This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Xelthazar | |
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World: | Landroval |
Vocation: | Explorer |
Class: | Lore-master |
Race: | Man |
Region: | Dale |
Age: | 19 |
Height: | 6"1 |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Light |
Hair: | Brown |
Eye: | Brown |
Physical Description: Xel prefers to dress himself in hooded long robes, usually of brown or green threads. His short brown hair is always kept the same way, short and easily managed. He carries a single weapon for protection, a dark wooden staff with a large round emerald fastened at the top. He is in excellent physical condition and is quite strong and agile as most young adults are. He is an extremely fast learner and is very intelligent. He keeps three items concealed with him at all times. The first is but a simple journal, where he writes down his knowledge of the natural world. The second is a gold ring, forged by his great jeweler cousin Roswin. This ring possesses no great power or magic, but it has embedded in it the Emeraldstaff family crest. This ring though does have a long history in which Roswin the Jeweler can provide more details. The third is but a simple elven rope, usually worn around his waist as a belt. But in times of need Xel has been known to use it for survival or even for combat.
Personality Description: Xelthazar, a man of few words, is but a humble explorer in search of new knowledge. He is confident in his abilities of the natural world, yet he always seeks better control over them. Xel tends to keep a smile on his face even in times of distress and lives in awe of the natural beauty of the world. Many call him an optimist. Xel tries to always treat everyone he meets with respect and can be counted upon to help out those who are in need of assistance. Yet he is a simple man and lives a simple life. Xel needs no great sum of wealth or any property that is not useful to his survival. He seems to be most at peace when he is in a small, quiet library sitting comfortably with a new book. What drives Xel everyday is his search of new knowledge and abilities. Of the many things Xel has learned in his travels, it is these two teachings Xel has taken to heart. To always learn something new everyday, and to always treat others as you would like to be treated.
Xelthazar, Ancient Edain decent of the House Emeraldstaff
Since the existence of Esgaroth, the Emeraldstaff house has resided on long lake. It is there that the Emeraldstaff line has become known for being the finest woodworkers on the lake. After the dragon Smaug destroyed the Emeraldstaff estate the family was forced to flee laketown. Xel was born while his family was traveling west across Mirkwood fleeing the danger of Smaug. Unable to find sufficient work Xel’s family never setteled in one place for too long. It was until Xels teenage years that his family finally settled in the small town of Staddle on the outskirts of Bree. Xel never felt a connection to their new home and so he began to wonder from town seeking the solace of the nearby woods. He helped his father in the family shop but he soon knew that this was not the life he wanted for himself.
At the age of sixteen he said goodbye to his former lifestyle and answered the call of the forest he heard in his heart. Drawn to the wild places, to the realms seldom visited by others he found an inner peace. Listening to the murmurings of the wind, the trickling streams, the songs of the birds, and the crashing of thunder Xel hoped to one day grasp a better understanding of the vast world around him. Living off the land he found fruit and berries, trapped fish in the rivers and hunted the creatures of the forest. Never did he kill any animal or pick any plant out of anger, sport or for pleasure and always did he give thanks and blessings to the animals and plants for surrendering themselves to him.
In the ensuing years Xel became one with the forest and began to learn the secrets of the wild. He befriended many animals and even learned to speak with them. Some of these animals he took into his deepest self as spirit guides and animals of power. Xel also learned to make allies of the wind, earth, water and fire. Learning the true nature and true names of the wild lands he has now some control over his abilities and is able to call on them in times of need.
It was not until Xel was 19 that he set foot into another village. It is now that his journey brings him out of the forest and into the lives of others again. He lives in search of others like himself, others with knowledge about the lands and creatures. He now travels from village to village sharing his knowledge and learning from the wisdom of others. He trains and meditates everyday and always stays in council with his spirit guides. When Xel is not honing his skills over the elements he uses his time to help the local populace in any way he is able to. He travels without direction but it is his deepest desire to one day bring his family back to there ancestral home.
Friends and Enemies
Valadrea- My greatest friend and most loyal companion. She is the fairest and most beautiful elf i have ever seen. She is also a fine minstrel and gifted healer. Her music can bring the blackest of brigands to tears and inspire even the most faintest of hearts. I met her one glorious spring day and my life has never been the same.
Roswin- My favorite cousin. He left our family estate when the dragon attacked and stayed with my parents until we got settled. A few years later he left for Gondor in search of adventure and training. It is there i hear he served in the Tower Guard for many years. Until recently I had not heard anything of him, but now he has put down his sword and is making an honest wage in Gondor as a Jeweler. I long to see my cousin again and vow to one day make the trip south.
Blacksparrow- The quick and witty pirate I met on my travels. He is a wonderful companion to have on the long roads and a excellent man to have along side you in a squabble. He is also a very gifted Scholar. But what he is known for the most is his very large knowledge of fine wines and womanizing ways. He is now often found in the Prancing Pony in Bree sharing his tales of adventure and pursuing the local women.
Gonn- My loyal dwarf friend and companion. We first met while I was traveling from the Blue Mountains to the Shire. He is always heavily armored and is never seen without his axe and shield. He is an impressive fighter and is highly skilled in the arts of metalsmithing. Gonn is also quite the drinker too, for every adventure we have had together he has always carried with him more ale than two horses could carry.
All those who seek to destroy the beautiful creation that is Middle Earth. Those who needlessly kill or torture any living creature. Hunters who invade the forest and kill the inhabitants for pleasure or sport.