User talk:Adelas/Sandbox
You might consider using categories to create this page.
If you create category plan, this page should look a lot like category:items page.
--Hinney 12:00, 2 November 2007 (PDT)
- Hinney, I was just actually using this page as a safe place to show how we could redo the category tree, before actually editing the tree itself. Basically, I was posting my idea in order for people to look at it and comment on it, before I actually got up the nerve to change the real thing, because I would hate to make changes that people didn't like and then have to go back and fix it all. I don't want to make anybody mad, so I was using this page as a "proposal" of what I think I will do.
- Long story short -- Eventually, once this has been okayed by a couple people, it WILL be in category format.
- Hope this makes sense.
--Adelas 12:42, 2 November 2007 (PDT)
Looking good, just a few (!) comments:
- Bog lurkers / prowlers etc are classed as "Creatures of Nature" - in fact so far they're the only thing my LM has found that her Creatures of Nature ward works on (She still hates them though ;D ) - so maybe use that for their name?
- I would keep orcs/goblins/half-orcs/trolls/uruks separate, mostly for the reason you suggest - even though some things, eg Tarkrips (as a whole), would be classed under at least 3 of them.
- Ents ... hm.. maybe just include in both humanoids and plant-creatures.
- Worms and dragons ... I guess they're beasts, and they would make a very small category by themselves ... my LM sees them as very different because she can't mezz them ... yeh leave them where they are.
- I still think swarms should be listed under their species (but obviously as swarm difficulty too). Bear in mind they are not even all beasts. This is what the manual has to say:
. Swarm is a difficulty level (I've never heard anyone use the word rank) not a species. So for example the hendroval in the lone-lands would be under "birds" for species, while being "swarm" for difficulty".
Ok, awesome. I know what you mean about the dragons.
As far as the bog lurkers and similar creatures, I updated the "other" category. Technically what I called Plant-Creatures are ALL called Creatures of Nature in the game, but frankly I think the gamemakers were lacking in the creativity department when they came up with that because all creatures are creatures of nature :P. So, to make things more intuitive for someone coming to the site, I thought it would be simpler to call them Plant-creatures.
As far as swarms - my apologies to everyone I frustrated by not being on board with this. Thanks for the manual page. I did get a chance to find some things like this in game and saw it first hand. I never noticed that before, but someone's description elsewhere of how they are wimpy by themselves but tougher in a group really helped me "get" what the gamemakers were doing. Plus, having the manual page right here keeps me from having to click through the category pages to find that info. :).
Your comment about "rank" gave me an idea, though. I had been having a slight problem with the term "difficulty level" simply because the term "level" is used to mean something else. I agree that the word Rank by itself isn't clear enough though. What if, for the "difficulty" categories, we call them "Difficulty Ranks"?
But, as far as the creature types go, I think with this feedback, I'm ready to start shifting things within the next few days. --Adelas 12:18, 5 November 2007 (PST)
- I don't think using "Difficulty rank" will be a problem. (I'd avoid using Rank, as they have done, though, as it is used in the Ettenmoors.)
- Glad the "swarm" confusion" has been cleared up :) DancesInTrees 00:31, 6 November 2007 (PST)