User:Saviours of Middle Earth/Zenobar
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Zenobar Serathor is a tallish medium sized man in height, being 6'1 he is a similar height to many elves. Zenobar is unusual as very little is known about him and his heritage. He has gentle and pure looks that resemble that of an elf. He has blond hair golden like the Sun and his piercing blue eyes are like wonderful, glimmering sapphires in a gentle blue sea in Summer. They appear to look straight through you as though they can see your deepest and most hidden thoughts and when need be they can turn wild and fiery as though the sea has a storm brewing above it. He shares little in facial features to Men of the Mark resembling more a man of Gondorian Nobility and more so Numenor. However, he most resembles the elvish Eldar as his features go, however, his short, golden hair and neat ears resemble a man. His looks are proof of his very mixed and incredible blood line. He has fine golden staffs that are most powerful and thin, brilliant swords that match his body type, thin and scant, but deadly. He dresses in fine but practical clothing from all ends of Arda. Brilliant golden robes that seem to shine. Fiery cloaks and hauberks or reds and blacks with dashes of glowing, fiery streaks. He is thin and elegant but anyone who saw him would know he was powerful, he has a sort of brilliant and magical aura about him and is clearly eternally good.
Personality Description: Zenobar Serathor is a lover of the animals however he is willing to kill those who pose a threat to him. He is always willing to help people and will do anything for the Free Peoples.'
Zenobar Serathor's history is little known, but some things are rumoured. He is as old as the Eldar themselves as he was placed on Middle Earth by the valar early though in the same or different form it is not known. Because of this it is known that he, like the elves is undying. While he inherits attributes from men, elves dwarves and even hobbits alike most of his appearance is that of Men and some Elfish. He is also very slightly part Maia as the Maia who came to Middle Earth and married an elf going down a long, part-Elfish bloodline is partly related to him as he, being one of the first, has ties to almost all the Middle Earth realms. He did good throughout all time however only his actions in the Third Age are known as fact to people. It is bid ex however that he is enlightened and has, somehow managed to communicate with the Valar and even Illuvatar himself giving him an insight and brilliant knowledge of all things past, present, and future. Because of these things he is a great lore-master able to use exceptional magic to overpower dark forces, and it is known he would never give up the forces of good for anything. It is believed that he could go to the Grey Havens however has vowed not to until the final Great Battle where Morgoth, Sauron and all other dark for we return to fight all that is good, and only after the good win can Zenobar ever truly be at rest. Despite his exceptional age, he looks young.
Zenobar's full name and his used titles are: Sergeant of the Guard Zenobar Serathor the Formidable. Although often he does not use the full title.
Zenobar's family remains a mystery to all, there is rumour that Zenobar remembers it all but prefers to keep it to himself. He has no record of parents, people have speculated that perhaps his family were murdered and other theories, but, no one other than Zenobar knows for sure. The most likely theory is that he was placed in Arda by the Valar with the Eldar.
With all his escapades it is no wonder that he was captured by the small-scale Brigands that terrorised Archet; The Blackwolds. Despite Zenobar's confusion at this he was determined to fight them and end their evil days.
He was inside a jail cell being held captive by the Blackwolds when a Ranger named Strider came and let him free. Strider came with another Ranger named Amdir and while they fought off a Nazgul that had come to find The Ring Zenobar freed the other prisoners; Celandine Brandybuck and the less grateful Mundo Sackville-Baggins.
Zenobar then defended Archet from the Blackwolds and now they are a feeble force lurking in the bushes of Archet feared by no one. it took time working his way and gaining trust from the Constable and Captain, but, in the end Zenobar succeeded and despite the damage to Archet, he did manage to save the town.
Zenobar then was recruited by a Lore-Master named Jessiie into her kinship; Saviours of Middle Earth. They aided him and he stayed loyal, they were a new kinship at the time, Zenobar was a founder, but Zenobar recruited many new members and is now the loyal Successor.
Zenobar helped Strider (who turned out to be the leader of the Rangers) in Bree and overcame the Southern Brigands. Strider was very grateful and Zenobar had left an imprint in him forever.
Sadly Amdir turned into a Cargul and had to be killed by Strider and Zenobar, this was a tragedy for them both.
It was after he had overcome the Brigands that he first met Gandalf the Grey. Strider had sent him to the Prancing Pony in Bree where, inside a large room, an elderly looking Wizard was there. The Wizard looked just like an old man, however Zenobar knew this was just a disguise for Zenobar had been well educated about the Maia and Wizards. Gandalf had heard of Zenobar's work and asked him to head to the Lone-Lands to aid a more Junior Wizard; Radagast the Brown.
Zenobar aided Radagast to keep the Lone-Lands free, like Zenobar Radagast loved animals so they got on well together. After he had succeeded Zenobar returned to Gandalf and had left a mark on both Radagast and Gandalf that would be useful in the future.
Zenobar helped the people of the North Downs aswell with the help of the Rangers before another, far bigger task awaited him. Zenobar was sent by a senior Ranger to meet again with Strider, however, Strider was in Rivendell.
Zenobar travelled to Rivendell and met with Strider, Strider showed Zenobar who he really was. Strider was Aragorn, the rightful King of Gondor. In Rivendell he met many people, some who were already indebted and knew him well such as Aragorn and Gandalf, and others who were not. He spoke to the Lord Elrond Who send him to speak with his sons just outside Rivendell. He did this and realised that the task ahead would be tougher than any before. He had to find the Nazgul that had almost killed him and Aragorn and had transformed Amdir.
