following players grinding on the Bitter Stair, only to be killed because the player stopped killing to stare and emote the chicken too long and respawns killed the chicken from behind.
Quest Chain
- Which Laid First
- The Early Bird
- The Sky is Falling
- Flying the Coop
- Flying the Coop -- Bree-Land/Ered Luin/Evendim/Lone-lands/North Downs/Trollshaws
- Returning to Wald
- Free Range
Which Laid First
- Session Time Limit: (No chicken session for this quest)
- Bestower: Wald Sandson
- Objectives:
- You are given a basket of eggs and a note with the order to put the eggs back in several baskets around the farm. Here is what is written on the note:
- Pimpinella lays eggs before Cineraria
- Moonlight lays eggs last
- Cineraria lays eggs after Bellflower and Pimpinella
- Bellflower lays eggs after Pimpinella
- Telltime lays eggs after Cineraria
- Decypher the clues and you will get the following correct order to replace the eggs: Pimpinella, Bellflower, Cineraria, Telltime, and then Moonlight. Once you have put all the eggs back in the proper order, talk with Wald Sandson again.
- Rewards:
Prized Pie
The Early Bird
- Session Time Limit: 20 Minutes
- Bestower: Wald Sandson
- Skills Available:
- Objectives:
- First step after accepting the quest from Wald Sandson is to talk to Billina, a chicken at Sandson's Farm. Talking to Billina will bring up the Session Play window. Click on Play to enter the session. You are now a Lvl 1 Chicken in the Delving Fields, just slightly east of Sandson's Farm.
- Your quest is to collect 4 earthworms for Billina. This quest is quite easy, but don't ever let your guard down. There are Shrews and Foxs in the field that are neutral, but the Wolves and Tuskers are enemies. If you die or run out of time, you will automatically leave Session Play. You can immediately talk to Billina and return to Session Play to try again though, no cooldown on the quest if you fail.
The Sky is Falling
- Session Time Limit: 1 Hour
- Bestower: Wald Sandson
- Skills Available:
- Objectives:
- Once you accept this quest from Wald Sandson, talk to Billina to enter Chicken Session Play.
- Once in session play, talk to Billina again. You will have to leave the relative safety of Sandson's Farm and trek across the Shire to complete this quest by visiting 3 other chickens at Dora Brownlock's Farm, Bamfurlong, and Tom Cotton's Farm.
- This is a fairly safe quest as long as you're careful. You have more than enough time to go the long way around a dangerous area if you have/choose to. Just take your time and be careful, this is the best time to start getting used to being a chicken in Middle Earth.
- Once you visit all three chickens, you will automatically leave session play and reappear at Sandson's Farm. Talk with Billina to continue the quest. Then talk with Wald Sandson to finish the quest and be given the next one.
Flying the Coop Session Overview Guide
- Session Time Limit: Varies (1-3 Hours)
- Bestower:Wald Sandson (initial) and George the chicken (for the multiple runs)
- Skills Available:
- Objectives:
- The initial quest is given by Wald Sandson as before. However, this time you will talk to George the chicken to begin session play. Each session has you talk to various creatures in the many regions of Middle Earth and will allow between 1 and 3 hours to complete.
- For each session, once you talk to all the required creatures (in no particular order), you will automatically leave session play and return to Sandson's Farm on your regular character. Speak with George again to turn in the completed quest. *Once you have completed all the Flying the Coop -- "Region" sessions, talk to George one last time to get the follow-on quest, Returning to Wald.
- The first session you must complete is for the Shire. Once you finish it, the rest of the "Flying the Coop -- Region" sessions will be available from George and can be completed in any order. The guides below are simply in the order you will see them listed in game.
- Maps: Each region listed below has a link to its own sub-page. The sub-page will contain hints/tips as well as a detailed map of the best known path to follow for that particular run. The sub-pages contain links back to this main guide as well.
Flying the Coop -- Shire
- Session Time Limit: 1 Hour
- Note: This is the first "Flying the Coop" quest. Once you complete this one, the remaining "Flying the Coop" regions open up for you to accomplish in any order.
