This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Full Name: Celeboruil Whitebrow
Physical Description: Tall and muscular, with light skin, red hair, and green eyes along with a scar on his face from the blade of an Uruk.
Personality Description: Quiet and taciturn, Celeboruil rarely speaks, and only then directly and to the point. He is a loner by nature, preferring to travel and fight alone. However, he is perfectly willing to help out anyone in distress, and will gladly run into battle for those unable to defend themselves. Most people he crosses paths with are unsettled by his laconic nature and haunted look, although many of the people he has fought for trust him with their lives. Fuelled by his blood-lust against the dark armies of Angmar and his desire to help the innocent and helpless, he now wanders the land, looking for anything to ease his suffering.
Celeboruil was born in a village, Daernan, near the Gondorian city of Osgilliath. Raised by his father, he chose to take up the sword to defend his home. Under the tutelage of Captain Boromir, he became an able warrior, facing Orcs, Uruk-hai, Wargs, Trolls, and all manner of dark beasts without flinching. His life changed, however, when tragedy struck. After returning from a far-reaching patrol, he found his home village in flames and his father dead, the first of many victims of Mordor's fell hordes. He vowed to never rest until the Free Peoples of Middle-Earth were safe from the growing darkness. He was last seen near the Bree-lands, helping the commonfolk there stave off bandit attacks.
Friends and Enemies
- Celeboruil has few - if any - friends, preferring solitude.
- Any and all evil creatures, whether man or beast.
- Celeboruil's name translated from Sindarin means 'silver-tree-seaweed.' While strange, it could be a veiled reference to his possible Númenorean descent (Númenor being an island in the Sundering Seas, hence "seaweed") along with his height and pale skin.
- Celboruil's surname comes from both the pale color of his skin and the blood of the Old Kings that is rumored to run in his veins.