User:Jobysan/Jobeo/Jobeo Makkins
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Jobeo Makkins | |
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Brutal | |
World: | Eldar |
Vocation: | Woodsman |
Class: | Hunter |
Race: | Hobbit |
Region: | Hobbiton |
Age: | 24 |
Height: | 3ft 8 |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Dark |
Hair: | Short / Black |
Eye: | Green |
Physical Description: A Short dark skined Hobbit with high reflexes make Jobeo a true hunter. His tummy is slightly big from being a high member of the Tevern League but it doesn't stop him being able to Evade Arrows like a Pro!
Personality Description: The Cheeky Hobbit Jobeo. Growing up in the Harfoots Hunting Rabbits and Having a Keen eye for Movement made Jobeo want to Learn how to use his bow even more than ever. Having to learn how to Evade being spotted by the rabbits (and the landowners) made him realise a quick wit can with his opponant AND Charm the girls outside of battle!
As a Young Hobbit, Jobeo would watch his Farther go hunting for Elevenses, then Dinner, then Supper. As he got older, he taught Jobeo how to skin then hunt just like him. Soon they would take it in turns, and it wasn't long before Jobeo Crafted his own Bow with the skills from his Uncle, the local woodsman and he started catching bigger Rabbit's than his farther! In his late teens, Jobeo set up his own stand in Michel Delving selling Hides and creating basic clothes. This helped him start his own adventure into adult hood and he moved to Michel Delving to be around his work and Work Friends. It was not too soon either. After an accident with a Bear, his farther was killed in the woods hunting and His mother moved in with her Sister as neither herself or Jobeo could afford to keep the house. From then on Jobeo trained more and more in the Art of Hunting and set out to follow in his farthers footsteps. Travelling out of the Shire after becoming a Bounder and protector as the Goblins started approaching, Jobeo set out to find out more about these recuring incidents in the once peaceful shire. Along the West roadof Bree, he met more Hunter trainers and fought many battles within the Old Forest. During this time, he met up with a Champion of Bree named Phlanix, who Adopted him after realising both of their aims and tragic pasts. A Captain, named Tomas was in town at the prancing Pony that night and with his fellow friends, decided to create a Kinship under the name of "Brutel" with the talents of Jobeo and Phlanix, they became Officers of Brutel and together they have all set out to recruit more talents in the fight of Middle Earth.
Friends and Enemies
Phlanix = Adopted Farther Melweniel = Deceased Garhelm Grimace Thiron Burning Curvion Nasseborn Soulserpent
Bears Wargs Orcs
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