This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Yyz | |
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Heralds of Light | |
World: | Nimrodel |
Vocation: | Tinker |
Class: | Hunter |
Race: | Hobbit |
Region: | Stoor |
Age: | 45 |
Height: | 3'4" |
Sex: | Female |
Skin: | Fair |
Hair: | Black |
Physical Description: Vertically challenged, maybe but Yyz's stature is perfectly suited for drawing the bow-strings; all those years pulling pints perhaps?
Personality Description: Named Yzabelle by her grandparents, Yyz soon left their tiny hobbt-hole for a life of glamour and excitement in Frogmorton. Always a popular serving wench with the locals, Yyz single-handedly doubled the consumption of the local favourite 'Fly-Swatter Ale' with her hilarious tales of how the brew was made by the extraction of frog saliva.
For as long as she could remember Yyz had been a barmaid at the Floating Log in Frogmorton. She loved her job there but a chance conversation with a visiting tall person one evening convinced her to set out for the wealth and fame a bar tender could earn in the big city of Bree. Her journey there was pleasant enough, stopping in to see old friends in Stock and a fortunate ride in the back of a haycart from Buckland took her to the doors of the Prancing Pony. Here, however, her luck began to change. The rude and uncouth landlord of the Prancing Pony thought her talents might be better suited to working in his bedrooms rather than behind the bar. Frightened, alone and practically penniless, Yyz reluctantly agreed. It wasn't until her first 'Guest' appeared that she realised with horror what exactly her new job entailed. As the gap toothed ogre of a man forced himself upon her she grabbed the dagger from his belt that lay beside the bed and brought it with all the force she could muster into his neck. She quickly grabbed her belongings and the dead man's purse and sneaked out the back of the inn, the cruel laughs of the drunken patrons oblivious to her ordeal would ring in her ears forever. Yyz's luck did not inprove, however. No sooner had she ran from the west gate of Bree than she was set upon by a trio of ruffians who beat her cruely, robbed her and left her for dead in a ditch. Some days later she awoke in a strange old house with a tiny old tall person and a huge ranger looking over her, she was later to discover these were no less than the legendary Tom Bombadil, the recluse of the old forest and Saeradan, ranger of Breeland. It transpired that Saeradan had found her badly beaten body and brought it to his old friend Tom's house. She spent many happy weeks in the area around Tom's house where Tom & his beautiful wife, Goldberry, nursed her back to wellness. It was at Goldberry's suggestion she began practicing with one of Tom's old hunting bows. When she was fully recovered Tom gave her the bow and Goldberry a kiss, the touch of which seemed to empower her with hope. Inspired Yyz set out back to Bree to find her assailants, however her journey did not end there...
Friends and Enemies
- Tom Bombadil
- Saeradan
- Goldberry
- Adorna
- Emmadael
- Bude
- Merryn
- Barliman Butterbur
- Brigands & Ruffians
- The lay people of Breetown