User:Michael/Ellras Darin
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Ellras Darin | |
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No Kinship | |
World: | Landroval |
Vocation: | Explorer |
Class: | Burglar |
Race: | Man |
Region: | Gondor |
Age: | 28 |
Height: | 6'2" |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Tan |
Hair: | Black |
Physical Description: Tall and lanky, bright-eyed and handsome yet not overtly so. He has a demeanor that allows him to blend in with a crowd, and one when standing trail was accused of "hiding in plain sight." Six feet tall and quite thin Ellras carries himself with grace and purpose, his face showing confidence and determination in whatever his task seems to be.
Personality Description: Quick of wit and of tongue, Ellras has a likeable and friendly persona. He is a natural skeptic, and enjoys lively discussion about his strong opinions and can often be found sitting at a table in a tavern slapping his hand on the wood as if it would add to his point. Fiercely loyal to his homeland of Gondor, Ellras is quick to defend any slight others may see in her.
Hailing from Pelargir on the banks of Anduin in South Gondor, Ellras is the youngest son of a baker. His three brothers are much older than him as Ellras was a bit of surprise.
Spoiled as a child Ellras often got into trouble running along the docks stealing from the sailors and fishermen, his father did little to punish him and the absence of discipline in his life may have lead him into his less reputable career today.
He left Pelargir in his late teens and arrived in Eriador, why he came so far north he keeps to himself, it is know that his family is alive and healthy and he often see writing to his father. He now resides in Bree and is well know among the city guard and in a few circles as “Ellras the Cynic.”
Friends and Enemies
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- N/A
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