This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Kelidal | |
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The Union of the Black Forge | |
World: | Gladden |
Vocation: | Explorer |
Class: | Lore-master |
Race: | Elf |
Region: | |
Age: | 623 |
Height: | 5' 11" |
Sex: | Female |
Skin: | |
Hair: | Blonde |
Eye: | Gray |
Physical Description:
Kelidal has blonde hair and gray eyes. When she battled with her husband against the orcs and goblins, she got a scar that stretched from her left back side down to her right waist that she always tries to hide.
Personality Description:
Kelidal is kind and generous, and is easy to become friends with her. Ever since she was little, she had always had a love of nature, and she still continues to train her skills in nature and ancient magic. Although she is easy to become friends with, she had always been withdrawn about her past because of the evil in the world and the deeds done against her. Certain things in her life and certain events she will discuss with her closest of friends and her sister. Most of the time, she is upbeat and always willing to help, but often goes off on her own.
Kelidal was born in Lorien around 620 years ago. She was the elder daughter of Halin and Lessa of the noble house of Ealath. Ever since a young age, Kelidal was known to have a love of animals. She and her younger sister, Moriko, used to go out into the forest and play with them. Although her younger sister took to the art of archer and eventually begin to study to become a hunter, Kelidal knew she wanted to follow in her mother’s footsteps of lore mastery. At the age of 18, she went to Godolin with her family. She started studying lore mastery, but the war with the dourhands would break their family apart for hundreds of years.
When the Dourhands invaded, Kelidal’s parents told her to take care of her younger sister and to flee while they still had a chance. Kelidal and Moriko went south with the very few who made it out of the now falling city. Unfortunately, their parents were slain by the dourhands, and, to this day, Kelidal always holds a grudge.
They ended up in Celondim where they still continued to train their craft. Kelidal became an Explorer and made metal ingots, armor, leather, and whatever she could to help support her and her little sister. 20 years later, Moriko left in the middle of the night and didn’t tell her sister where she went. They had fought and the relationship between them had grown colder by the day. Moriko told her sister she wanted to leave the simple town, but Kelidal wanted them to stay put in fear of the war with the forces of evil. Kelidal felt responsible for her younger sister, so she went after her.
Every town she came to, she would always ask if they had seen a dark, short haired elf that studied hunting. They would answer back with deeds that Moriko had done for them, and how brave and skilled she was at her craft. Finally, after 300 years of searching and learning of the brave deeds done by her sister, she decided to let her go.
By this time, Kelidal had settled in Thorn’s Gate, a town near the ruins of Godolin. She frequently traveled around middle-earth and even found love with an elf called Lualdor of the house of Fyron. Lualdor was a wondering hunter, like Kelidal’s father and sister. They were married for 150 years before they had their first born. It was a daughter which Lualdor called Yuki. Finally, Kelidal had happiness back in her life after so long of sadness.
Unfortunately, Kelidal’s happiness didn’t last long. Soon after Yuki turned 10, they were attacked on the road by a band of goblins and Orcs. Lualdor fought off the attacking raid with Kelidal’s companion Kit the Snow Lynx. He told her to take their young daughter and run just like her parents did so long ago. Heartbroken, Kelidal told her to run as fast as he can to the nearby village of Bree and find her friend Arail. She did, and Kelidal and Lualdor tried to fight. When it was all over, Kelidal and Lualdor were badly injured. With his final words, Lualdor told Kelidal his love for her and asked her to find Yuki and take care of her. She promised she would and pleaded for him not to die, but it was too late. A passerby found her and tried to comfort her. He loaded Lualdor on the back of his cart, and they headed for Bree.
There she looked for her Daughter around the gate she would have come in. The townspeople told her that she came in and had asked for someone, but no one knew where they were. One person said that someone knew, and he took her on his horse north to the Northern Downs. Scared and not knowing what to do next, she searched for Arail. Shortly after beginning she found her in the Prancing Pony enjoying a drink with her friends. Arail told her that she never saw her daughter, but she would help her search. Arail told Kelidal to give her husband a proper eleven burial while she started out for the Northern Downs, and that she could catch up when they were done. Saddened Kelidal agreed, and Arail took off. After Kelidal said her goodbyes to her love and promised that she would find and return with Yuki, she set off in search for her and Arial.
