User:MomijiFanClub/Kasaireth Yuchsiira-Goldenharp
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Kasaireth's build is very lanky. She has stronger arm muscles than leg muscles, yet most seem to disregard her somewhat muscular appearance because of her gender. She has a very subtle, rather monotone voice that rarely rises in tone, however rises frequently in volume. She has a very defined face, as well as high cheek-bones. She carries the scent of pine-trees from her excessive hunting.
Personality Description: Kasaireth is a very egotistical elf, normally taking others for granted. Though she treats her comrades with bitterness most of the time, she warms up to them when the mood is right. She acts incredibly hostile towards strangers, but mostly out of instinctive fear. She is frighteningly defensive when insulted. She is cautious around her betters, but when dealing with inferiors, she can be rather cruel and merciless with taunts and mockery.
Kasaireth was grown from the forests of Mirkwood, struggling to protect her sister, Liserian Yuchsiira. However, the end of the sisters' time together in the forests came when travelers were wandering the woods, and Liserian was discovered. She was separated from Kasaireth and raised in Lothlorien, and Kasaireth began a long period of solitude. Kasaireth has never gotten around to asking what exactly happened to her younger sister. They later met up in Celondim, and, while Liserian hardly recognized Kasaireth, Kasaireth recognized Liserian from what little she remembered of her mother, who Liserian takes after. A while later, Liserian took to calling Kasaireth 'Kasa' and Kasaireth began to call Liserian 'Lise' as they did when they were younger. The reason she has little knowledge of tact is that she lived wildly in solitude for hundreds of years, and, therefore, did not have use for manners.
Later Past
Kasaireth met Fanthalion Goldenharp (her husband) in Bree right after she finally left Mirkwood and struck out for a more comfortable life-style, which she eventually did find in the Bree-lands. She used to have violent changes in mood, being completely glad and then undergoing random bouts of rage. Kasaireth sincerely craves attention. She often would perform melodramatically inside the Prancing Pony, just to receive the attention of the crowd. Unfortunately, when she had begun her very first performance (which was telling Fanthalion that she was madly in love with him) she only succeeded in making the crowd irritated or having them laugh at her. This was unacceptable, in her eyes. Seeing her act failing, and pitying the look on the face of her future husband (whom she never guessed she was going to marry), she abruptly told him she didn't love him anymore and left. Many milestones of Kasaireth's life have been played through in the form of acting.
A while before meeting up with her younger sister, Liserian, Kasaireth was listening to her adopted father, Keldest, strum his lute at the Prancing Pony. She noticed an intrigueing-looking male elf. She had noticed him once before at the Prancing Pony, but this was pure curiosity at second sight. She approached, at first pretending to be in a drunken stupour. She acted as though she was hopelessly in love with him, at the same time being watched by her adopted father. Things got out of hand, and before she knew it, she was the laughing stock of the whole inn. Devastated and fed up with the game, she directly told the elf that she didn't love him anymore and walked calmly away. She didn't know then that this elf had the same temper as herself. This elf was Fanthlion Goldenharp. A few days later, a strange feeling of remorse clouded her usual good sense, causing her to apologize severely. They went to a more private room in the back of the Prancing Pony to become better acquainted. She bluntly asked for his life-story and he told her of himself without hesitation. Fanthalion and Kasaireth had a few more theatrical performances (all staged in the Prancing Pony), one being a fight that got out of hand. It ended with Fanthalion receiving a broken jaw, and Kasaireth getting a minor cut to her stomach. They later discussed this in the same room that they were acquainted in. By and by, the two became very good friends.
Later, Kasaireth met Elorlin and Carriam Isilidal and felt a slight feeling of dislike at their first meeting. Dislike turned to hate when Elorlin admitted that he thought Kasaireth and Fanthalion were in love and, feeling threatened, Kasaireth decided that she wished to cause harm to Elorlin. Fanthalion eventually calmed her down.
A few days later, Kasaireth joined a hunting trip with Fanthalion's father (Valinol), Fanthalion, Elorlin, and Carriam. It is assumed that one thing led to another, though Kasaireth doesn't remember what exactly occurred during this trip. The next day, she and Fanthalion planned a performance about a woman that didn't know where an engagement ring with her friend's name along with hers had come from, though Kasaireth later realized that the ring bore both her name and Fanthalion's, signifying that the act was actually reality. Kasaireth confided to Cariiam, Elvarean, and Liserian that she held slight feelings for Fanthalion, though did not tell him before a little bit before their wedding. She is now married to Fanthalion, and is currently pregnant with their first child. She worries constantly about the idea of being a mother, but Fanthalion is a comfort to her. She has considered the thought of ending herself to be rid of the possible agony ahead, but any attempt has been stopped by Fanthalion.
