This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Tall and well built, yet with a slender figure usually hid under his signature clothing. A scar across his eye and mouth serves as a reminder of his battle with an enraged mammoth as he tried to save an injured fisherman.
Personality Description: Rarely shy, he serves his role as a sworn Guardian as is loyal to any he considers his friends. Occasionally foolhardy, he tends to overthink his plans.
Born to Gondorian parents, who died of an unknown blight two years after his birth, he was taken in by a family and raised in the region of Rohan. He stayed with his foster parents to age ten, and then left with his father, Zakoria, to unknown lands.He learned basic training from him, mostly with a mocked-up halberd, eventually heading his own way to train as a Guardian. He now rides independently, his father never far from him.
He joined up to a kinship, the Legion of Gold, with his father at age 31 and soon rose to the rank of Officer.
Now, he finds peace in the snowy calm of Forochel, occasionally surfacing in the known settlements.
Friends and Enemies
- Any of his Kinship.
- The mammoth that scarred him.
- A stout and loud dwarf by the name of Thordi
- Some say he never is seen without his signature Eastern Hauberk.