User:Perfectapproach/Malferellon Certharchir

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Malferellon Certharchir
Order of Middle-earth
World: Brandywine
Vocation: Tinker
Class: Rune-keeper
Race: Elf
Region: Lothlorien
Age: Old
Height: Tall
Sex: Male
Skin: Yes
Hair: Dark
Eye: 2


Physical Description: Malferellon is an Elf with fair skin and dark hair of his Eregion lineage. His height and weight are normal for an Elf, but he is not known for his physical prowess. He wears robes and light armour, preferring to stay away from brutish melee combat.

Personality Description: Malferellon is generally adventurous, ever searching for a "good fight". Indeed, he finds himself in fights he cannot win almost as often as in fights he is sure to win! He also likes exploring his world, and he takes great delight in finding new hidden areas to explore. Always a busy-body, he has completed every deed in Eriador and in Rhovanion, and almost all the quests. He prioritizes his Epic story, but won't miss an opportunity to help out the common-folk of the world for a small reward. He collects horses, and is rumored to own over 80 steeds!


Eregion was once a beautiful land full of trees of holly. Elves had lived there for many generations, having settled there during the Second Age of Men. Galadriel and Celeborn ruled the land for some time, and through trade with the Dwarves of Khazad-Dum, Eregion became very prosperous. Celebrimbor, son of Curufin, was the greatest craftsman of the land, and his forge was established at Ost-in-Edhil, capital city and fortress of the Elves in Eregion.

Annatar, Bearer of Gifts, came to the land as an emissary of Aule. He taught Celebrimbor (who was already a Master Craftsman) and his smiths new skills and techniques for crafting things of power with true names. Celebrimbor was descended from Feanor, who created the Silmarils, so he was extremely ambitious and learned the lessons of Annatar well. Galadriel and Celeborn were distrustful of Annatar, and rather than giving into the fever that had taken hold of the Elves of Eregion, they left for the land of Laurelindorenan, where many Noldor Elves had settled near the Anduin river. But Celebrimbor taught the lessons of Annatar to his smiths, and with their aid and the aid of Annatar himself, many Rings of Power were created. The rings were to be given to powerful Men and Dwarves, but Celebrimbor secretly created three rings for his own kind without the help of Annatar.

Soon, the shadowy suspicions of Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn came to pass. The Dark Lord Sauron secretly made the One Ring to Rule Them All in the fires of Mount Doom in Mordor. As Sauron placed the One Ring on his finger, Celebrimbor knew that Eregion was betrayed. Annatar, Bearer of Gifts, had fooled all but the most wary Elves into creating the trinkets of the demise of all Middle-earth.

Refusing to submit to the will of Sauron, the Elves were soon set upon by the ire of the Dark Lord. Sauron brought war to Eregion, utterly destroying the land and capturing Celebrimbor. The Master Ring-Forger was tortured relentlessly, for Sauron wanted to reclaim his Rings of Power. Eventually, all but the three Rings of the Elves were taken by Sauron. Celebrimbor stood fast to protect those which he had created himself. Before his capture, Celebrimbor had given those Rings to wiser Elves, knowing he could not protect their secret alone. His steadfast protection of his greatest work claimed his life.

Gaercheneb was a jeweler of Eregion. There were many smiths in Eregion, but Gaercheneb was among Celebrimbor's most skilled. He had created some of the most beautiful jewelry ever made in the time of the Elves, and the Dwarves of Moria paid handsomely for the creations of his skilled hands. Celebrimbor himself celebrated the beauty of his smith's work, and was proud that someday, Gaercheneb might surpass him as Master Craftsman of Eregion.

Elves could "feel" power. They could feel it flow through them, and some were skilled at making use of this power. Celebrimbor understood it well; the beauty and elegance of his creations were unsurpassed. He created the Doors of Durin from the very power of the stars. Gaercheneb could feel it, and had learned to manipulate it into magnificent works of jewelry. He was not interested much in creating things like weapons, buildings, or other such devices of the world; there were many other smiths skilled in those crafts. When Annatar came to Eregion with the knowledge and power of Aule, Gaercheneb was awestruck. When Gaercheneb felt the Power of the Elves, it came from everywhere: the sky, the trees, even the very earth he stood on. But when Annatar was near, it only came from him. And it was different. Immense. It was almost too much to bear, and yet it felt as if there was more still that did not radiate from the Bearer of Gifts... or was kept from it.

