This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Valaraen Avariquen
The daughter of Alatháriël of Lothlórien and Valaríon Avathar, who originally was of Thranduil's people, but lived a time in Rivendell, Valaraen Avariquen, wanted for nothing and was raised well in a good family. The daughter of a highly regarded musician and a scholar of great renown, her family was well known . Valaraen took to study, history and science, the history of the rise of Men. The tales of the rest of the world. The great wide world. She began to stir inside, longing to see these things. As one of the Firstborn, her life, expectedly, has been long, longer than the lives of many men and their descendants - mortality is not known to her kind. But, the world was beginning to darken; the time of the elves, she heard tell, was drawing to a close. It was time. Time to go to the West.
She resisted this defeatist attitude. If there were problems, could they not be fixed? Could she not help? She had yet to visit the realm outside of the peaceful golden retreat beneath the Mallorn trees. She felt a need to engage in life - to learn not from ancient books and scrolls, diagrams and drawings, pictures and stories. And with an undescribable desire meet the people beyond the mountain, see the places of which she had heard, and experience it for herself.
Sent to Mithlond to study under an elf called "Thalya," she left, taken by horse over Caradhras, who by the grace of the Valar, bore her no ill will. From there, it was a long journey by cart, in a covered caravan.
At the end of the trip, the driver of the caravan said "out." And then she was there - Ered Luin. At the windy, snowy ruins of what once was an elven town. All she had was thin elven robe and carrying a makeshift bow and some questionable arrows.
Life! This was life. She was able to find out where she was, what she was to do, and was given clothes, a better weapon, and some shoes. Shoes! For a while, Valaraen wandered around Celondim and Duilland, looking for things to do - run errands for people in town. Train at archery. Learn to fish. It was everything she'd hoped - learning a new life here in what she thought of as "The Real World." She did not yet want to continue on to Mithlond. She did not want to study, nor did she want to take the ship and go to the West. She stalled.
Soon thereafter, wandering yet further from Celondim, looking lost and confused, she met her partner in adventure - a new friend. A Man, called Haarland.
The Beginning
At the start of her journey, met many friends, saw amazing and terrible places and developed a deep bond with her human companion, though she hid it well. Suddenly implored by a new companion to to take on orders at the behest of Lord Elrond himself, pained, she slipped away from her life and began one anew. He never was able to say goodbye to her, or find where she had gone.
It lay heavy upon her heart and soul, her disappearance, leaving him without a trace, and in his absence, and she hid it as she could.
As orders came increasingly, and led to more dangerous tasks and horrors indescribably horrific, she felt her soul become leaden. Under the guidance and somewhat detached and disdainful eye of her mentor, she was shocked to learn - she was only half elven. As yet she has refused to make The Choice, while as she knows she wants very badly to remain here... Ultimately she has come to terms with her eventual need to go to the West. She thought of her ties to Middle-earth, and her deep and unspoken feelings for her favorite human.
Angmar and Beyond
Much time went by, and Valaraen eventually grew out of her short cropped hair, her human-styled clothes, her flippant and light demeanor. She realized she no longer recognizes the tall, Elven maiden in black elven clothes and a black cloak, long chestnut hair spilling over her shoulders. A silver bow across her back, ever so slightly glowing green. She was not the who she was before - the horror of things that cannot be unseen, the shadow of Angmar staining her soul. She slipped away unknown, and went to Bree to find him, and with him. found solace and light and joy. Misguidedly, she left her emotions, though deeply rooted, unspoken, as elves do. She was not yet drowned in her own darkness, but was fearful that the darkness she felt inside herself would seep out and stain.
She returned to the aid of her former companion, heart aching at her disappearance, nervous at their meeting, to help him out of a rather bad situation in Andrath. After what can only be described as a massacre, she led him to safety, where he beseeched her never to think of him again, and leave him in the mud with the bandits, where he belongs - saying that she is too good for him and is destined for great things. Before she could say how she felt, he went into the woods and disappeared. And she said, called into the rain, herself lying in the soft, muddy grass, that she would never forget and never abandon hope.
After a time in Eregion and the High Hollin, Thalya and Valaraen entered the long-disused Mines of Moria, willing to help the dwarf expedition hoping to "reclaim" their ancestral home. Facing dangers yet to be revealed and stronger, more twisted servants of the Enemy, both mental and physical strength were to become taxed.
The mines give way to the calm of Lothlórien and Valaraen returns home for a time, to a mixed reception. Continuing to return to Moria for more and more dangerous missions, she learns skills of great strength and hones them well.
A Brief Return
To Lórien
Throughout her life to the east of the mountains, in Eriador, she has written letters home to Lórien, postcards with one image each. Sometimes short, sometimes extremely long philosophical outpourings, these have been her lifeline, of sorts. She does not keep a journal with her, she keeps the record of her adventures, misadventures, and thoughts safely at home, via her postcards from Middle Earth.(1)
To ...Others
It is not known for certain whether Valaraen continues correspondence with others, but assumptions have been made when she occasionally receives mail from Bree-town.
Friends and Enemies
- The Race of Men
- The Elves
- The Halflings/Hobbits. They're not really anything special, nor are they bad.
- The many sentient and benevolent creatures of Eriador
- The Dwarves, stereotypically. She is learning not to react with such disdain, but it is difficult. She will tolerate them. The exception to this rule is Tarnorili though, which she's grown - against her best intentions - quite fond of.
- SPIDERS, DESCENDANTS OF UNGOL. These loathsome creatures will upset Valaraen to freeze in fear, go into shock or or snap in a flood of violence.
- The weak servants of the Witch-king of Angmar: the wicked Men who have sold themselves to him; creatures dominated easily into submission; evil Men and Dwarves allying with The Enemy in hopes of violence, profit, revenge, or power.
- Inhuman, barely describable creatures of darkness, such as Helchgam, spawned in the dark acid beneath Carn Dûm.
- The Uruk, orcs, goblins, half-orcs and others of their twisted kind.
- The ruffians, bandits, half-orcs and whoever else crosses her path in Andrath. They will not be forgiven.
((Please use this section to post in-haracter reactions, reflections, and gossip regarding or involving Valaraen))
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