This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Jebord Esio | |
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Protectors of the Sacred Pie | |
World: | Meneldor |
Vocation: | Historian |
Class: | Guardian |
Race: | Man |
Region: | Gondor |
Age: | 39 |
Height: | 180cm |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | White |
Hair: | Black |
Eye: | Blue |
Physical Description:
Jebord is tall, medium build and very masculine. Everything a Guardian should be. His long black hair is accompanied by a bushy goatee. On his right eye is a scar from which he got from fighting a goblin when he was young. He keeps fit by lifting his heavy shield and smashing goblins heads in, in the Mines of Moria.
Personality Description:
There is not much to say about his personality, as hes funny, smart and very adventurous. You will usually see him stare at something very odd or random, then say "Oh". After that, he always walks away without elaborating that "oh".
Jebord was born in the land of Gondor thirty-eight years before Frodo begun his journey to Mount Doom. However while his mother, Lauralie, was giving birth to him, brigands were besieging the village they were living in. Jekord, his father, was defending it. Immediately after Jebord was born, his father put him and Lauralie onto the last carriage out of the village. That was the last time Jekord was ever seen alive. The carriage took them not to Minas Tirith, but to The Shire for protection. Jebord and his mother begun a new life for themselves, and quickly became part of the hobbit community.
At age five, Jebord met an Elf that went by the name of Elivia. She and him became best of friends, they did everything together. But on one fateful day, when Jebord was ten, they had ventured to far out of The Shire and came across a goblin. The goblin didn't hesitate to attack them. Fortunately, Elivia was trained in the very ancient Elven magic, and tried to defend Jebord from the goblin with her spells. She wasn't powerful enough and the goblin came further towards them, sword out, ready to cut the two children down. Even though Elivia was two hundred years old, she was still young. Jebord stepped in front of Elivia just as the goblins sword came down, slashing above and below his right eye, leaving a slightly big, permanent scar. He fell to the ground, but miraculously, another Elf showed up. He shot the goblin in the eye with an arrow, and took Jebord and Elivia back to the Shire.
Friends and Enemies
- Almerius Monran
- Mizura Bunnykiller
- Elivia Organa
- Salorien Dawnheart
- Vikki
- Jaggiermeister
- Hawthorn
- Éowyn
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