This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Corpsereign is a muscular Dwarf Hunter.He usually wears a Rhun Mask to cover his Scarred Face. He loves to play the Clarinet and Lute. A heavy Smoker.
Personality Description: CorpseReign is very friendly to Dwarves and Men ,but not so much to Hobbits and Elves unless they join his Kinship Corpse Reign ,or he gets something out of the conversations with them.Loves his pet Goat Dwain
"Corpsereign Dourhand,Dourlord the Sinister of Corpse Reign"(That's his full name Sir name included) (born as Bofi Dourhand) was a very respectful Dwarf ,he loved to hear the stories about Morgoth Bauglir the Master of Sauron during the First Age. After King Thorin had died the Thorins halls fell to the Dourhands, under control of Gormr Doursmith. After Skorgrim was Resurrected , Bofi Followed Skorgrim to Kheledul where he was instructed to make a kinship to aid him when the time came that he will need him.There and then Corpse Reign was born. So Bofi Changed his name to CorpseReign so everyone would think he died during the Longbeard reclaim at Thorins Halls.He Will wait and wait until Skorgrim Summons him to his side. Corpsereign has recently met up with the Dourhand Miners in the North Downs.This is Getting him lots of money for the Kinshouse.
Friends and Enemies
- The Dourhand Dwarves Skorgrim, Corpse Reign Members
- Pure Elven Kins
- Anyone in his way
Corpse Reign has been uneasy about the kin 'The knights of the Round' his website is
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