Though she truly is married to Fanthalion, many men have revealed a great interest in her, and Kasaireth (being rather naive in this field) unintentionally led them on.
Married Life to Fanthalion
Kasaireth and Fanthalion's marriage was bound to take a lot of work, and yet neither, at first, seemed exactly willing to put any effort into the marriage.
Initially, Kasaireth absolutely refused to have children. In fact, when they were pronounced husband and wife, Kasaireth turned her head to the side so that her new husband would not be able to kiss her on the lips, but on the cheek instead. She was very much opposed to signs of affection, unless it has a true meaning, as was the case when Liserian returned to Kasaireth after they hadn't been on speaking terms and wordlessly embraced her.
Kasaireth and Fanthalion do not get along consistently, but occasionally they resemble the perfect example of a married couple.
Kasaireth used to simply deny the fact that Fanthalion lived in her house, and always would ask him why he was in her house and such.
1st Long Separation
At long last, Fanthalion returned. Kasaireth greeted him with a cold, "Fanthalion? Is that you?" He gulped audibly, and affirmed her question her nervously. She gave yet another cold response, "I can barely recognize you, with how long it's been since our last meeting." It became much more rocky from there. Kasaireth brought up the subject of Edvarden, a young orphan boy that she took on as her own, and asked Fanthalion if he felt any different about the child this time. He again answered, this time more forcefully, explaining that he wished for his firstborn child to be his own. Thus began a very awkward moment of deep, crimson blushes. It ended with Kasaireth saying quietly, "I wish I had never gone on that cursed hunting trip with you, your father, Elorlin, and Cariiam..." She was referring to the trip that she and Fanthalion were accidentally engaged on. Fanthalion answered, with a cold response and left her to herself. She took a minute to regain herself, then followed him down the hall. She apologized, explaining that she wished they didn't have to fight all the time. They sat together in the room by the fire for a brief few moments, then decided to go somewhere more private: Kasaireth's home. They searched rather quietly for little Edvarden, who was not at home at the time. Kasaireth came up the stairs, searching for Edvarden in her room, with Fanthalion behind. She stopped and told him how strange she felt she was acting when they weren't in a populated area. Fanthalion said that he simply couldn't understand her, and Kasaireth answered, saying that she could not understand him, because whenever she had something important that she wanted to say to him, she couldn't get it to be said when she saw him. Fanthalion, giving Kasaireth a weird look, asked what it was that she wanted to tell him.
Through many pauses, um's, and uh's, Kasaireth told him that she was ready to act like a family. Fanthalion took a while to respond, and then answered:
"It's about time you said something wise..."
In a short while, Fanthalion unpacked his things, leading them into a discussion about where he should stay. It was never brought up that he might stay in Kasaireth's room, and he ended up in the small room just below Kasaireth's upstairs bedroom. Thus began the true married life of Kasaireth and Fanthalion.
For a long period of time, the two rarely saw each other and Kasaireth attempted to keep herself in private, hidden from the public eye. She, at times, makes a point to stay hidden, and there truly is no known reason as to why.
Depression... Then Grieving...
Kasaireth was at a point in time where her life had little meaning to her. She appreciated the development in her sister's life (her engagement to Golvaethor), as it provided something to hope for, but other than that, Kasaireth had not been happy in the least.
Her appearance change was rather evident. She kept her hair short-cut, and her eyes tended to look distant and dull.
Cause for that depression was unknown, but it could have been assumed that she worried about her husband, Fanthalion, whom she had not seen in an extremely long time. It was a touchy subject for her at the time, though she often tried to cover her pain with dark jokes.
