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User:Mithandur/Mithandur Stormcry

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Mithandur Stormcry
Brotherhood of Arnor
World: Snowbourn
Vocation: Scholar
Class: Lore-master
Race: Man
Region: Rohan
Age: 78
Height: 6ft 0inch
Sex: Male
Skin: White
Hair: White/Grey
Eye: Brown


Physical Description: Old, Wise, Powerful and well built and 6ft in height

Personality Description: Will help people in need unless his busy with his training or busy battling the forces of evil.


Got taught by the Great Gandalf Stormcrow at a young age to become a great wizard of the mithandír order there have only been three wizards of this order which are Gandalf Stormcrow, Mithandur Stormcry and Saruman The Corrupted. But half way through Mithandur's training with Gandalf Saruman betraid Gandalf and Mithandur had to find alternative training methods.

Friends and Enemies


Nino Ceraolo Binde Mandrall


The Witch King


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