- Map: Shire Map page
Flying the Coop -- Bree-Land
- Session Time Limit: 2 Hours
- Speak with: Cow, Wink the Cat, Horse, Grey Squirrel, and Sniken
- Map: Bree-Land Map page
Flying the Coop -- Ered Luin
- Session Time Limit: 1 Hour
- Speak with:Lynx-mother
- Map: Ered Luin Map page
Flying the Coop -- Evendim
- Session Time Limit: 1 Hour
- Speak with:Longbough
- Map: Evendim Map
Flying the Coop -- Lone-Lands
- Session Time Limit: 1 Hour
- Speak with: Radagast the Brown
Flying the Coop -- North Downs
- Session Time Limit: 2 Hours
- Speak with: Aurochs Yearling
- Map: North Downs Map page
Flying the Coop -- Trollshaws
- Session Time Limit: 2 Hours 30 Minutes
- Speak with: Roheryn
- Map: Trollshaws Map page
Returning to Wald
- Session Time Limit: None....but....HURRY...TURN IT IN QUICK...YOU'RE ALMOST DONE!!!
- Bestower: George the chicken
- Objectives:
- This quest is available from George once you complete all the Flying the Coop quests. Talk to Wald Sandson to complete the quest.
- Rewards:
- Unlocks the ability to play the Chicken Session "Free Range" quest when you talk to George again (see guide below)
- the fabled
Cloak of the Cluck
Free Range
- Session Time Limit: 8 hours
- Bestower: George the chicken
- Objectives:
- Talk to every creature you had to talk to during the Flying the Coop quests
- Discover 3 Chicken Stones per region that contains creatures you have to talk to
- Do all that in a single run without logging out, running out of time, or dying
- Map:
- Each route listed below will contain a separate map page with specific hints/tips and the approximate mapped travel path for that route
- Each map page will also contain links back to this main guide
- Reward:
- The rare title "Crosser of Roads"
Hints and Tips
- Free Range is less of a quest and more of a final Chicken Session
- You may play Free Range, to completion, as often as you wish
- The creatures and stones are tracked as Deeds
- There are 2 Deeds/region (1 for the creatures and 1 for the stones)
- The Deeds will be reset anytime you leave the Free Range session (logout, die, complete)
- The Deeds award destiny upon each successful completion (with repeat Free Range runs)
- The Deeds are listed further down the guide with more detail
Route by KidQuantum
- (No use of /stuck command)
- Bag End Stone
- Gates of Annúminas Stone
- Ost Forod Stone
- Longbough NPC (Complete Evendim Creatures)
- Gwindethrond Stone (Complete Evendim Stones)
- Oatbarton Nest to High Moors Nest
- Rivendell Stone
- Roheryn NPC (Complete Trollshaws Creatures)
- Glóin's Camp Stone
- Bitter Stair Stone (Complete Trollshaws Stones)
- High Moors Nest to Oatbarton Nest
- Mathom House Stone
- Old Sally NPC
- The fox NPC
- Fang, Grip, and Wolf NPC's (Complete Shire Creatures)
- Brandywine Bridge Stone (Complete Shire Stones)
- The Cow NPC
- Old Forest Stone
- Othrongroth Stone
- Trestlebridge Nest to Duillond Nest
- Duillond Stone
- The lynx-mother NPC (Complete Ered Luin Creatures)
- Kheledûl Stone
- Thorin's Hall Stone (Complete Ered Luin Stones)
- Duillond Nest to Trestlebridge Nest
- Fornost Stone
- Gatson's Farm Stone
- Esteldín Stone (Complete North Downs Stones)
- Lehmä-koti Stone
- Aughaire Stone
- Aurochs Yearling NPC (Complete North Downs Creatures)
- Nen Harn Nest to Malenhad Nest
- Tyrn Lhuig Stone
- Malenhad Nest to Nen Harn Nest (Complete Angmar Stones)
- Grey Squirrel NPC
- The Horse NPC
- Wink the Cat NPC
- Prancing Pony Stone (Complete Bree-land Stones)
- Sniken NPC (Complete Bree-land Creatures)
- Forsaken Inn Stone
- Weathertop Stone
- Radagast the Brown NPC (Complete Lone Lands Creatures)
- Last Bridge Stone (Complete Lone Lands Stones and Free Range Quest)
- Map page not yet built
Route by KeskaRayburn (outdated)
- (Uses /stuck command to reduce time spent running long distances)
