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Andorel Evendew
World: Laurelin
Vocation: Explorer
Class: Lore-master
Race: Elf
Region: Eriador, Rivendell
Age: Unknown (Young)
Height: 1,85m
Sex: Male
Skin: Pale
Hair: Brown
Eye: Light-blue


Rather small for an elf. He is a head lower than most elves, and he seems more youthful. He has a slim body build, but overall it seems as if he is quite harmless. He is seen some times wearing a crown, of man-made hands. Why is yet unknown, but he seems to carry it often.


Andorel is a loner. He likes to travel the world, and he does not to often travel it with friends. But he worships the moments when he does. He is kind to all races, as he sees things in their eyes that others do not.

Friends and Enemies


  • Reckoned by Hobbits in the Shire, for good efforts.
  • Friend of the Wild, for understanding and helping the nature and its life forms.
  • Friend of the Dunedain, the Kinship who none really heard much of again.


The Forces of Mordor, and the Enemies from Angmar.


  • It is said that Andorel is speaking and listening to the rivers, asking them for aid.
  • Some say he shares the characteristics of a teenager, he appears quite young.