User:Thoil/Thoil Ironforge
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Thoil | |
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World: | Eldar
Class: | Guardian |
Race: | Dwarf |
Region: | Khazâd-Dûm |
Age: | 248 years |
Height: | 126cm |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Light |
Hair: | Grey |
Eye: | Light brown |
Thoil have experienced many battles of unfortune. He ownes a scar on his face, a memory from the battle of The bridge of Durin.:
Thoil is a short-tempered dwarf but still very focused on what he's doing, he is hoping to one day revenge the goblins of Sauron and reclaim the city of Durin:
Born: 2770. Thoil was one of those who followed Balin to reclaim the city of Durin. After the reclaim, Thoil became one of the guards of the second hall. Many years after the reclaim, Balin the king of Khazad-Dûm was killed and the Goblins swarmed in from everywhere. Thoil and the other guards had no other choice than retreat over the Bridge. They fought in thirteen hours, thirteens hours without any aid. There he also recieved his scar from one of the goblin-lords. Many of his friends died there and almost he as well, when Dragoin his best friend came to Thoil's aid. Together they maniged to flee out from the west gate. Thoil sweared that he would return one day so he could revenge the Goblins. Thoil went exile and withdrawed into the city of Thorin's Hall there he hoped he could find assistance for his campaign to take back the city of Durin and save eventually surivors. Modern events: But the Hall of Thorin had other things to do. Thorin Oakenshield leaved his Halls for Erebors and the Dourhand clan declared Thorin's Hall as their domain. Thoil and the Longbeard clan succefully drived the Dourhands away from Thorin's Hall. Thorin died shortly after his reclaim of Erebor so the Longbeard leader Dwalin became king. Thoil asked Balin's brother Dwalin about help to take what is theirs but Dwalin couldn't help Thoil as long as the Dourhand leader Skorgrîm is alive. So Thoil started a epic hunt for Skorgrîm that leads him to one even greater threat. The new threat from Angmar has now occupied all Thoil's time. He is now settled temporary in the shadow infected North-downs and hopes that he one day will find Skorgrîm. He will not rest untill Khazâd-Dûm is safe under the baner of the Dwarves.
Thoil's father Thollin also followed Balin into Khazâd-Dûm, but one day he leaved the deeps of the grey mountains without a trace. A rumour said that he had been requested by the white council. One day Thoil got a letter from his Father that said: Dear son, I'm sorry I had to leave so sudden. I can tell you where I am but it would not be necessary becouse I'm constantly wandering around doing important things. Enough about me, the important thing is that you won't look for me. We will meet again. From your Father Thollin Ironforge agent of the white council. Thoil's mother: Unknown
Friends and Enemies
Dragoin: Thoil's old friend, their friendship reach back to the days of Thoil's life in Khazâd-Dûm. Dragoin withdrawed to the White mountain after the battle. Falkras: A friend of Thoil, they ran into each other not very long ago, but despite that their friendship is stronger than mithril. Gimli: A good friend of Thoil, they where first meeting in Thorin's hall. Despite their friendship, Thoil didn't told Gimli about Gimli's cousin Balin's death. Sauron: Sauron and his servants are and will for ever be Thoil's greatests enemies.
- Falkras
- Dragoin
- N/A
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