- Note: This route was built using the old functionality of the /stuck command and is no longer accurate
- Bag End Stone
- Gates of Annúminas Stone
- Gwindethrond Stone
- Longbough NPC (Complete Evendim Creatures)
- Ost Forod Stone (Complete Evendim Stones)
- /stuck to return to Sandson's Farm
- Oatbarton Nest to High Moors
- Rivendell Stone
- Roheryn NPC (Complete Trollshaws Creatures)
- Glóin's Camp Stone
- Bitter Stair Stone (Complete Trollshaws Stones)
- /stuck (might have to wait a bit for cooldown to expire)
- Mathom House Stone
- Old Sally NPC
- Fox NPC
- Fang, Grip, Wolf NPC's (Complete Shire Creatures)
- Cow NPC
- Brandywine Bridge Stone (Complete Shire Stones)
- Old Forest Stone
- Othrongroth Stone
- Wink the Cat NPC
- Prancing Pony Stone (Complete Bree-Land Stones)
- Horse NPC
- Trestlbridge Nest to Duillond
- Duillond Stone
- Lynx-motherNPC (Complete Ered Luin Creatures)
- Kheledûl Stone
- Thorin's Hall Stone (Complete Ered Luin Stones)
- /stuck to return to Sandson's Farm
- Fornost Stone
- Gatson's Farm Stone
- Aurochs Yearling NPC (Complete North Downs Creatures)
- Esteldín Stone (Complete North Downs Stones)
- Lehmä-koti Stone
- Aughaire Stone
- Nen Harn Nest to Malenhad
- Tyrn Lhuig Stone (Complete Angmar Stones)
- Malenhad Nest to Nen Harn
- Grey Squirrel NPC
- Sniken (Complete Bree-Land Creatures)
- Forsaken Inn Stone
- Weathertop Stone
- Radagast NPC (Complete Lone Lands Creatures)
- Last Bridge Stone (Complete Lone Lands Stones and Free Range Quest)
- Map page not yet built
Route by angeljean (outdated)
- (Uses /stuck command to reduce time spent running long distances)
- This route was built using the old functionality of the /stuck command and is no longer accurate
- Mathom House Stone
- Old Sally NPC
- The Fox NPC
- Fang, Wolf and Grip NPCs (Completed Shire Animals)
- Brandywine Bridge Stone
- The Cow NPC
- From here it was not too hard to walk through the Old Forest, Barrow Downs, and out the other side to Bree thanks to the new map of the Old Forest. The route to take is:
- Through Buckland into the Old Forest through the Old Forest Tunnel
- Along the path past the Bonfire Glade
- Turning right at the next one after the Bonfire Glade, down Muddyfoot Hill
- After passing Gillemin Brandybuck at the bottom of Muddyfoot Hill, following the left riverbank northwards hugging the west side up to Rollo Maggot at the Abandoned Cottage
- Crossing the river to the Broken Heart, avoiding spiders, and taking the path straight ahead (left is a dead end, right goes to the Forlorn Glade with more spiders, the middle path is clear). Alternatively if you don't want to dodge spiders, you could continue up the river past Old Man Willow. He doesn't debuff chickens and his roots don't aggro.
- Both ways lead to a bridge on the river (crossing from the Broken Heart path); from there, straight up to Tom Bombadil's house
- Old Forest Stone
- From there, along Old Forest Road into the Barrow-downs - although the path directly north of Tom's house is a little narrow and may contain wolves.
- Carefully through the Northern Barrow downs, past the Dead Spire, into the Southern Barrow downs
- Othrongroth Stone
- Instead of going back into Northern Barrow Downs, heading eastwards to Dead Man's Perch, and jumping off eastwards here towards Bree. You won't die from the jump, and there is even a place where your chicken won't break its legs, if you aim to land closer to the edge rather than further.
- Head northeast towards the West Gate of Bree and in
- Wink the Cat NPC
- The Prancing Pony stone (Completed Bree-land Stones)
- The Horse NPC
- The Grey Squirrel NPC
- Nen Harn Nest to Malenhad Nest
- Tyrn Lhuig Stone
- Malenhad Nest to Nen Harn Nest
- Aurochs Yearling NPC (Completed North Downs Animals)
- Esteldín Stone
- Lehmä-koti Stone
- Aughaire Stone (Completed Angmar Stones)
- Retrace back through Lehmä-koti and Esteldín.
