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|name = Turinborn |kinship = none |world = Crickhollow |vocation = Weaponsmith |class = Champion |race = Elf |region = Ered Luin |age = ??? |height = Tall-ish |sex = Male |skin = Pale-ish |hair = Black |eye = Green

World: Crickhollow
Vocation: Weaponsmith
Class: Champion
Race: Elf
Region: Mirkwood
Age: ??
Height: Tall
Sex: Male
Skin: Pale
Hair: Black
Eye: Green


Dark haired, green-eyed elf of Mirkwood, solemn, friendly and unrelenting in battle. He is also calculating when needed, knowing when to strike, and when it is necessary to flee and seek later vengeance.


Lover of all the elven legends of old, the tale of Turin was his favorite. Turinborn, Born of Turin, well not by blood but he would jolly well like to be. He was born in Mirkwood, but as soon as he was old enough he set off to seek his fortunes elsewhere. To him, his past was irrelevant, until he became entangled in the battle against the forces of shadow during the War of the Ring. Now he fights as a lone warrior helping those who need it and avenging the death of friends that have fallen around him. He has grown a great hatred for the evil Dourhands, and the feeble goblins, who he deems unworthy foes.

Friends and Foes

  • Hates any goblin, especially the small scrawny ones.
  • Loathes Dourhands, due to a earlier defeat to them. but he vowes to one day avenge this.
  • Willing to befriend any one who is an enemy of the enemy, and especially loves the littlefolk.