Grieving? Kasaireth and Liserian held a funeral for Fanthalion Goldenharp, in the idea that he was never to come back. One day, Kasaireth had a grievous sensation that her husband was gone for good, and so she told her sister. At the funeral, Liserian said some well-spoken words, but Kasaireth was altogether disrespectful and border-line morbid. Liserian was shocked. As punishment for Kasaireth's actions, Liserian took her dagger and set it in the flames, then branded a mark on her arm; a mark that would be permanent. It was a better punishment than having Kasaireth branded, as Kasaireth would rather die herself than see her sister in pain. They set an old bow of his in the flames, then talked until nightfall, Kasaireth admitting that when she was going to be alone, she would always be crying, and that she refused to show herself being grievous in public. This shows a transformation in Kasaireth to a more stoic persona. Liserian suggested to Kasaireth that she cut her hair in reverence to Fanthalion, and leave a lock of it on the fire, but Kasaireth refused, much to Liserian's dismay. Feeling guilty of her disrespect, Kasaireth pointed something out to Liserian, and as her sister looked away, Kasaireth cut off a generous amount of her hair and flung it onto the fire. Liserian was simply shocked when she noticed, telling her that she meant only a lock and not her whole head of hair. Kasaireth did not have much of an answer to that, so the fire died and the sisters went to the Prancing Pony, where each dyed their hair black. Liserian lent a spare set of her armour to Kasaireth, and the two looked identical, disregarding their eye color difference and different shape of eyebrows. It was to be a fun game for the two of them to play as well as an attempt to get Kasaireth's mind off of her supposedly dead husband.
Also, Kasaireth visited the notary and had her surname changed back to Yuchsiira.
Later, Kasaireth expressed her concern of Fanthalion coming back, since they had not been able to have his body at his funeral, at which Liserian scolded her.
Kasaireth and Fanthalion's Reappearance
After at least a year of separation, Kasaireth found Fanthalion at their original meeting place: The Prancing Pony. Initially, she was infuriated that he was alive and well and did not bother to tell her, but her fury melted into relief eventually. She was worried that their marriage had been annulled from the long period of absence, but Fanthalion assured her that they were going to remain married eternally. The two have, since then, faced many struggles of acting like an actual couple and squabbling amongst themselves. The biggest conflict within Kasaireth right now is the decision of her loyalty to either her husband or her sister. Liserian and Kasaireth are at odds because Liserian was enraged that Fanthalion was alive (it made her brand invalid, and therefore, made it a symbol of mockery) and came to feel the same way towards Kasaireth for being so loyal to Fanthalion. In private, Kasaireth tried convincing Liserian that Fanthalion was unimportant to her, yet her actions speak otherwise. It is unknown whether she was being truthful to Liserian or to Fanthalion. Part of why Kasaireth abhors childbirth is because of the permanent bond that it places between the parents. It is a frightening idea to her, to be bound to Fanthalion, because she does not trust that he will not disappear again... as well as the fact that she would not be able to deny her feelings for Fanthalion when she has bore him a child.
New Kasaireth
Kasaireth has indeed come to a point in time that she acts more kindly. She seems to feel more, want more sympathy and comfort, as well as more freely love others.
First Sign: Kasaireth found a young child in a small cave in the Trollshaws. There were, indeed, trolls in this cave, but Kasaireth's pity and rather undeveloped motherly nature took over, and she adopted the child, taking him to be her own... only without any word to Fanthalion. Since he had disappeared, he did not even know of Edvarden's existence until a year or so after Kasaireth had found the child.
Of course, she abandoned him back into the cave after her most bitter fight with Liserian. It muddled her wits, causing her to believe Edvarden to be the reason that Liserian hated her. She did attempt to secure him in a place of safety, to some degree... however Golvaethor found him a few months later, nearly dead. Elrond apparently revived little Edvarden, and Golvaethor brought him back to Kasaireth, reuniting the two after so long. Kasaireth acted genuinely motherly in this moment, indicating a sense of maturity. However, her motherhood still has a long way to go, seeing a she abandoned the poor helpless child in the wildnerness.
Second Sign: Kasaireth found a young she-elf examining her new clothes and spoke with her. In a moment of random kindness, Kasaireth offered to buy the girl some new outfits, asking her what color she would like best. They decided on turquoise, and Kasaireth paid for much of the expenses from her own funds, despite having just bought herself something new. The girl's name was Luarian, and after Kasaireth and Liserian had made up from their long, bitter argument, Kasaireth invited Luarian to become part of their family. Luarian was quite shocked, having only met Kasaireth a little while ago, but eagerly accepted the offer. It was undecided whether she would be a daughter or sister, so Kasaireth offered to mother her, only to have her offer rejected by Liserian. Liserian decided that she would take Luarian as her own daughter, and Kasaireth became Luarian's aunt.
