This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Jimi | |
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Mithril League | |
World: | Anor |
Vocation: | Armourer |
Class: | Guardian |
Race: | Dwarf |
Region: | Lonely Mountain |
Age: | 261 |
Height: | Four Feet |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Brownish |
Hair: | Snow-White |
Eye: | Brown |
Physical Description: Jimi has a preposterously large nose and striking white hair that has never known a comb.
Personality Description: Jimi is an amiable dwarf who enjoys a good adventure (especially when dragons are involved) and treasure (though he is not greedy). He dreams of one day learning to play the fiddle.
He is the founder of the MITHRIL LEAGUE, a family of adventurers who want to take on Middle-earth's greatest challenges while keeping things relaxed, fun, and stress-free.
Jimi is a very old dwarf (261 years old in fact!), but still sturdy. Born on the 11th of November, T.A. 2758, he was a lad barely twelve when the dragon Smaug came to his native Erebor. He was one of the few survivors and remembers that day vividly.
In spring of 2942, after the defeat of Smaug and the Battle of Five Armies, Jimi returned to his native Erebor. Along the way, however, the old dwarf caught the travel bug and has been adventuring around Middle-earth ever since!
Jimi spent much of his exile as a repair-dwarf in the Blue Mountains. You can always count on him to repair your equipment, even in the deepest and darkest of dungeons!
During the Iron Garrison's foray into Khazad-dûm in 3019, Jimi discovered the remains of a great axe inscribed with the runes SHADID HAFUR, which he believes means "witnessed the digging"--surely a reference to the digging of Moria itself! Making it his own, Jimi reforged the weapon and renamed it the "Mithril Seeker's Axe." He carries this ancient weapon with pride!
Jimi's favorite fellowship maneuver is RGYBRG, commonly known as "Thunder of the Oakenshield" in honor of Thorin II, King Under the Mountain. Actually, however, this particular fellowship maneuver was originally developed by Jimi's own Thornshield clan. Jimi's sword bears the ancient name of this famous fellowship maneuver.