- Gatson's Farm Stone
- Fornost Stone (Completed North Downs Stones)
- Trestlebridge Nest to Duillond Nest
- Duillond Stone
- Lynx-mother NPC (Completed Ered Luin Animals)
- Thorin's Hall Stone
- Kheledûl Stone (Completed Ered Luin Stones)
- Duillond Nest to Trestlebridge Nest
- Sniken NPC (Completed Bree-land Animals)
- Forsaken Inn Stone
- Weathertop Stone
- Radagast NPC (Completed Lone-lands mobs)
- The Last Bridge Stone (Completed Lone-Lands Stones)
- /stuck to return to Sandson's Farm
- Bag End stone
- Annúminas Stone
- Gwindenthrond Stone
- Longbough NPC (Completed Evendim Animals)
- Ost Forod Stone (Completed Evendim Stones)
- /stuck to return to Sandson's Farm
- Oatbarton Nest to High Moors
- Rivendell Stone
- Roheryn NPC (Completed Trollshaws Animals)
- Glóin's Camp Stone
- The Bitter Stair Stone (Completed Trollshaws Stones and Free Range Quest)
- Map page not yet built
Creature and Stone locations by Region
- Chicken Stone
- Bag End - Near the doorstep of Bag End in Hobbiton
- The Mathom House - Slightly to the east of the Mathom House in Michael Delvings
- Brandywine Bridge - Slightly to the south and on the Bree-land side of the Brandywine bridge
- Creature
- Fang, Grip, and Wolf - All three can be found near Farmer Maggot at bamfurlong far to the southeast in the Shire
- Fox - About halfway between Tuckborough and Woodhall, just north of the road and Old Odo's Leaf Farm
- Old Sally - On the hills southeast of the Great Willow, which is just east of Tuckborough
- If you can't find her initially, someone may be doing a quest with her at that moment, be patient and she'll be back soon
Ered Luin
- Chicken Stone
- Thorin's Hall - In the southwest section of the large flat area, just outside the main entrance going into Thorin's Hall
- Duillond - Just south of the stables in Duillond
- Kheledûl - Near the outer wall of the fortress, just southwest of the entrance
- Creature
- Lynx-mother - Just outside of Thrasi's Lodge, which is nortwest of Duillond
- Chicken Stone
- The Prancing Pony - Behind the mailbox outside the Prancing Pony in northeast Bree
- Old Forest - Behind Tom Bombadil's House
- Othrongroth - Also known as the Great Barrow in the south Barrow Downs, just south of the entrance
- Creature
- Cow - On a roof just south of the entrance to Buckland
- Grey Squirrel - On the western side of the southernmost island in Nen Harn lake in northeastern Bree-land
- Wink the Cat - Inside the Cat Lady's house off the Scholar's Walk going through the middle of Bree
- Sniken - In the Midgewater Marsh near the Goblinhole Ruins
- Horse - At Hengstacer's Farm in northern Bree-land where you first train to ride a horse
- Chicken Stone
- Weathertop - On the topmost part of Weathertop, on the western edge of the hilltop just outside the ruins
- The Last Bridge - Just slightly to the south on the Trollshaws side of the Last Bridge
- Forsaken Inn - Near the inn, southeast of the entrance
- Creature
- Radagast the Brown - In his tower, in the northern part of Ost Guruth
North Downs
- Chicken Stone
- Fornost - On the northwest part of the platform of the entrance to the Fornost instance
- Esteldín - Just south of the Bard in the center of town
- Gatson's Farm - Along the north end of Gatson's house
- Creature
- Aurochs Yearling - Is on the hill just southeast of Gatson's Farm
- If you don't see it initially, someone may be doing a quest with it at that moment, be patient and it'll be back soon
- Aurochs Yearling - Is on the hill just southeast of Gatson's Farm
- Chicken Stone
- The Gates of Annúminas - difficult to accurately describe this one's location, check the Overall Map near the end of the guide for precise location
- Ost Forod - Towards the back of a camp area, on the eastern side of town, just south of the northeastern road out of town
- Gwindethrond - In the small instanced cave with the Blue Lady, behind the waterfall of Rushingdale, on the western side of Lake Evendim
- Creature
- Longbough - On the far northwestern edge of Lake Evendim at the Eavespires
- Chicken Stone
- Rivendell - On the ground near the mailbox and the Spire of Meeting in the central section Rivendell
- The Bitter Stair - Tucked in the far back corner all the way up the Bitter Stair and north of the entrance to the Helegrod Instance
- You will need an escort to get up the Bitter Stair
- Glóin's Camp - In the snow north of the main raised platform of his camp
- Creature
- Roheryn - In the stables in western Rivendell
- Chicken Stone
- Aughaire - By the bard and the hillman leader Crannog in the southwest of town
- Lehmä-koti - In the northeast end of town, under the tent, kinda tucked into a skull
- Tyrn Lhuig - Just inside the fenced camp of Tyrn Lhuig, on the southwestern edge of Malenhad
- Creature
- There are no creatures to talk to in Angmar
Chicken Nests
There are 3 sets of chicken nests. They allow for two-way teleportation between the indicated nests while you are a chicken. However, they are only available during the final session play quest, Free Range. You can also find the nest locations on the Overall Location Map near the end of this guide.
