This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Kelvana | |
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World: | Landroval |
Vocation: | Yeoman |
Class: | Lore-master |
Race: | Race of Man |
Region: | North Downs |
Age: | 22 |
Height: | 5'0" |
Sex: | Female |
Skin: | Pale |
Hair: | Light yellow |
Eye: | Blue-grey |
Physical Description:
The first thing you would notice, if you cared to pay attention to her, is how small Kelvana is. She stands barely taller than five feet, and she is painfully thin, as if she hasn't eaten in days (there is some truth to this- Kelvana frequently forgets to eat). She can pass unseen by many simply because no one cares to look at her; she is only unusual in how unnoticeable she is.
Her face is pale and pointed, framed by hair that is also pale, as if she were a faded painting. Indeed, some days it seems as if she will simply fade away for good. She has dull blue-grey eyes that are wide and nervous, and a number of scars across her face and arms.
Personality Description:
Kelvana is quiet but warm. She prefers to listen rather than talk, and she rarely speaks up for fear of saying something wrong or making a fool of herself- unless her job demands it. She likes to help people in any way she can, but much is beyond her abilities. She loves to hear peoples' life stories, and will listen for hours on end to the troubles and tribulations of other folks. When a customer of the Prancing Pony is alone, she will often attempt to find an excuse to ask them about themselves.
She adores reading, and she could spend hours pouring over old texts, finding excitement in places where others would only find boredom.
Kelvana was born in a small, spread out farming community in the North Downs. Her parents bestowed upon her the name Anna, and gave her the education necessary to thrive. At the age of sixteen, they married her off to a man of good standing, a wheat farmer, whom they knew could provide for her. A year later, her son was born.
When her son was three months old, the dwarves to the north traded a barrel of fine ale for a portion of their wheat. It was a strong, strange old brew. Her husband drank it greedily, and it addled his head, bringing out a hidden evil in him. Some nights he would be kind and gentle, and Anna would not be afraid, and she had hope that it would end. But some nights he became angry and dangerous, and Anna would seek refuge in their barn with the animals, to protect her son from the wrath of his father.
And then, one night, he caught her, and he punished her for running, her and the child. And when she came to, her baby was already gone.
She ran from him, and her life. She ran for days by herself, ceasing only when she could not make her legs work anymore. She was found unconscious on the road a mile from Bree and brought in by kind souls who gave her food, and work when she was recovered.
Five years later, Anna is no longer Anna. She calls herself Kelvana- a name that has earned her some stares- and she has taught herself to read and write. For five years she wandered the hills and woods of Bree-Land, taking odd jobs where she could find them, until a month ago when she managed to secure a job serving ale and sweeping floors in the Prancing Pony. Never has a person become so quickly attached to a job as Kelvana- it has become her life, something to look forward to and work hard at, and above all, to replace the shadows of her old life.
Kelvana will not talk about her past. As far as she is concerned, her life began in Bree. She is attempting to block out all memories of her life before Bree, denying to herself that they ever happened. Because of this, little things have been known to send her over the edge.
Likes and Dislikes
Kelvana is fond of light, mild things that take her mind off the problems of everyday life and do not require much thought. She doesn't drink alcohol, but loves a good cup of warm tea. She adores reading dusty tomes of quite boring tales, and she likes the sound of flutes and the harp, if it's lively.
She loves her job at the Prancing Pony, no matter the amount of dishes she needs to wash and the quarreling customers she needs to kick out. She likes to prod customers into telling her their life stories, with as little talking on her part as possible.
Kelvana doesn't like children. Every joyful shout and giggle disturbs her line of thought and reminds her of the child she lost. She also has a crippling fear of spiders.
She is not especially fond of animals, but animals are inexplicably fond of her.
Friends and Enemies
- N/A
- N/A
"The barmaid seems to have a number of problems, and not to fancy the idea of suitors." -Raenarcam
"She seems to have an air of despondency about her; her voice so monotone, as if nothing interests her. I wonder perhaps if serving people who treat her [in such a degrading manner] has drained her of joy?"
"I don't think it is that, I've heard her talking to customers, she has a very kind heart. The job at times weights heavy on her, customers getting hurt or acting mean to others upsets her." - Linasul and Brandonal