User:WargLover/Zaily Wargtail

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Zaily Wargtail
File:(will add later)
World: Peregrin (formerly Landroval)

Class: Burglar
Race: Man
Region: Bree
Age: 19
Height: 5'4
Sex: Female
Skin: Fair
Hair: Red
Eye: Ice Blue


Physical Description: Zaily is slight in build and moderate in height. She has fair skin, coppery red hair that stops at her chin, and ice blue eyes. Personality Description: Zaily is a fiery, strong-willed girl who refuses to let anyone put her down. Though largely self-serving and prone to antisocial behavior, she has a soft spot for animals and for people who have gone through similar hardships to her.


Zaily is an ex-Blackwold brigand. She has always had an affinity for wolf-dogs, wolves, and wargs.

Orphaned at a young age, Zaily was put under the care of relatives. However, they were extremely strict on her, which led to her resenting them and running away at 14 years old. Shortly after, she joined the Blackwolds and quickly became a formidable fighter, thief, and spy. What she lacked in physical strength, she made up for in agility and stealth.
Zaily soon gave herself the epithetical surname "Wargtail", reflecting both her fondness for the creatures and her ability to be stalk silently like one.

Zaily lived the life of a brigand for several years until the alliance with Angmar brought about changes to the gang's formerly loose structure. For protesting against this, she was imprisoned in Blackwold Jail and periodically beaten for several days, the intent being to break her and make an example out of her to deter further dissent.
After managing to make her escape once her wounds had healed enough, Zaily swore revenge on her old gang. Edric, her main tormentor, would be the first to fall.
Later, upon seeing how callously Skunkwood and his lackeys treated the wolves and wolfhounds they were breeding, Zaily's resolve was further solidified. She was able to rescue one of the sons of Skunkwood's wolf matriarch, and he now accompanies her everywhere.

After killing Skunkwood and most of the other high-ranking Blackwolds, and after her old boss finally saw sense right before his death and admitted the alliance with Angmar was a mistake along with apologizing to her, Zaily finally was able to move on.

Her next stop would be the Lone-lands, where she would become acquainted with some members of the Eglain and — feeling kinship with them due to being an outcast herself — decide to help them cut down the number of orcs and goblins in their lands.

Friends and Enemies


  • Dusky (her wolf-dog)
  • Wolf-Dogs and Wolfhounds
  • Wolves
  • Wargs
  • The Blackwolds (formerly)


  • Edric
  • William Skunkwood
  • Jagger Jack
  • Angmar
  • Orcs and Goblins


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