Nest Links
- Duillond Nest <--> Trestlebridge Nest
- Oatbarton Nest <--> Highmoors Nest
- Nen Harn Nest <--> Malenhad Nest
Nest Locations
- Duillond Chicken Nest - On a small island with a large tree on it in the river just south of the bridge that passes east out of Duillond [24.9S, 91.9W]
- Trestlebridge Chicken Nest - Just west of the northern end of the huge bridge [16.2S, 53.6W]
- Oatbarton Chicken Nest - On the west side of town, behind a hut looking structure west of the road that leaves Oatbarton to the south [23.8S, 67.9W]
- Highmoors Chicken Nest - Along the far east wall of the High Moor's, just southeast of the road that leads north into Rivendell [33.1S, 6.1W]
- Nen Harn Chicken Nest - On the western edge of an island in the center of Nen Harn lake in northeast Bree-land, just northeast of the island with the Grey Squirrel [19.9S, 41.9W]
- Malenhad Chicken Nest - On the hill just north of the crossroads in northwestern Malenhad [2.2N, 34.2W]
Map is maintained here: Chicken Nest Map
The page also contains a link back to this main guide.
Explorer Deeds
The explorer deeds are completed by locating the 3 Chicken Stones in each of the required zones. Clicking on the Deed Titles will link you to the official lorebook entry of that deed. I have added maps to the official entry pages that show the exact locations of the Stones. You can also find the stone locations on the Overall Map near the end of this guide.
- Discover the Bag End Chicken Stone
- Discover the Mathom House Chicken Stone
- Discover the Brandywine Bridge Chicken Stone
- Discover the Thorin's Hall Chicken Stone
- Discover the Duillond Chicken Stone
- Discover the Kheledûl Chicken Stone
- Discover the Prancing Pony Chicken Stone
- Discover the Old Forest Chicken Stone
- Discover the Othrongroth Chicken Stone
- Discover the Weathertop Chicken Stone
- Discover the Last Bridge Chicken Stone
- Discover the Forsaken Inn Chicken Stone
- Discover the Fornost Chicken Stone
- Discover the Esteldín Chicken Stone
- Discover the Gatson's Farm Chicken Stone
- Discover the Gates of Annúminas Chicken Stone
- Discover the Ost Forod Chicken Stone
- Discover the Gwindethrond Chicken Stone
- Discover the Rivendell Chicken Stone
- Discover the Bitter Stair Chicken Stone
- Discover the Glóin's Camp Chicken Stone
- Discover the Aughaire Chicken Stone
- Discover the Lehmä-koti Chicken Stone
- Discover the Tyrn Lhuig Chicken Stone
Traveller Deeds
The traveller deeds are completed by talking with the creatures listed. Clicking on the Deed Titles will link you to the official lorebook entry of that deed. I have added maps to the official entry pages that show the exact locations of the creatures you need to talk to. Clicking on the creature's name will link you to the offical lorebook entry of that creature with their location indicated on a map. You can also find the creature locations on the Overall Location Map near the end of this guide.
- Speak with the Lynx-mother
- Speak with the Cow
- Speak with the Grey Squirrel
- Speak with Wink the Cat
- Speak with Sniken
- Speak with the Horse
- Speak with Radagast the Brown
- Speak with the Aurochs Yearling
- Speak with Longbough
- Speak with Roheryn
Chicken Session Overall Map
This is a map that has icons for every creature, stone, and nest on a single map.
The map is on its own page and is maintained here: Chicken Session Guide Overall Map
Crosser of Roads Walkthrough - Forum thread with original guide and discussions
KidQuantum - For the initial Free Range walkthrough, forum thread, and the inspiration for me to create this Lorebook Guide
FissionChips and RonHiler - For invaluble information on how to get the Gates of Annúminas Stone solo
ClassicAviar - For the wonderful mention of the use of the /stuck command
KeskaRayburn and angeljean- For providing alternative Free Range routes
Source information
This guide is copied from the Lorebook 9 June 2013 -- prior to the Lorebook being removed from service.