As of Update 10, the "Titles" section of the Character panel has the following subsections when condensed.
Collapsed Title Panel
The sort order selection (Alphabetical or Newest First) controls the order WITHIN each of the xxx sections of titles:
Slayer Deed
Slayer Deed - Ancient Evil
Slayer Deed - Beast
Slayer Deed - Corrupted Nature
Slayer Deed - Dragon-kind
Slayer Deed - Evil Peoples
Slayer Deed - Orc-kind
Slayer Deed - Spiders and Insects
Slayer Deed - The Dead
Slayer Deed - Troll-kind
This particular character, while lvl 85 has never been to the Moors, and does little Skimishing or Raiding, so there may be other Title categories for those 3 areas.
By comparison, the WIKI has Categories which, in many cases, barely relate to that structure. Which makes mapping from one to the other difficult.
I think the top level Category:Deeds should start out with the above sub classifications, and then expand from there.
Currently it has:
Class Deeds
Deeds No Longer Available
Epic Deeds
Event Deeds
Hidden Deeds
Hobby Deeds
Instance Deeds
Meta Deeds
Racial Deeds -- a subgroup for each race, assumes a deed is available to one race only.
Regional Deed Types
Regional Deeds -- There is (should be) one sub heading for each region. 20 sub categories .. have to count the current number of regions.