Like Gaercheneb, Annatar was interested in jewelry. Celebrimbor and Annatar were nearly inseparable, and Gaercheneb was in their company often. While crafting the Great Rings under Annatar, Gaercheneb felt invincible. The Essence of Elvenkind engorged him, even to the point where he radiated a strange energy. His eyes glowed as he forged the Rings of Power with Celebrimbor. Annatar was powerful indeed.

Once the Rings were crafted, Annatar left Eregion. Gaercheneb felt unwhole, as if a cherished lover had abandoned him. The power of Annatar was seductive and intoxicating, and his departure left Gaercheneb in sorrowful pain. Even the blessing of child could not relieve his suffering. His wife also felt the pain that Annatar's leaving had caused; her only consolation was that their child would not feel the same grief, for he would not know of Annatar, or Annatar's subsequent betrayal.

Sauron's wrath at the defiance of the Elves was unrelenting. As Sauron's armies descended upon Eregion, Celebrimbor, Gaercheneb, and the Elven smiths fought valiantly. All manner of vile creatures attacked, again and again, and Gaercheneb knew Eregion would not survive the war. The misery of betrayal by the "Emissary of Aule" was too great to bear; the Elves of Eregion had little will to fight. Gaercheneb sent his child away to the land of Laurelindorenan across the Misty Mountains, and soon Eregion was utterly annihilated. The few Elves that survived could not speak of their old home; the pain of deception and of destruction was too great for any to put into words. Almost all of them made their way to the West to board ships bound for Valinor, unable to endure the memory of their decimated homeland.

The young Elf's welcome into the Land of the Dreamflower was bittersweet. Lady Galadriel beheld many great things about him. Some were terrible, some were redeeming, but all were great. Lord Celeborn ensured that he found solace in Lothlorien so that the memory of the destruction wrought upon his homeland by the Dark Lord of Mordor would fade. The Elf made his home in Lothlorien, and unlike other Elves of that realm, he journeyed far, learning many things from the Dwarves of Khazad-Dum, the Elves of Mirkwood, and even the Men of Evendim.

It was the Dwarves who had the most influence on him. Dwarves were great carvers of stone, and soon, the young Elf had earned a reputation as Master Crafter among them, both for his stone-works and his hobby of making jewelry for them. As years passed, the Elf learned of the lore of his people from stories told to him by the old Dwarves, and he began learning the art of True Names. Just as his father before him, his skill with True Names flourished, and he soon began imbuing his crafted works with Runes of Power.

Lady Galadriel perceived.

The Elf was summoned to Lady Galadriel in her garden in the City of Caras Galadhon. He arrived to see her peering intently into her mirror, her beautiful face tarnished only by her furrowed brow. Her eyes lifted from the mirror to meet his own; he could feel her gaze looking deep into his soul. Her lips did not move, and her elegant, stern voice came from within his own mind:

"Young Elf, dark times have come to claim Middle-earth, and the Power of the First-Born is fading. You feel it; I know this.

"I came to this land of the Dreamflower from Eregion, the place of your birth. Your kin were great craftsmen, students of Celebrimbor, grandson of Feanor. I have watched you closely since you arrived here from Eregion. Your skill with Runes and Stone has not escaped me.

"Many who live here did not welcome your arrival. The Elves of Eregion practiced the art and craft of True Names, and allowed themselves to be deceived by the Dark Lord Sauron of Mordor, despite my warnings otherwise. The Elves of this land feared that you too would be lustful of the power of Sauron and would corrupt our haven against the shadow. However, even now, fear gives way to hope.

"The Power of the Elves is great with you, and your fate does not lie in the Golden Wood. The time has come for you to depart these lands. Seek Talagan in Rivendell, beyond Khazad-Dum. You are no longer an Elf of Eregion. You shall be known henceforth as Malferellon, Certharchir of Lothlorien. This is your home, and we here are your kin.

"The making and wielding of Rune-Marked Stones is a craft practiced by few in Middle-earth, Malferellon. Talagan is wise, and he will teach you well how to use your gift. Do not despair, young Malferellon. You will soon see your home, and your Lord and Lady, again."

Social Characteristics

Malferellon is an Officer in the Order of Middle-earth kinship, and he has been for several years. Prior to OME, he was an officer in Exiles, Company of the Iron Crown, and a handful of other kinships beforehand. His first kinship was Runic Knights, a large kinship that is one of the oldest on Brandywine. Aside from his kinmates, Malferellon can be found occasionally teasing World Chat, healing passing strangers that he finds noteworthy, and helping new players that he finds worthy of his assistance.


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