Kelidal wound up in Estildin where she heard the news that Arail had been attacked by Orc bandits in Kingsfell. She quickly ran to her friend where she learned of the horrifying news. Arial told her that the man who took Yuki had sold him to the Ors as a slave. Kelidal knew her friend was badly wounded, and was saddened she didn’t learn more of her skills. She thanked Arail for helping her find her daughter, and that she would get her back if it was the last thing she ever did. That night, Arail died from her wounds and the grudge against the evil allied forces grew larger and larger. Arail was Kelidal’s best friend, and they had no right to take her.
Kelidal went to the camp where Arail said the Orcs were, and she killed them all but one. Enraged, she tortured him to tell her where her beloved daughter was, but he said they sold her off to some passerby, and they didn’t know where they were headed. She killed him, and again continued her search for her daughter.
A few months later she found herself in Treslebridge. She had been feeling ill the past few months and really couldn’t get around. She stayed at the Inn there while she was getting better. After about a week, she went to see a healer. There she found out that she was with child again. After so much death, she promised herself to keep this child safe. Later that year she gave birth to a son and named him Liran. Only a few months after he was born, Kelidal saw the talent for healing and music. She knew then that Liran would become a minstrel healer.
Kelidal and Liran wound up in Bree about 50 years later where they meet a group of interesting people. They called themselves the Union of the Black Forge. There she befriended a woman named Mieralena which was able to ask the officers to invite them into the union. Glad to, they did, and they and the members of this group quickly became friends. She told them they was searching for her daughter, and they agreed to help her in them quest to find Yuki.
Liran eventually went off on his own, and unwillingly, Kelidal agreed to let him go. She knew she didn’t want her baby to leave, but he was a skilled minstrel and healer. She knew he could take care of himself. Fifty years later, Kelidal was traveling with Alonna for a while, and they ran into Bleandereth. They greeted each other as they always have, but this time Belandereth wanted to introduce Kelidal to her daughter, Belaswen. Kelidal gasped when she saw Belaswen’s face. It was her daughter, Yuki, and Kelidal couldn’t’ believe her eyes. She ran and gave her a big hug and started to cry. Belandereth told Kelidal of the story of how she became Yuki’s adopted mother. Kelidal told her that she had been searching for her daughter for so long, and that she wouldn’t take her from her new life with Belandereth. She just wanted to know that she was safe and happy. Yuki had become a hunter like her adopted mother, and Kelidal told her of her father, grandparents, aunt, and little brother.
20 years later, Kelidal walked into the Forsaken Inn in the Lonelands. At one of the tables she saw a familiar but distant face. It was Moriko. When the two people saw each other they ran to each other and gave hugs and laughed. Moriko and Kelidal sat down and had a meal for the first time in over 500 years. Moriko had become a skilled hunter, and she told of her husband and how she went around saving people. Kelidal told her sister about her husband’s death, her son’s unexpected birth, and how her Yuki had been taken from her when she was ten and the joyous reunion. Moriko even joined the Union with her sister. Now, Kelidal, Liran, and Moriko live together in Kelidal’s house in Thorn’s Gate. They travel separately trying to fight the evil in the world, but still keep in contact with each other, as well as Belaswen. Shortly after that, while she was at home, Kelidal heard a knock at the door. When she opened it there was a dwarf child about two years of age sitting on the step facing her. Looking around, she couldn’t see anyone, so she invited him in and gave him food and a place to sleep. There was a note asking Kelidal to take care of him because they could not. They named the boy Florly. Over the next few years, she tried to find his parents to return him, but she was unsuccessful. Eventually, she asked Florly if she could adopt him, and he told her that he wanted her to do it. So, Florly joined their happy family and continues to travel with Kelidal around Middle Earth.
Kelidal, who is finally happy again, still fights for revenge for her parents and husband alongside her sister, children, and friends, and finally, after 600 years of torment, things are going right. But how long will it last?
Friends and Enemies
- Moriko
- Liran
- Belaswen
- Florly
- The Members of the Union of the Black Forge
- Evil Dwarfs
- Orcs
- Trolls
- Goblins
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