This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Erykia Rhegediel | |
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Guthwine | |
World: | Landroval |
Vocation: | Explorer |
Class: | Champion |
Race: | Man |
Region: | Rohan |
Age: | 24 |
Height: | 5'4" |
Sex: | Female |
Skin: | Light |
Hair: | Blonde |
Eye: | Light Green |
Physical Description: Erykia Rhegediel does not stand out in a crowd. Pretty, but fairly typical looking, the only thing that stands out about her appearance is her very light green eyes and a light scar cutting down her right cheek.
She appears young, often being mistaken for being a bit younger than she is. She rarely is seen without a weapon of some kind, and hardly ever seen in a dress.
Personality Description:
Erykia attempts to appear cold and tough to those she finds unsavory. Hardly letting her guard down around new people she meets, she often comes off as aloof. However, once her trust is gained, she is warm, friendly, and kindhearted. She has a good sense of humor, and is quick to defend a friend.
Erykia was born in the year 2994 in Rohan, about 10 years after Theoden became king. Her mother died in childbirth, cutting off the only real womanly influence Erykia would have had. Instead, from an early age Erykia began taking after her fighter father Rheged, one of the Riders of Rohan.
She grew up in a small cottage just outside of Edoras, having a fairly uneventful childhood. Her father tried his best in raising her, and would teach her small sword tricks at her incessant begging. Though Rheged would often attempt to dissuade her, Erykia was determined she would join the Riders of Rohan someday.
As she grew older, her father continued teaching her swordplay. She found a liking for a two weapon fighting style, and eventually became quite adept at using a weapon in each hand. She would often be seen practicing new flourishes and attacks behind their cottage, dreaming about slicing into an orc in the name of the Riddermark.
When Erykia became of age, she attempted to join the Riders. After many unsuccessful tries, she went back to training, thinking her skills not yet worthy enough. During this time, Rohan’s well being began to fall due to the poisonous words of Wormtongue and Saruman. Many loyal to Rohan began being labeled as “traitors”, Rheged one of them.
Erykia appealed for her father, claiming him to be one of most loyal men to the crown. But this act merely had her labeled as a traitor as well. Fearing for his daughter’s life, Rheged begged a few close guard friends of his to help her escape. Erykia would not leave her father’s side, so when the time for escape came; Rheged accompanied them. Word of their escape traveled faster than they thought, so they ended up having to fight their way out. Erykia lost sight of her father in one battle, and in her frantic search for him earned her a deep cut on her right cheek.
Finally making their way out, Erykia discovered her father had fallen. Containing her grief, she fled from Rohan to the far north town of Bree.
Friends and Enemies
Friends: N/A
Enemies: N/A
- Erykia is marked as an exile of Rohan.