War-steed Gear
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The following traits can be equipped in the War-steed Appearance panel in the gear slot.
Accessory Bins
Accessory of Bree
Accessory of Hrímil's Bane
Accessory of Michel Delving
Accessory of Regal Revelry
Accessory of Rivendell
Accessory of the Citadel Guard
Accessory of the Easterlings
Accessory of the Gundabad Reclaimer
Accessory of the Hammerhand
Accessory of the Merchant
Accessory of the Northstar
Accessory of Thorin's Hall
Alchemist's Accessory
File:Angmar Reborn Accessory.jpg Angmar Reborn Accessory
Antlers Accessory
Assassin's Accessory
Axeman's Accessory
Basket of Sunflowers
Basket of the Perfect Picnic
Black Grave Accessory
Burglar's Gear
Captain's Gear
Champion's Gear
Citadel Accessory
File:Accessory of Crystal Resolve.jpg Crystal Resolve Accessory
Dagorlad Accessory
Dwarf-made Accessory
Elderslade Accessory
Fateful Thunder Accessory
Festive Azure Accessory
Five Orc Heads on a Pike Accessory
Flag of Blackroot
Flag of Gondor
Flag of Lamedon
Flag of Lebennin
Flag of Lossarnach
Four Orc Heads on a Pike Accessory
Gatherer's Accessory
Grand Accessory
Green Grocer Accessory
Guardian's Gear
Harmonious Accessory
Heartwood Accessory
Heavy Accessory
Heavy Accessory of the Entwash
Heavy Accessory of the Norcrofts
Heavy Accessory of the Sutcrofts
Heavy Accessory of the Wold
Hidden Peaks Accessory
Horse Archer's Accessory
Hunter's Gear
King's Banner Accessory
Lamp of Summer's Night
Lamp of the Harbinger
Lamp of the Northern Herald
Lantern of the Unearthed Kingdom
Lore-master's Gear
Marauder Accessory
Maverick's Accessory
Merchant's Accessory
Minstrel's Gear
Mirkwood Sentinel Accessory
Orc Head on a Pike Accessory
Perfect Curl Accessory
Potato Farmer's Fine Accessory
File:Rakish Charmer's Accessory.jpg Rakish Charmer's Accessory
Reclaimed Mountain Accessory
Reveller's Gilded Accessory
Royal Accessory
Rune-keeper's Gear
Shimmering Breeze Accessory
Silent Hunter Accessory
Snow-beast Accessory
Starlight Accessory
Steed of Night Accessory
Summer Concert Accessory
Survivalist's Accessory
Three Orc Heads on a Pike Accessory
File:Tide-breaker's Accessory.jpg Tide-breaker's Accessory
Torchbearer's Accessory
Traveller's Accessory
Two Orc Heads on a Pike Accessory
Vagabond's Accessory
Victory Accessory
Warden's Gear
Warrior's Accessory
Westfold Accessory
Whimsical Accessory