User:Meneliel/Meneliel Naurthoniel
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |

Physical Description: Meneliel has very fair skin, black hair, and grey eyes. Her hair is very long, thick, glossy and fine. She usually keeps it up in various clever styles while she is out working or fighting. When at home in Imladris, she wears it down, though often worked into decorative braids and plaits, sometimes ornamented with pretty 'hair jewelry'. It's very long, nearly to her knees, and has a slight wave. If Menel is vain about anything, it's her hair. Also when in Imladris, she wears lovely flowing gowns, usually of dark blue trimmed in silver or gold, but also in other jewel tones. Stars are a favorite motif, as are scrolling clouds, white deer, vines, leaves, and birds. Though she is tall and slender in the way of her race, her delicate appearance belies the strength given to all the Firstborn. Of course, she's also quite dextrous and agile, again, no surprise for an Elf. Her voice is lovely as are all Elven voices, clear and given to the mid-range (when she sings she's an alto). It is a gentle voice, never harsh. She speaks Westron with a charming Sindarin 'accent'. Her face is smooth and unblemished, and her usual expression is somewhat grave. She lights up when she laughs. Her hands are slim and clever, with strong sure fingers. At first glance they may seem perfect, but close inspection reveals many tiny pale scars from her work in the forges.
One adornment she never fails to wear is a necklace made in the Elven style. Its pendant is set with a great blue adamant.
Personality Description: As an Elf-maid long unmarried, and as a warrior, Meneliel felt her heart become chill and distant over the years. Yet she was still gentle and at times, merry, though often given to solemnity. She has long reconciled herself to the fact that she might never marry.
She felt a great deal of grief over the loss of her father, which was compounded when her mother sailed West. She is a faithful servant of her Lord Elrond, and reveres the memory of Gil-Galad. Her sorrow over the wounding of Lady Celebrian drives her to protect those who are weak, and she fights the yrch and all the servants of the Enemy with great ferocity. Yet beneath it all, she desires only peace and beauty. Often she dreams of days to come, in which she and her loved ones will dwell in a tower by the sea. She has a great love for the skies and especially the stars of Varda; she is never happier than when she is bathed in their white light. Since her days in the army of Gil-Galad, she has held a fondness for the Secondborn. This fondness and esteem would lead her into more adventures than she'd dreamed possible during her quiet days in Imladris.
Excerpt from The Tale of the Daughter of Heaven
In the forges of Imladris, beneath the sighing trees, the grey-eyed Elf-maid kindled a fire. She took up her hammer and began to shape the hard iron; dark metal of elder days made pliant and yielding by her skill. With clever hands she wrought from it armor like unto that worn by the Elf-lords of old, shining silver like the stars; the stars looked down upon her as she worked. And as she worked, she sang over the metal and the fire. Into the hardening steel she wove words of virtue and strength that it might protect the life of the one who would wear it. Beside her the voice of the nightengale ran clear and pure as a river, and this is the tale they sang both together:
In the Land of the Singers, beyond the Blue Mountains, there dwelled Beloron, strong speaker of gentle words. His service was given to Gil-Galad the king, and he was judged temperate and wise. Above all things he loved Meneloth, who had come out of the ruin of Gondolin with her two sisters. She was as bold as her husband was grave, and the skills of the Noldor were in her hands. Together they took joy in the skies of Manwe, and the movements of the heavens; and also in the dance of the stars of Varda.
There in Forlindon did Meneloth bear to Beloron a daughter, and in her was their joy complete. Beloron took the babe in his arms and showed to her the stars as they shone down, and the child laughed to see them. Seeing her delight, Beloron there named her Meneliel, heaven's daughter. But hearing this, Meneloth was taken by the foresight of a mother for her child. "Ai!" she cried, "would that you had not named her so! For she will ever love the stars, and her gaze will stray beyond them; she will never be content to walk the earth, yet upon cold stone will her fate be decided." Then Beloron grieved words spoken in haste, but he knew that the foresight of Meneloth was true.

