User:Kyren/Kyren Dahkar
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Kyren, being of southern descent, has skin that has become paler over the generations, but which still resembles his heritage. His pale, green/gray eyes are like those of a wolf, seemingly piercing through his enemies, and staving off those who would attempt to inflict harm upon him. Like all men within his clan, Kyren's hair is forced back with a strange tar-like substance, made from tree sap. This is done both to keep his hair from blocking his vision and to create a more fearsome facade for his enemies.
Personality Description: Despite his turbulent past and seemingly aggressive appearance, Kyren is a kind and thoughtful person. Due to his ancestry, he is wise and deep-thinking, believing in the spiritual side of all things. No woman has claimed this man's heart so far; his duty to his people and to his heritage have occupied his attention over the years.
Kyren Dahkar belongs to a small clan from the south, and though they are not of Arnorian blood, their tradition and culture is rich indeed. Long ago, Kyren's ancestors were forced north, out of Harondor, by who are now the Men of Harad and Umbar. Some form of internal struggle had taken place, and Kyren's people were turned upon by their former kinsmen. Nigh on eight hundred men, women and children fled to the north, seeking a safe haven to begin anew.
Some years passed, and this outcast band of southerners were soon settled peacefully in the wilderness of Gondor, free to hunt, fish and run with the horses. But Gondor was in turmoil, and soon a long line of Stewards ruled in stead of a king of royal blood. During the reign of Beren in 2743, Gondor suffered sustained attacks from Umbar in the south. Being of southern descent, Kyren's people were viewed as threats from Umbar, and Gondor's armies began assaulting the nomad clan, scattering them and exterminating most of their population.
The year 3015, and the last remaining group of survivors from the purging of 2743 are quietly settled in the craggs of the White Mountains. They number close to only eighty in all, but they are strong, and have sustained for many years, taking from the land only what they need. Kyren is the oldest son of this clan's leader. His dislike of Gondor runs deep, but as his people are taught, they must break free of such thoughts and learn to forgive over time.
In the year 3017, Kyren's father calls for his people to be split into five groups, families remaining together. Gondor is under threat from Mordor, and if his people are discovered once more (by Mordor to clarify), the result would be certain death. To remain in Gondor were Kyren's father and four of his most trusted friends, to keep their settlement in order for when their people reunite. Kyren, with the final fifth group, are sent to Eriador, in the west. However, the road into the west is dangerous, and instead of the promised safety, many perished, and only the most resilient survived the journey. Disillusioned with Kyren's leadership, what few were left headed back to Gondor, in the hope that they might rejoin their chieftain.
Kyren is alone, far in the west, forced to wait until peace is returned to the world before he can return home.
- Kyren's allegience to Gondor is to the land, its people, its honourable knights and men of courage. Being a man from a clan of born fighters, Kyren greatly respects those who can take up a weapon, but use it responsibly, for the good of their people.
- Umbar and Harad may be enemies, betrayers in the eyes of Kyren's clan, but they do share a common ancestry. Kyren's involvement with these two nations ends there, and continues no further.
Friends and Enemies
- His people, and those who would show kindness and honour.
- The southern Men of Umbar and Harad.
- None.