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Samtartan Alebeard I
Anarchic Asylum
World: Gladden
Vocation: Explorer
Class: Hunter
Race: Dwarf
Region: Moria
Age: 1209
Height: 3' 9"
Sex: Male
Skin: Light
Hair: Black
Eye: Black


Physical Description: Samtartan is short, muscular, and likes to wear fancy outfits. He has a scar on his eye, which makes him easily recognizable. He likes to wear imperial colors like purple and gold. He also likes to advertise his strength. He has a long life due to his lineage. He is 50% dwarf, 25% hobbit, and 25% elf.

Personality Description: Samtartan is a kind and brave king. He rules Moria with one rule: "All subjects are treated equally."


Sometime during the Third Age, there was an attack near Sarnur. 6 Dourhands murdered a family of noble dwarves. The Tartan family was known for its bravery and wisdom. The bodies found at the scene belonged to Eldertartan, Zaptartan, Samalanthiriel, and Wartartan. After searching the area, the Bounders found a baby dwarf crying in his dead mom's arms. He had a tag attached to his tiny beard. It said: Samtartan Alebeard. The Bounders decided to take the baby to Rivendell and give him to Elrond. Elrond learned that the baby was really old, but hadn't changed the appearance due to it's long life. Elrond gave the baby to Gimli, son of Gloin, who taught him how to be a hunter. When the time came, Samtartan left Rivendell and learned to survive on his own. While killing beasts in Eriador, Samtartan killed Mordrambor, servant of Mordirith, who told Sam that he had an interesting family. To learn more about what he said, Sam went to the library of Eregion and looked at the records. Sam was descended from Durin VI, King of Moria. A few years later, Samtartan joined the Iron Garrison and reclaimed Moria, and established it as his territory. Moria was in a time of peace and harmony till Samtartan's dead brother, Zaptartan, was resurrected by the Witch King himself. Zaptartan killed Sam in a very brutal fight. Sam's son Sianrond took the body of Samtartan and gave it to Ivar the Bloodhand, who owed Sam a favor. He resurrected Sam, and helped Sam kill Zaptartan. Sam now lives in Moria, and goes through the every day struggles of a king. In his free time, he likes to drink beer and have parties with his never ending sons and daughters.

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