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The Last Alliance
World: Northmoor
Vocation: Historian
Class: Lore-master
Race: Elf
Sex: Male


Phlyrod was my second character, my first being a champion named Kemmotar on the Stybba server. Phlyrod was created because I had applied to join The Last Alliance and they were on Northmoor. On the last night of beta he ran all the way to Rivendell, where he was born, and died there when they pulled the plug. I think he was 27.
Phlyrod spent a lot of time looking for rare seeds that were needed to grow Wizard's Fire pipe-weed, only to discover that the recipe for Wizard's Fire was not yet in the game. We all thought that elusive weed would have some wonderful magic qualities like making us able to spew fire or something.

When the game went live, my new Lore-master Parmatûr spent most of his time doing the same thing and after six weeks of farming and gathering rare seeds from chests, he could finally light his pipe, and discovered that pipe-weed was just for cosmetic purposes. A nice animation, but very short and hardly worth all the work. A couple of weeks later, they gave away another pipe-weed with exactly the same animation at a festival. That was the first time I realised Turbine didn't care about my way of playing the game.
The rest is history.