This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Melawil | |
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World: | Landroval |
Vocation: | Scholar |
Class: | Hunter |
Race: | Elf |
Region: | Lindon |
Age: | 72 |
Height: | 5ft. 8in. |
Sex: | Female |
Skin: | Fair |
Hair: | Dark Brown |
Eye: | Green |
Melawil is a young Elf from Mithlond. In appearance and manner she is a young tomboy, loving her life in the wild spaces of the world. She speaks Westron only haltingly, with a breathy Sindarin accent. She is fond of green, amber and red clothing. She always wears a brooch of waves in silver wire, symbol of Ulmo.
Melawil is a young elven maiden from Mithlond, born to a father (Cirnathron) who still dwells there as a sailmaker, and a mother (Eärlawen) who has since taken ship to the west. She spent an idle childhood split between the piers of Mithlond, sailing with her father in the Gulf of Lune, and walking the paths surrounding.
When Melawil came of age, her mother (who was often distant) wearied of middle earth, and sailed to the west. Her father, though he longs to go to her, has decided that he won't leave while his skills are needed (and while Melawil might need him). Though she understands why her mother had to leave, the act still left her sad, and lessened her love of the sea. She spent a couple of years moping around the docks, halfheartedly helping her father, until he (forcefully) suggested that a change of scenery would do her good. She agreed, and moved to Imladris. Along the way, she discovered she had an aptitude with a bow (perhaps from fishing) and applied herself to the art.
Life in Imladris proved to be just what she needed, and she quickly returned to her old cheerful self. Her first year was spent mostly in the libraries and feasting halls, after which she decided that Rivendell could use whatever small help she could provide, and lent her bow to the task of keeping the surrounding areas safe. Apprenticing with a hunter, she spent several years becoming proficient at archery and woodsmanship. She found that she relished the challenge of the task, and she volunteered to go to Ered Luin to help in the fight against Darkness there.
Her primary motivations right now are to perfect her skills, enjoy life, fight the enemy, and (especially) keep Mithlond safe. Her biggest fear is that the Enemy will overrun Mithlond, forcing her father to leave. She, herself, loves life in middle earth far too much to leave - she is still very young (for an elf).
She is at that wonderfully romantic stage of young womanhood where her affections are directed (platonically) solely at her father. While she has felt some stirrings of feeling toward other elves, she is not yet ready to marry and start a family of her own.
She loves music, though she plays only poorly. She cannot cook, though several months of poor camping fare has convinced her that she needs to learn. She does harbor some small prejudice towards the other races, though living among them is slowly convincing her that nobility may live within anyone.
Friends and Enemies
- N/A
- Tarnorili Oreshaper: Ever since the first time Tarnorili came in and took his boots off to dry next to the fire at the Prancing Pony Melawil's developed somewhat of an intolerance towards the dwarf. Not classical enemies so-to-speak, they simply get along in typically 'traditional' elf-dwarf fashion.
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