This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description:
Avylyn is tall and slender, with unexpected strength and dexterity. She keeps her silky blond hair short and functional so as not to impede her sight on hunts through the forests and unexpected battles. Her eyes are the bright green of new leaves found in her home forests of Lorien. The smooth, pale perfection of her complexion is merely a gift of inheritance from her mother.
Personality Description:
At first glace Avylyn appears to project a unapproachable coolness. In fact, she is anything but... it is merely a shyness of new circumstances and people. When known as a friend to her, she is unexpectedly animated. At times stubborn but always willing to help out in another's time of need. She makes herself known to others easily but reserves her real friendship for those she comes to care for and there remain few among that number.
Avylyn's determination to help others has pushed her to attempt many tasks alone. She hates to leave anything undone and will patiently wait for the right moment to complete a quest given to her. Her work ethic is overly developed and keenly methodical, often to the detriment of her companions.
Avylyn was born in May, the year 931 of the Third Age, during the time of the Watchful Peace, in the forests of Lorien. Her early childhood was spent learning the glory of the forest beside her hunter father, Jieldorn. He taught her many useful things about hunting, fishing and tracking game along the trails of the forest. Rarely did they venture far from the borders of Lorien, for her father understood the perils that could befall a young elf and was cautious of her safety. Her mother, Karwen, was frail and chose to tend their home and children. Avylyn had a much older sister, Aishlyn, who was already wed at the time of her birth... some few years later her mother gave birth to a third daughter, Lieylyn.
Many peaceful years passed as Avylyn grew into adulthood. Then came the time when her parents made the decision to travel to the Grey Haven's and make the trip to the undying lands across the sea. Avylyn's older sister had just given birth to a daughter, Aishwen, and chose to follow her parents, along with her husband, across the sea. Lieylyn was still young and would not be parted from her parents. Avylyn was the only one troubled by this request. She voiced her desire to remain in Lorien but agreed to travel with her family to the Grey Havens. She would make her final decision upon their arrival at the port.
Avylyn's heart was torn between her love of family and her desire to explore these new lands. The journey to the Grey Havens made her decision at once harder and easier. Harder because she knew she did not want to leave her family, yet easier because the desire to travel and explore these new lands was burning brighter than ever within her soul. Upon their arrival Avylyn decided that she was not yet ready to take the journey to the undying lands, so she bid her family a bittersweet farewell and gave her promise that when she had satisfied her wanderlust she would join them again. She then began her journey throughout the lands of Eriador.
Six months from the time she bid her family farewell at the Havens, Avylyn found herself entering the embattled Refuge of Edhelion in northern Ered Luin. She offered her services to Talagan, the Master of the Refuge, and he accepted gratefully, sending her on a quest to defeat the goblins and dwarves that were attacking his people. After much bloodshed she was able to battle her way to the side of Elrond, husband of Celebrían, daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel. It was a victory without joy, for Talagan had sacrificed himself to seal away the Relics of Edhelion from the hands of the Dourhand dwarves, leaving Avylyn with a growing hatred of their kind.
The events of that day lay heavily upon Avylyn's heart and her lust for adventure seemed to be squelched. She found herself longing for the peace and serenity of Lorien. After a brief rest she began the long journey back to her home forests of Lorien. It would be many years before she would feel ready to face the outside world again. When that day finally came she found herself once again on the path to Edhelion, that once beautiful refuge of the elves in the Blue Mountains. Once there Avylyn finds herself drawn into an epic battle against an ancient evil that will decide the fate of these lands, and so begins the great adventures of Avylyn Sarrasri, Elven Huntress.
Friends and Enemies
- Cerudan
- Brenlac
- Walladon
- Those who choose to shatter the peace and lawfulness of Middle Earth, and any other jerks out there ;P