Third Sign: In general, Kasaireth seems to be showing more and more emotions more frequently and more openly. She shows her love for her sister, Liserian, kindness to strangers, and sorrow for lost important things.
Fourth Sign: Kasaireth's newfound tolerance to Fanthalion being her husband is yet another sign of Kasaireths' changed ways.
Fifth Sign: Kasaireth has recently taken to saying, "I love you," to her sister when departing. It would have been considered very unnatural for her to voice her feelings so obviously back in the old times.
Miscellaneous Facts
Kasaireth never wanted to marry in her lifetime.
She used to be called Naur by her father, which is the Sindarin word for fire.
Kasaireth truly favored her father to her mother as a child.
Kasaireth ponders if she could've done better in finding a husband if she hadn't been forced into marrying Fanthalion.
Kasaireth often wondered who Liserian would marry, if either Elorlin or Aedanas had been around
She loves adventures, but rarely has the chance to go on them, due to lack of travelling partners.
Kasaireth is actually an emotionally-unstable female under all that confidence.
Friends and Enemies
== Liserian "Lise" Yuchsiira== Younger sister and most treasured confidant. Liserian has beautiful blonde hair and gray eyes. The sisters have gone through both high and low together, sometimes on speaking terms, sometimes not. Though Liserian has good reason to despise Kasaireth, Kasaireth has never stopped loving her as she does. Liserian is all that Kasaireth ever had.
== ? Yuchsiira == Mother and apparently had platinum blonde hair and vibrant, entrancing green eyes. It is assumed that Liserian was closer to her mother while Kasaireth was rather distant with her. (supposedly deceased)
== ? Yuchsiira == Father and had dark brown hair and icy gray eyes. Kasaireth has sometimes told of her love for her father. It is quite obvious that she was very close with him. (supposedly deceased)
== Luarian Yuchsiira == Kasaireth's adopted niece!
== Elvarean Witharius == 'Brother' though it seemed he had a minor love interest in Kasaireth at first, which later turned to hate. She decided that she cannot relate to him and that he has no interest in being in any way close to her. He was/is the only person who can really get the best of her. There is a slight love/hate relationship between the two of them, and Kasaireth often drops his name to get Fanthalion jealous.
== Fanthalion Goldenharp == Dearest husband of Kasaireth! She can feel true love for him at times, and yet sometimes feels like killing him.
== Valinol Goldenharp == Father-in-law though she told him outright that she would not call him Father. They are not very close, but she is alright with passing the time with him if necessary. (deceased)
== Dessamier Goldenharp == Mother-in-law that Kasaireth has never met, though she hopes she is as free-spirited as she has heard.
== Aedanas ? == One of her best friends, even though he blushes at her scent (or used to). She secretly hoped he and Liserian would marry. (supposedly deceased)
== Elorlin Isilidal == Most trusted friend until he told her that he was joining the Eriadorian Militia. He later was killed, and Kasaireth enjoys harping on that to Liserian's dismay. He gave her a lovely ruby ring which she keeps with her to this day, missing her friend in her own unique way.
== Carriam Isilidal == Slight friend, as she never exactly got to know him before he was supposedly killed.
== Nariron ? == Someone met by pure circumstance. Kasaireth was at the jail and, in boredom, offered to free him. Ever since, they have been friends, though he showed that he had a love interest in her once which she refused.
== Thanstim Nichtos == Friend and rival of Kasaireth. He protected her during a very strange time and has spoken to her when she was jailed.
== Jerlo ? == A cute little hobbit that tosses produce at people. Kasaireth enjoys impressing him with her sharp aim
== Tariron Uuandir == A man who she has made an exception to be friends with despite the fact that he is in the watch. They agreed to become 'official friends.'
== Golvaethor == Ex-fiance of Liserian, and therefore, enemy of Kasaireth's.
== Nimila Goldenharp == Regrettably her sister-in-law. She insulted Kasaireth by questioning that she was an elf and thought she was a human in disguise.
== Brulac ? == Annoying hobbit with pitiful insults.
== Tolpo ? == He had Kasaireth arrested once for something she hardly did.
== Gourgini ? == A cruel dwarf that interrupted a discussion with Fanthalion. She enjoys teasing him.
== The Watch == She believes all members of the watch have little power and hardly protect the people, and she still holds anger at having been jailed by them.
== Rosaliee ? == Some she-elf. Kasaireth informed Liserian that she saw her with Fanthalion, causing both Liserian and Kasaireth to grow upset.