Zenobar found and conquered the Nazgul after much work, forcing it to return to Mordor to regain its health.
He spent some time in Rivendell doing tasks for experience for Captain-General of Gondor Boromir; Aragorn, Leader of the Rangers; Gandalf the Grey; Prince Legolas of the Woodland Realm; Gimle, Son of Gloin; Frodo Baggins; Bilbo Baggins; Lord Elrond Halfelven and Lord Glorfindel aswell as others.
He has a large house in 7 Haven Way, Sarniant in Falathlorn where he spends some of his leisure time, but there are often more pressing matters at hand!
Zenobar recently spent some time fighting in a war far greater than the needs of Angmar. The War, that takes place in the Ettenmoors, he became a Sergeant of the Guard and defeated Mordirith and Mordrambor after stopping the threat of Amarthiel thus ending the threat of Angmar.
Zenobar is a good warrior and learnt to not only weild a staff but also a sword at the same time. He did huge and dangerous and important quests in the Misty Mountains for Gloin and his dwarves. He also practically defeated one of the nine Nazgul, a nearly impossible feat. He went to Angmar to fight Mordirith the False King of Angmar, however, Mordirith just survived, but he was made weak, and, Amarthiel the Champion of Angmar took his place. Zenobar found her ring: Narchuil and and she was defeated. Zenobar then defeated Mordrambor with the help of the Elf-maiden Narmeleth and helped her defeat the False-King Mordirith.
Zenobar went to the Mines of Moria and was a great help there, he was for some time in Lothlorien and Mirkwood defendingady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn and their people from the rising threat in Dol Guldur. There, he encountered the Witch King himself and his deputy, the Lieutenant of Dol Guldur and one other Nazgul and yet still survived.
He then gathered the Rangers throughout Eriador to ride to Aragorn's aid and fought against Sauron's forces before being betrayed, he was captured by Saruman and offered eternal wisdom by him, however, he declined and finally escaped with other prisoners. He was a great help in Rohan where he learnt to ride a War-Steed.
Zenobar, being a scholar speaks all languages in Middle-Earth, he speaks Westron as his first language but speaks all the others in existence fluently as if they were his first. He speaks Valarin, Sindarin, even the Black-Speech and many, many more languages! All of them in fact!
Zenobar has many animal companions of all kinds from Ravens to Lynx and Bears and Foxes and Sabre-tooth Cats but the ones he uses the most are Eagles. Zenobar has a loyal and brilliant Ember Eagle called Zathenor, as well as a nature spirit. He also has a soldier to aid him as an Archer called Zanizar.
Zenobar would do anything for the Free Peoples and is travelling all around Milddle-Earth continuing his quest of doing good, destroying evil and supporting the free.
Zenobar Serathor, despite being a man loves the architecture of elven houses. So, it is no surprise that he lives in Falathlorn.
7 Haven Way, Sarniant, Falathlorn Homesteads, Falathlorn
Zenobar Serathor is the Successor of the Kinship Saviours of Middle-Earth.
From all of his wonderful exploits throughout Middle-Earth Zenobar has earned the following titles. He uses the Title Footman before his name to represent his rank, he also uses his first and last names: Zenobar Serathor, and, for his end of name title he has: The Formidable. His other titles follow: Sage of the Sunken City Skirmish Recruit Tutor of Rohan Officer A Light from the Shadow Beast Master More to follow.
The War
When he was less experienced than he is now Zenobar decided that, despite his lack of experience he would head out into the Ettenmoors and fight for the Free People's Army against the forces of evil. As he was not as experienced as the very large enemies all about him he was not of great use, however, when he joined groups he sent his animal companions to fight with him while he stunned enemies, drained their power and healed the Free Peoples. After devoted work and high success in the battlefield Zenobar was promoted to Footman. While this rank may be low for many such as a Footman of Bree but in the Ettenmoors it is not for a place, merely for all things good, and therefore a Footman of the Free Peoples is a great honour for any hero fighting for good in Middle Earth. After some time of venturing out in the Ettenmoors as a scout and doing minor but helpful tasks Captain-General Lainedhel and his companions decided Zenobar was due a promotion for a his good work. And so they promoted him to Esquire. Zenobar is no longer the most humble of ranks and is now more senior than many. He is determined to get better though! He worked hard and became a Guardsman upholding an important job,. Finally, when he was of great skill he returned to the battle to fight better than ever before and so was quickly promoted to Man-at-Arms and then Sergeant-of-the-Guard.
Friends and Enemies
- Free Peoples
- Aragorn, Leader of the Rangers
- Captain-General of Gondor Boromir, Steward of Gondor
- Lord Elrond Halfelven
- Frodo Baggins
- Radagast the Brown
- Lord Glorfindel
- Prince Legolas of the Woodland Realm
- Gandalf the Grey
- All Free Peoples
- Jessiie Promisekeeper
- The Dark Lord Sauron
- Saruman
- The Forces of Evil
- Orcs
- Uruks
- Brigands of any kind
- Nazguls
- Forces of Angmar
- Servants of Sauron
- The White Hand
- Amarthiel, Champion of Angmar - Deceased
- Mordirith, False King of Angmar - Deceased
Zenobar Servator is a powerful and wise Lore-Master, he is currently level 85 (cap).
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