The grief of Beloron faded, but did not die; nor did the sorrow of Meneloth. For a time they dwelt in joy, for the grey-eyed dark-haired maiden grew strong and slender as the white willow-wand. Gladly she learned the tales told by her wise father, and gladly she learned the skills of her mother. Yet even more she loved all that moved across the wide skies: wind and rain and clouds, and the fire of the lightning; before all else she looked to the white stars that gazed down.
In those days, Gil-Galad the king made alliance with Elendil, who had come from over the sea. Together they raised a great host of Elves and tall Men to march upon Sauron even in the fastness of his dark lands. Hearing the call of the horns, gentle Beloron sighed, and took up a great spear; for though he loved peace, still he knew that war must come. Meneliel his daughter came to him, and a light was in her eyes. In the first fire of her youth, she cried, "A, father! If you go singing to war behind the starry banner, then so shall I. Let us take up arms together."
But Beloron would refuse her, and gravely he said, "This is not what I would have for you, daughter; and war is not all glory."
"And yet I shall go, whether it is your will or not, for all hands will be needed ere the end." Then in the forges she kindled a fire, and from hard iron she forged for herself a corselet and helm that shone like silver. Upon her shield she emblazoned Vingilot, the ship of Earendil, and a jewel she set therein like a star. Seeing her thus arrayed, Beloron relented, and gave to her a bright sword. It was Meneloth who spoke out, "This is the first hard choice you make, heaven's daughter, though it will not be your last. Have a care that you do not spend the flame of youth upon war, and war only." But Meneliel would not hear, for she looked only to the star-strewn banners of Gil-Galad, and beyond them to a field of battle far away. So it was that father and daughter went out of the land of Lindon together, and Meneloth wept.
Early Life

Meneliel's mother, Meneloth, was a Noldo of the Exile, and younger sister of Nauroval (mother of Nimroval) and Mithroval (mother of Rovaliel). Meneloth met and married the Sindarin Elf, Beloron, late in life, in Forlindon where she had fled out of Gondolin and Avernien with her sister's family. There Meneliel was born in the year 2714 of the Second Age. She accompanied her father in the march behind Gil-Galad and fought at the Battle of the Last Alliance. During the long years of war and siege, she met many mortal Men who had come over the sea with Elendil. One young woman in Elendil's entourage became her close friend. Meneliel called her Nimmaeth. It was during these years that Meneliel's interest in, and affection for, the Secondborn was sparked. On the field of the final battle her father was slain, as was Nimmaeth. Meneliel herself was badly wounded. She and her mother settled in the haven of Imladris, where they were joined by her surviving kin. Not long after, a grieving Meneloth departed for Mithlond and sailed West, wishing only to join her husband. Meneliel put away her martial past and served as a handmaiden to the Lady Celebrian. When Celebrian was abducted, a guilt-ridden Meneliel again took up arms and pledged herself into the service of Lord Elrond as a guardian of his desmenses, as well as any who need protection.
Near the Close of the Third Age
As the Shadow began to encroach upon the Free Peoples once more, tales of heroism filtered into Imladris along with the travelers who stopped there. Knowing Meneliel's fondness for mortals, Lord Elrond sent her out to give what aid she could. There she met many valiant Men, Halflings and even Dwarves, and she lent her shield and sword where it was needed. Yet her duty always leads her to return to her lord's side, and she patrols his lands with the vigilance of her kind.
Friends and Enemies
- Rovaliel Idhren: her aunt, a lore-master of Imladris
- Nimroval Gwengliriel: her aunt, a minstrel of Mithlond
- Lasbelin Glawarion: her cousin, a young hunter of Lorien
- Melthanwen: an Elven warrior-maid of Imladris, a friend since their days in Gil-Galad's army
- Balariond Edheladan: a noble Man of Dol Amroth
- Turbarad: a valiant Man of Gondor
- Faythe Mirdan: a young warrior-maid of the Rohirrim
- Hithrome: a great Elven hunter of Elder Days, whose wisdom she respects
- Temacar Pierunner: a gallant Halfling of the Shire, whose merry nature makes her smile
- Celvir: a learned lore-master and a noble Elf of Aman
- Calliopeia: an Elven shield-maiden
Meneliel considers all minions of Shadow to be her enemies. She has an especial hatred of the yrch.
- Meneliel has several fine horses. Naurloth, the red mare who bore her through many battles, is now retired in Imladris. Naurloth's elder son, dapple grey Heledir, is now Meneliel's steed. At times she rides a pale grey horse she has named Alphion, a gift from a departed friend. She also owns a gentle bay palfrey named Tuilinn.
- 'Meneliel' is her 'father name.' Her so-called 'mother name' is Maethorwen. She is often called Naurthoniel, fire-kindler, for her skill at smithing. In fact she is reckoned a grandmaster of that craft. She is also a skilled weaver and seamstress.
- She is now associated with the company of Elves who have called themselves Aiya Earendil.
- Her home is in the Elven neighborhood Noldalad, 1 Twinfall Path.