This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description:
Nobble insisted that I put: "extremely handsome in a very noble way" under this heading.
((I would instead put: "extremely handsome in a very nobble way" if I thought I could get away with it!))
Personality Description:
Nobble is a fine fellow.
When you first meet Nobble, you might find him a little queer (strange, odd). Yet soon you would find yourself (with very few exceptions) liking the fellow! Even though he is considered entirely all too adventurous by decent hobbit folk both hither and yonder, he is still very well liked by those same folk who judge him so! Sometimes figuring out just what to think of Nobble Northtook is altogether too confusing (and exhausting) for those hobbit folk who know him. There is a good reason for this you see: Nobble has a split personality. He wears two hats (and no shoes). More precisely, he has two sides. These are his adventurous side (from his father's side of the family) and his decent side (from his mother's side of the family).
Though Nobble is by vocation a Yeoman (much more farmer and cook than tailor) the Bandobras blood runs true in his veins! On a decent day: one will very predictably find Nobble out tending to his crops or cooking up a storm of delicious dishes -not only for himself but for all his friends and neighbours mind you- yet the next day one might very unpredictably not find him doing anything at all...for he'd be gone missing!
Yet far and away, beyond the bounds, those strange folk that Nobble thinks of as his adventurous comrades and truest friends, would discover that he was back with them once more and ready for more adventure!
Well, that's the long way of explaining the only thing that needs to be remembered: Nobble is a fine fellow.
The North-took family were the descendants of Bandobras "the Bullroarer" Took, who settled in Long Cleeve in the Northfarthing. They were a branch of the Took Family. Nobble was born in Long Cleeve, and grew up there. Much of his family continues to live at his family home in Long Cleeve. They have lived there since way back, even before that region was know as Yondershire.
((more information regarding the Northtook Family will follow))
When he isn't a sleepin', he's a eatin'
When he isn't a eatin' he's a gardenin'
When he isn't a gardenin', he's a cookin'
When he isn't a cookin', he's a sleepin'
Likes a good pipe in the evening after a good meal. That's his day, his whole day mind you, no time for nothin' else!
Well, except...
- Once, before his tale really began, he was a "bard" (Burglar) just like his father before him...except not very good at it. He found this disreputable.
- Then he served as Yeoman (cook and housekeeper) of Grimstable Meadhall for the Order of the Tower Guard (OOTTG) on Landroval. He found this most reputable indeed.
- He served next with his friends Oro (a.k.a. Ormo) and Fardulf who was Chief Shirriff of their troop that they themselves named: Out of Bounds and together they adventured outside the boundaries of the Shire as a small expeditionary force...something quite unheard of in those times!
- Next he served as Minstrel of DAGORNOST with OOTTG Anor. The DAGORNOST is the elite-ish military unit of the OOTTG.
- He also served the DAGORNOST Treebeard briefly as a Hunter, and most recently as a Brawler.
- Then Sir Nobble took his leave from service as a Knight of the DAGORNOST and has trained as a Guardian so as to join (at the founding of) the Hobbits of the Tower Guard (HOTTG).
HOTTG is a hobbits only (no more smelly dwarves: *Nobble coughs with a sound that sounds a little like: "Dwurin!"*) expeditionary force within the OOTTG ~ Treebeard, that adventures both within and without the Hithershire and Yondershire...something almost unheard of before!
- Most recently, Sir Nobble was recalled to the DAGORNOST once more, where he currently serves the Order of the Tower Guard as a Knight Minstrel of the DAGORNOST.
Mr. Nobble Northtook ("Sir Nobble" to his friends), currently lives at Number 3 Brookbank Street, Songburrow, The Shire.
Though he owns another house "way out east" somewhere, Songburrow of The Shire remains his home.
Family, Friends and Enemies
Nobble has several older brothers, all who annoy him, and one younger brother. His younger brother lives in Bree of all places! Works at an inn.
- Nobble's 1st Love
Nobble was once infatuated with the hobbit burglar Sumac, also of the Order. This proved to be far too dangerous an infatuation.
Nobble wrote Sumac a song, which he sung quietly...and only to himself, and only when alone inside his cottage...with the door locked and bolted.
It went something like this:
I love her 'cause she's dangerous!
Yet I won't tell her so!
No she mustn't know I'm amorous!
or her knives in me would go!
She'd stick me deep a 'tween me ribs!
and cut off all me limbs!
Then She'd use those knives to cut apart
me oh so dedicated heart...
...the song goes on for several more verses that include references to further violent actions taken against Nobble's entrails, elbows, kneecaps, toes, and nose.
______Yet never you mind! Nobble survived!_________
- Nobble's True Love: Since his time of loving dangerously, Nobble has more than recovered from his near death rejection and has fallen once more! This time for one much less dangerous (at least to Nobble): Faemira, Minstrel of the Hobbits of the Order.
((more on this to follow...believe me, there will be more: for Nobble is truly smitten, and deep down he dares to believe that Faemira just might fancy him too!))
Nobble's good friends include (but are not limited to):
Tur Casandir -Tur of the Order of the Tower Guard ~ Landroval, whom Nobble served as housekeeper of Grimstable Meadhall,
Lord Dwurin -Guardian of the DAGORNOST, who really doesn't smell all that bad,
Lady Gwenfled -Lore Master of the DAGORNOST, whom Nobble holds in awe,
Lady Faebelia -Minstrel of the DAGORNOST, who tended well Brawler Nobble's wounds, not only with sacred music, but also with charm,
Battle Commander Lilleris and Vice Commander Finion of the DAGORNOST, whom Nobble deeply respects,
Wilgard -Bard of the Hobbits of the Order, more importantly: Nobble's drinking buddy,
Sir Dryr -a faithful Captain of the DAGORNOST,
and Buckleberry, a dear friend indeed.
Shrews, Cave-claws, anyone who burns or wastes food, bullies, oh and Sauron and his folk.
Additional Notes
Whenever Nobble finds himself in trouble beyond his means to deal with properly, he is apt to "fall-back" as he puts it. This has been observed as more of an all out panic stricken skedaddle by Nobble, during which he seems to purposefully shed some or all of his clothes and equipment hither and thither so as to distract any pursuing party. He calls this his "defensive counter measures", a term that he is credited with coining.
With this little tidbit of information, we can more readily comprehend his need to label most of his clothes and equipment... see, where a hero of the lands might have an inscription on sword and shield of: "Orc Cleaver" and "Bulwark of the Free" respectively, Nobble's sword and shield are more likely to be inscribed: "If found, please return to Nobble Northtook".
((The story of the Founding of Out of Bounds to follow! Now you'd have to be very interested or very very bored to read it...nevertheless... *yawns* that's enough for now, I'm going to have a nap.))
Faithful Reader! Here find your reward:
The NOBBLE NORTHTOOK Action Card Collection - Series One! (Collect them all!)
NN01 Nobble Northtook Action Card #01
Nobble Northtook Action Card #02R
NN03 Nobble Northtook Action Card #03
The NOBBLE NORTHTOOK Action Card Collection - Series Two!
NN04 Nobble Northtook Action Card #04 ~Minstrel~
NN05 Nobble Northtook Action Card #05 ~Traditional Lute~
NN06 Nobble Northtook Action Card #06 ~Brusque Bassoon~
NN07R Nobble Northtook Action Card #07R ~Drunken Jig~ RARE