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Hearts of fire
World: Vilya
Vocation: Yeoman
Class: Lore-master
Race: Elf
Region: Mirkwood
Age: 452
Height: 5'11"
Sex: male
Skin: light
Hair: blonde
Eye: blue


Physical Description: Seraniel is an elf of middling height, he is not physically imposing but is very dextras. His arms are not very thick or muscular but he can swing his staff with a lot of force for a thin elf.

Personality Description: A caring type Seraniel does not have any hatred or anger in his heart or mind. He looks for the best in people and when people do not have any good in themselves he does not hate them, he merely pitys them for being so closed minded. An incredibly smart and versatile fellow, Seraniel has the ability to adapt to new environments very quickly. Seraniel loves animals and does his best to protect the nice animals.


No-one knows who Seraniel's birth parents are, because one day a nice family living in Mirkwood returned to their home to discover a baby on the doorstep. There was a note attached to the baby that read: "this baby is an heir of the prince line of elves. Treat him well and he could save middle earth." the family took the baby in and raised him as their own. Throughout his life Seraniel had a connection to nature and an adeptness for learning. His adoptive parents noticed this and sent him to Rivendell to train to become a Loremaster. Seraniel spent hundreds of years studying to become the top of his profession, and finally he returned home to visit his adoptive parents with the news of his success. When he got there the whole village was in shambles, it looked as if an orcish army had swept through slaughtering everyone there. Instead of feeling anger and grief like most others would, Seraniel decided to honor his parents memories and the memories of the village by returning to Rivendell and fitting against the forces of Angmar. When he got back Rivendell was in shambles. Someone had attacked and Seraniel knew he had to defend it.

Friends and Enemies


  • A relatively new adventurer, Seraniel does not have good friends yet, but he does care for the others in his kinship


  • Seraniel is without enemies. He only feels pity for those who turn their backs on the good.


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