This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Momotaro is tall and muscular, the latter being a trait needed for Burglars to get extra power behind their damage dealing abilities. Despite his build, Momotaro is very agile and light on his feet, enabling him to sneak behind his would be attackers and get his blades in first.
Personality Description: An easy-going and laib-back Burglar, Momotaro is easy to get along with and always up for a laugh. While people may think this makes for a slack attitude he will always fight for what he believes to be right, and for who he believes is worth protecting or aiding in whatever conquest they may be doing.
Momotaro Ufume, along with his twin sister Katsugi, has only just graduated from the Bree Training Academy and been allowed to enter the field as a Defender of Bree-Land. While training, Momotaro has become a Master Apprentice in Prospecting, Forestry and Tailoring. Although he has not participated in any major battles, unlike his older brother Nekoju, he is waiting for a chance to be able to prove himself both to his family and his town.
When it comes to family, Momotaro is desperately loyal to them, forever seeking their approval. Him and his twin sister have many competitions to see who can perform a certain task the best, which often ends inconclusive as both are as skilled as eahc other. When it comes to his father, Momotaro doesn't really care about what he thinks, or even how well he is, after what happened between his father and Nekoju. When his father got crippled by giants in Angmar, Momotaro didn't give it a second thought, and believed it to be retribution for his acts in his early life.
Now that he is of age and training to go out into the field, he will help both his twin sister and older brother defeat the evil that threatens their homeland of Bree.
Friends and Enemies
- Mitsuko - Captain - Grandmother
- Odori - Lore-Master - Mother
- Nekoju - Minstrel - Older Brother
- Katsugi - Guardian - Twin Sister
- Ianadan - Hunter - Nephew
- Ryuzaki - Champion - Father