This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Thorenas is of sturdy build and has muscular limbs. He is 5'11 tall He has long, dark brown hair.
Personality Description: Thorenas has a love for peace and quite. However, in these dangerous he fights against the forces of Sauron. He does not enjoy killing and hates to take the lives of others.
Thorenas is a distant descendant of Elros Half-elven, First King of Numenor. He is a Dunedan. In the Land of Bree is is known as Windslasher the Ranger. He was born in the White-City of Minas Tirith and grew up there. He lived with his father and never got to know his mother, for she left when he was barely a year old. He trained as a Soldier for Gondor and at the age of nineteen, he made for Bree with his father. Then something totally unexpected happened. They were ambushed by Orcs bearing the White-Hand of Saruman. They had always considered Saruman an ally. Thorenas survived the assault and arrived in Bree. His father, however, was not so lucky. He was taken away by the Orcs to who knows where. Thorenas then trained in Bree until very recently that an organization of Brigands known as the 'Blackwold' attacket Archet. Captain Brackenbrook did not survive. An ancient dwarf king by the name of Skolgrim was seen with the Witch-King of Angmar. With the Men of Bree and Jon Brackenbrook, he drove away the brigands. Archet's people have begun to rebuild it. Thorenas left Archet the next day and traveled through Bree. During his travels he met a beautiful Elven maiden by the name of Salriel. They traveled together. He crafted for her a sword. Eventually they were married and Thorenas left for the Lone-Lands.
Friends and Enemies
- The Free Peoples of Middle-Earth
- Saruman of Many Colors
- Sauron
- All of the Orcs
- Uruk-Hai