User talk:DeletedAccount/Links in quest objectives

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I was looking at Quest:Chapter 6: Daughter of Strife and I noticed that you changed one of the objectives to read "Do not fail the Instance: Daughter of Strife session". I quite strongly feel that despite the usual way of formatting links, text coming verbatim from the game should never be changed. Although not that strongly that I don't ask first why you did this.

While searching through similar objectives looking for precedence for this kind of format (there is none), I found another thing that also strikes me as strange. In one particular page you removed this link from the actual name of the instance and placed it in the other objective. I simply cannot see the reason for this.

As long as we're talking about this, the link appears twice in Quest:The Fall of Moria (Epic) (although I believe this one is not your doing), and I'm wondering which one to remove. I'd opt for the second one, at least for consistency's sake.