This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Physical Description: Thorgam is a stocky character and normally you cannot tell due to the amounts of armour that he wears. He has dark red hair and even darker brown eyes. His face bears the marks of time as his old age gets to him.
Personality Description: Thorgam has two sides to his personality: pleasent and war-like. The former side comes forth whenever he is sharing ale with friends or kin, or whether he is talking/traveling with said people. The can probably take a stab in the shadows on that one.
Thorgam hails from the Iron Hills where Thorin III Stonehelm ruled as lord before he became King under the Mountain. His great-grandfather Drormur was part of the Longbeard clan that came to the hills in 2500 T.A. due to the attacks from the Cold-Drakes in the Grey Mountains. Drormur was a skilled ranger and served on Grór's guard during the creation of the settlement in the Iron Hills. Thorgam's grandfather and father both served on Náin's and King Dáin II's guard; his grandfather serving as a ranger and his father serving as a guardian, prefering to abandon the family tradition of using bow and arrow to solve problems. During Thorgam's early years, his father, Drunin, used to teach him his skills as a guardian, hoping someday that Thorgam would pick up sword and shield and defend the Iron Hills for the Lord, whoever that might be.
A few months ago, both Drunin and Thorgam were wandering the halls of Erebor together. They were in Erebor due to the fact that King Dáin II was conversing (behind closed doors) with the king of Dale, Brand II, about the growing threat in the North and how they will counter-attack any movement made against them. It just so happened that Thorgam and Drunin overheard the conversation taking place and their curiosity took hold of them and they listened intently. After a while they had heard enough and just as they were about to leave and presume their patrol, the massive doors swung open! Out of the doors came King Dáin II and a few of his bodyguards. He saw both Thorgam and Drunin frozen in their places. The King looked at them slowly and then motioned over to one of his guards who in turn leaned over so he could here the king whisper into his ear. The guard nodded slowly when King Dáin II was finished and he motioned for one more of the guards to join him. One of the men removed the weapons from Drunin and escorted him down the hall towards the prison while the other led Thorgam down the other direction.
The next thing Thorgam knew, he was in in a dimly lit room alone with King Dáin II and King Brand II. The Dwarf King offered him food and for the next hour the three of them talked about Drunin's past and how he was suspected to be a spy for Sauron and the Witch-King. Thorgam didn't believe a word he was told so after his meeting he rushed to the prison and spoke with his father. A few hours later Thorgam was seen running out of the Iron Hills with nothing but his armor, a shield and his weapons.
Currently, Thorgam is seeking to gain King Thorin III Stonehelm's favor so he can persuade him to pardon his father for the crimes he has done. In order to gain his favor however, Thorgam must travel the land and prove himself a dwarf worthy enough to even ask the king to do something for him...
Friends and Enemies
- N/A
- Any and all Dourhands, the whole lot of them are curs!
- The forces of the East beyond the Black Gate and the forces of the North in Angmar.
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